MalamuteMom's Favorites

You're going into the kitchen, anyway.

The Best Thing About Fall Is This Cozy Photoshoot With Cats Wearing Scarves

Mom, please help me! I'm not doin' my mime impression this time

a wild superhero appears!

The Supremes - 1966 - You Can't Hurry Love

No one ever really dies as long as they took the time to leave us with fond memories. --Chris Sorensen Thank you for all the memories Sylvia. *headbonks and *hugs*

I'll say Good Night now, Sylvia my friend, but not Goodbye and see you in my dreams.

Happy Dogs

Dogs are geniuses

IT'S NOT FAIR! I get blamed for everything I do.

Saturday night fever feline edition.

The baby's teddy?

N a big thank u to Bryan, fur sharing Sylvia wif us awl dese years. We iz keepin u in r thots n purrayerz

For our frend, sylviag

Dear Bryan Family and Friends

Sylvia: farewell, my friend (Bryan's Facebook post Thursday 111 August 2016)

Sylviag, thanks for sharing yourself with us!

Goodbye, Sylvia thanks for all the good times and memories I'll always remember you and I know you're happily cuddling kitties in the meadow

For Sylviag: When one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spott

I'm sad

Bastet awaits to lead Sylvia across the Rainbow Bridge

Syl lived in beauty, with love. She was a great teacher. I am so glad she was my friend.

I've never wanted to believe in the Rainbow Bridge as I do now.

My friend Sylvia is on to a new adventure. Rest easy, dear.

Still No More Monies!

How to Get Comfy

Babysitting is Hard


Glub, glub!

An Inside Look into the Mind of Your Pet