Messages between BubbaSan and icguy34

By BubbaSan on Jul 31, 2022 at 10:59 AM

Hi, No AC here, and of course the older we get the more difficult it is for our bodies to adapt to temperature extremes, so that last heat wave really did me in. I was a lot younger in FL, plus we lived on the coast so there was always a sea breeze, and we spent a lot of time at sea on our sailboat too. ... That's so interesting about your shade tree! - When I moved here there was a row of giant cottonwood trees shading the south side, then they cut the oldest one, that shaded my apartment, down - made a HUGE difference! My living and bed rooms face southwest, but thank goodness the kitchen and bath have small windows on the northeast, so cross breezes can happen - except on the stiflingly hot days... If we get another unusual heat wave I'll drive north to my favourite forest river and stay there till the heat abates. Haven't been camping in donkey's years so it might be fun (as long as the moose and bears stay out of camp!) What part of Wisconsin are you in? I hear the north is similar to old New England with small towns and farms? *hugs*

By icguy34 on Jul 26, 2022 at 4:57 PM

That's a great description for a house: it's designed to hold the heat in. That fits my apartment building too. There is just no circulation of the air. Your idea to put fans in the windows to blow the air in is a really good one. A neighbor of mine does the same thing. She also has a large floor fan that she uses to move the air down the hallway from one room to another. My sister gave me the idea to use the overhead fan in a counterclockwise fashion to move the air downward, and that does help quite a bit, and I've been doing that for the last 2 years. Using the fans in the windows overnight is an excellent idea that you have, but when the temperature and humidity remain rather high overnight, then that doesn't work so well. Do you have an air conditioner that you can use to help cool off? Going to Walmart as a last resort to enjoy some cool temps is a good idea too, though I suspect it gets tiresome to be in Walmart for too long a time. We have some cooling centers in the city, and the closest to me is a library, where a person can maybe enjoy reading a book or a magazine while getting cooled down.__ Like you, we in Wisconsin also can get some very tough winters with freezing temps and snow and shortened number of hours of daylight, which causes SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which a lot of people have to some degree. __ Well, yesterday the heat and humidity finally moderated, and things are fine for a while. I'm happy to hear that you are getting some relief from the weather.__ If you lived in Florida previously, didn't you also have to put up with the warm and humid temps -- and also the insects?! __ By the way, my apartment faces west, so in the afternoon I get the sun beating down directly on my apartment, which really tends to raise the temperature. I wish that my apartment faced in a different direction, but moving is expensive and an ordeal. When I first moved into the apartment, there was a beautiful big tree that protected my apartment from the afternoon sun, and also gave me a lot of privacy. Unfortunately, several years ago, the tree had to be cut down because of beetle infestation. That really changed my situation for the worse. Another tree was planted as a replacement, but it's still not tall enough to help. Maybe in a couple years the tree will be able to help with the sun and privacy.__ Oh well I guess a lot of peeps have to deal with weather problems. And I look forward to the cooler Autumn days. Take care..

By BubbaSan on Jul 25, 2022 at 5:44 AM

Hi! I'm in northern New England now, and the houses are designed to hold the heat in (not like my old Florida home that was built before air conditioning was common and did a good job of keeping the air flowing up and out, I miss those ceiling fans!) --- The hot spell here really got to me, but thankfully today brought showers and temps are supposed to stay in the eighties *whew!* Thought I was going to have to make the trek to WalMart and move in for the duration - the heat and humidity was suffocating! I put fans in windows in every room and left them running overnight to blow the cooler air in, then shut the windows and drew the drapes during the day to trap the cooler air in - it helped a lot - till the last two days, then the heat was just awful. --- We are generally lucky weather-wise compared to the rest of the country though, so can't really complain, our big weather dramas usually involve lots of snow! --- Glad to hear you are fairing well, let's hope we all have cooler days ahead! Hugz!

By icguy34 on Jul 23, 2022 at 4:27 PM

Hi BubbaSan.. I hope you're doing well in this heat we've had this last week or so. My sister is in Texas near Dallas, and she has been getting temps every day at 100 degrees or more and up to 109. But at least she doesn't have the humidity. I'm in Wisconsin and have had temps at around 90 degrees for the last 6 days, but we also have higher humidity too. What helps are a couple of small fans I have: one close the the chair I watch TV from, and the second one close to the computer. They really help to get some relief from the warm and humid conditions. I also have an overhead fan in the dining room that helps circulate the air. I do have an air conditioner, but try not to use it, because it's not all that effective and it's too loud. At least the heat spell for where I live should go through Monday, and then moderate. I hope that you are finding ways to deal with the heat too. Take care.

By BubbaSan on Jul 2, 2022 at 4:36 PM

Ohai! Thanks for the info about titles. I had no idea it was possible to choose where to save lols! (Still don't know how to, will have to ponder on it) Hugz!

