The latest from Skwerli

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Skwerli Skwerli and ToutaMatsuda are now Cheezburger friends
Skwerli Skwerli left a message for xamitlu

Xami! I've been using plants as a meditation aid! Why didn't you tell me this could happen?

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

It would improve a lot of people. Some of which should go ahead and overdose just in case.

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

Lorazapam is wonderful. It's the most wonderful stuff ever. Everyone should have some.

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

Just have to control the amount of cortisol in my blood. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and I produ ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

Lmao, just found out my anxiety is so bad it caused an auto immune disorder. I became allergic to my ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

I'm glad I was visiting him and not an anti-gun pacifist. Not that they're bad, but this dude needed ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

I remember that. It was awesome. So I got followed yesterday from a gas station in a town called St. ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

MOOSEN! There are many much moosen in the woods. In the woodes. In the woodenesen. https://www.youtu ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

Come to Missouri, bring $20 american, and validate my friend's weirdness with your own weirdness. Sh ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

Yesterday was pretty good. My CFS was catching up to me, so my friend massaged me. I feel much bette ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

He's out of town until late tonight. Went with our boss to Illinoise. I need to use his back as a st ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

I have to sit in the same room with them. Every time I go to play music or something, they want to s ... [more]

Skwerli Skwerli left a message for Tineid

I have a case of the feels today. I'm working with my two least favourite coworkers. What do?


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12 of 743 messages
By ToutaMatsuda on Jul 18, 2017 at 4:45 AM
“hello my new cheez friend im very delighted to meet you ma'am how are you t... [more]

By DESTRUCTIONATOR on Dec 25, 2016 at 6:55 PM
“How's things? Still around?”

By xamitlu on Oct 25, 2016 at 7:30 AM
“Skwerli you can use plants as a meditation aid. I am very early with this i... [more]

By Tineid on Oct 23, 2016 at 4:11 PM
“I feel like I should object to that second part on principle. But eh...”

By Tineid on Oct 23, 2016 at 8:38 AM
“Maybe not everyone =P”

By Tineid on Oct 23, 2016 at 7:46 AM
“Geez. Obviously I wish you luck in destressing a bit.”

By Tineid on Oct 22, 2016 at 1:58 PM
“Never heard that one before. Is this something that can be treated?”

By Tineid on Oct 17, 2016 at 11:03 AM
“I was about to say if your bro was unarmed, you could have called the cops ... [more]

By Tineid on Oct 17, 2016 at 10:09 AM
“Wow, can't really call it a coincidence if he followed you all the way to t... [more]

By Tineid on Oct 16, 2016 at 5:07 PM
“Yeah, a while back I featured someone's animation with Scootaloo playing th... [more]

By Tineid on Oct 16, 2016 at 9:11 AM
“Sounds like a fine friend to have. Perhaps I can find a moosen of a similar... [more]

By Tineid on Oct 16, 2016 at 7:46 AM
“Lucky. I wish people would massage me when I needed it.”