Messages between .OrNj_ and bjl572000

By .OrNj_ on Oct 9, 2011 at 6:10 AM

I'm so sorry but I only just checked my messages today (10/9/11)! Thank you for your generosity-I am extremely grateful, but as my 'about me' states, I am not able to check this site as often as I would like, & to be frank, Aug was a very bad time for me. Heat makes my pain & fatigue much worse, which feeds my depression as well. Regardless, I'm just not the type of person who's used to keeping email correspondence-this is, after all, the first time I've had the kind of 'normal' access to it most people have come to take for granted for almost exactly 10 years. Nevertheless, I feel like an ass for having been given gifts but failing to reciprocate in a timely manner. As a result I have shut off the automatic message forwarding from this site to my joint email account with my husband, as the friend requests came in enough he began to ignore everything. If you see I have anything extra I can give you or a beneficial trade we could make, please do not hesitate to let me know. You can email me directly at: Put something in the title such as "time-sensitive information requested by A*(/.daedalhead*(_ at: (fill in time & date here)" ->(the asterix & open perenthesis are the best I can do for the star & moon with which I sign my name legally, among other things..). :u] I hope this makes up for my long silence, during which I'm sure it seemed I was ignoring you. Please know this was the furthest from the truth-I was just exhausted, demoralized, & if I may say so in almost as much mental anguish as physical. So please know I will help if I can! :u) On the bright side, among many others, if the need ever arises (doubtful, but, hey, you never know...) I can tell you _exactly_ where my ulnar nerve is!!! ;u) I hope you are well & that this time I don't let you down, but at least if I do, now you know why. hope all is well with you & yours, & I will wish you an early HAPPY SAMHEIN!!! (pronounced: "sow-when), or if you prefer, *ALL HALLOW'S EVE* / ~HALLOWEEN~ !!! Take care, have a safe & happy holiday, & I'll thank you in advance for your understanding. Sincerely, - .daedalhead*(_

By bjl572000 on Aug 19, 2011 at 10:42 PM

Any chance I cud get one of ur LOWLs in exchange for the two collectables I sent to u this week? I see u have three. Then I could have a full set. Thanks!