By icguy34 on Jun 30, 2022 at 10:49 AM

Hi, BubbaSan.. I saw yur message to MrMutt about a LOL title that was changed by ICHC. They will tend to do that for a LOL they select for inclusion on the LOLcats FP or some other FP. To avoid that, when I make a LOL I save it to:FAIL Blog rather than to I can has cheezburger? OR LOLcats. I also make sure to NOT check the box for: "Include my LOL in voting to be featured on the homepage." This gives you a very good chance that your Title will not be changed, but then you also won't have your LOL placed on the FP. Several years ago I started saving ALL my LOLs for KKPS in this way to avoid the ICHC staff from changing the titles, which are always important for KKPS LOLs. I hope that helps if there's a LOL that you don't want to have the title changed. Also, if I do allow ICHC to change a title and they make a really bad choice in doing so, I will re-do that LOL and save it to FAIL Blog, and delete the original LOL.

By BubbaSan on Jun 30, 2022 at 9:18 AM

Fanks! Yoo is berry kind! Ai hassa blush!

By icguy34 on Jun 29, 2022 at 5:17 PM

Hi there, BubbaSan. I saw the LOL yu made a short time ago, where Jasper the kittie saved hiz hoomin from eating too many kalories. What a wunderful kitty! That LOL shood for shure get a LOLcats FP.. I giv it mai vote.

By icguy34 on May 30, 2022 at 12:00 PM

Isn't dat teh greatest invention?! Teh Acme Vet Detterrent Device. I got som wunnerful news for yu and yur sweet kitties. Yu can purrchase teh Vet Deterrnt Device by sending 10 munnies to Krafty Katt who iz currently at Kamp Kuppykakes for teh Summer. Krafty iz the owner of the Acme company! He ackwired dat in a clever stock transacktshons during teh last semesters of Kuppykakes Prep skool. An' wiff teh help of hiz buddy an' partner Snookers, dey devekopped teh now famous Acme Vet Detterent Device! Arn't teh kkPS Skolars so clever! I hope yu get bak yur car keys reel soon.

By BubbaSan on May 30, 2022 at 10:31 AM

Oh! I has been told we MUST have the new Vet Deterernt Device! Where can we send our munnies? (Please hurry, Milo adn Otis have hidden my car keys!)

By icguy34 on May 14, 2022 at 4:45 PM

A big Congrats to you! I just saw that your LOL "Chopsticks kitha" just gotted a FP in Cats N' Kittens.. Yay! Dat's a good one!

By BubbaSan on May 14, 2022 at 12:29 PM

Ohai. I was wondering if dizzheart was a veteran of the movie industry too, some of those pictures look like they were taken on working movie lots. --- Nice to hear from you, hugz n bonks!

By icguy34 on May 14, 2022 at 8:28 AM

I saw some of the LOLs yu faved today that were reeelly interesting from 2 different LOLsters. dizzheart had some of those LOLs with movie creatures in them, like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and an alien from the old The Outer Limits. I wonder if dizzheart is in the movie industry or is just a fan. dizzheart has no friends, though I did request that.__ And secondly are the sweet hand drawn kittie image LOLs from lindacser like the one with all those kitties at the family table eating their meal. lindacser also has no cheezefriends, but I also requested a friendship with her.__ Bot have been around for quite a while, since 2012 and 2010, and they both certainly make some excellent LOLs.

By icguy34 on May 3, 2022 at 8:52 AM

Hi BubbaSan.. I saw that you faved some Tail Bandit LOLs this morning from a few years back. The Tail Bandit LOLs were one of my favorite stories/features on cheezburger. There were some many really funny and clever LOLs for the Tail Bandit. It was great fun. I don't remember if the Tail Bandit was actually ever identified or captured/arrested. So I guess that the guy is still around and may resurface!

By icguy34 on Apr 23, 2022 at 3:48 PM

Yay! Yu now hav teh understanding for doze Captions we all want to see. But appairrentlt teh ICHC tech guys still do nawt have that understanding. I think dat ICHC shood hire better teck peeples. That wood be a grate improvement! aifinkso__ I reelly like teh LOLs yu were Faving today. I saw some from VioletD and TrippingKitty. Those wer reelly eggsellent! Very clever wiff teh most wunnerful fonts an' colors dat ar NAWT in teh Advanced Bilder. ( I wish dat I cood make such nise LOLs. Maybe wiff pracktise I'll get better.) __ Oh my! Yu gotted som snow! We had snows a few days ago, but today iz in teh 70s an' sunny. But it's supposed to get cooler after dat, bak to teh 50s an' even 40s. But overall teh temps ar hedding in teh rite direcktshons. so fings ar looking up!

By BubbaSan on Apr 19, 2022 at 3:52 PM

Ohhh - I finally understand! Thanks! (sure is a roundabout way to achieve something that used to be so easy) Easter was a beautiful sunny day, now back to snowy weather! Even so, seeing hints of spring, the robins and red winged blackbirds have arrived, even put a hummingbird feeder out - just in case... Hugz!

By icguy34 on Apr 18, 2022 at 9:44 AM

I agree that it's important to "list all captions" for an image that we like. Even if you don't want to fave a LOL maybe you could create an ICHC site that you use just for those kind of LOLs. Then "fave" it to that ICHC site and after that you could find the LOL in that site and move your cursor over the corner to locate "See All Caption".Maybe you could call the site See All Captions or Other. At least it would give you access to all the captions that were made from an image that you like. ICHC should have that "See All Captions" option on all their LOLs, but for some reason it was removed. Perhaps it was a mistake on their part. It certainly removes a helpful feature that we have always had. __ I hope you had a good Easter wiff some tasty foods.

By BubbaSan on Apr 4, 2022 at 6:17 AM

That's a good tip for "finding all captions" on lolz we've faved, but we still need a way to find all the other captions when we see a lol we don't want to fave, but has a picture that gives us an idea for a different lol - in the old days we could click on the "see all captions" button (that was on every lol on the dashboard) to check if anyone else had already had the idea you just thought of - sometimes you'd discover that LOTS of peeps had already had that idea and made lolz! Thanks and Hugz!

By BubbaSan on Apr 4, 2022 at 6:09 AM

OHai, Thanks for the info! I already have Motide as a friend - didn't realise s/he is the "new benhuh". I notice that you're not on his/her friends list - you have such good ideas and communicate them so articulately - you should friend him/her yourself! I couldn't convey our wishes and problems with the "new" ICHC nearly as well as you would... I do notice the the new parent company has an extensive media empire, so it seems Cheezland is a tiny fringe element of their world - no wonder it's difficult to get them to pay attention to us!

By icguy34 on Apr 3, 2022 at 6:59 PM

Hi there, BubbaSan.. I have some good news. I just accidentally discovered a way to "See All Captions" for a LOL. If you make a site and add a LOL to that site, then you can see the "See All Captions" feature in the upper right hand corner of the LOL when you move the cursor over that corner. I saw that you have a Commentary and Observations site. Take a look there. I have a site called FavedLOLs where I put all LOLs that I fave. You could create a site for those LOLs you want to See All Captions. You could call you new site "See All Captions". As another suggestion, before I made my discovery, perhaps you can add Motide as a cheezefriend. He/She is the editor in chief for You could then make suggestions to Motide for improvement in the website or to report currect problems. I see other cheezefriends do that. Just take a look at his/her dashboard. One thing you might suggest is to get Speech Balloons and Thought Balloons for the LOLs, or added fonts and colors to choose from. Also a Breaking News type LOL similar to Pet Passports would be very easy to do. Another very useful feature would be to permit at least 2 images in a LOL. We used to have the ability to have up to 5 images. Maybe you can be successful with the tech people where others have not. Take care.

By BubbaSan on Mar 29, 2022 at 11:21 AM

Thank you! Your encouragement is greatly appreciated! -- Our FP's have changed since I was here before - our little "biographies" have disappeared too. - We can't see how many favs our lolz get anymore, or who is liking them. - I still miss having the "see all captions" feature on every lol the most. - Guess change is inevitable in everything! Hugz

By icguy34 on Mar 29, 2022 at 7:44 AM

I believe, though I may be wrong, that some time ago the FP LOLs showed up on the dashboard of the person getting the FP. But now the FPs show up on the dashboards of the purrson's cheezefriends. I would like to see the FPs that I get show up on y dashyboard. I think that would be fun and reassuring. Now that you have the storytelling LOLs well in paw fro FPs, just a tiny bit of practice on the one-liners will also soon get you FPs for them also! I'm sure that would work out for you. Yes, indeed.

By BubbaSan on Mar 28, 2022 at 5:37 AM

Oh my gosh, Thank you! *blushing* - I hadn't realised that it had made it. - I do like to make storytelling lolz, not so adept at the one-liner ones.

By icguy34 on Mar 27, 2022 at 12:35 PM

A very big LOLcats FP Congrats for "Oh no! Mom got home early! Think fast Bosco!" Yay! I told you before that your LOLs were excellent. This proves it!

By BubbaSan on Mar 19, 2022 at 1:03 AM

Thank you!

By icguy34 on Mar 18, 2022 at 3:38 PM

You certainly deserved all those faves. You make really excellent LOLs. I like them a lot. And now I see you have Bosco in some hot water with a girlie friend! Oh my! Since those are KKP LOLs, remember to give them to 1TeamKSO who will be most appreciative. aifinkso

By BubbaSan on Mar 18, 2022 at 2:48 PM

ummmm ... I might possibly have just made that relationship up... was trying for a good Irish name when making that lol, wasn't thinking about Sister M.C. till after I posted it - then I was so proud it got faves I left it up (I hardly ever get favourited - it's a rare treat when it happens)

By icguy34 on Mar 18, 2022 at 12:35 PM

Oh, I didn't even know dat. I was familiar wiff Sister Mary Catrine, but not so much wiff Little Mary Catrine. Thanks for the genealogical lesson.

By BubbaSan on Mar 18, 2022 at 12:26 PM

Thanks! It's such an adorable picture, it virtually wrote itself! (Little Mary Catrine is Sister Mary Catrine's niece aifinkso)

By icguy34 on Mar 18, 2022 at 11:38 AM

I just saw yur new LOL "I Can Has Shamrock?" That's a truly wunderful LOL.. and a KKPS one at that. I reelly like the image of that super cute kittie. And to think I didn't at first recogize her as Mary Catrine. But now I know thanks to you. Yay! for all that.