Messages between .OrNj_ and lilapache

By lilapache on Dec 1, 2011 at 9:41 PM

OrNj ~ Good to hear from ya!!! Wow... sounds like you deserve a helluva lot more than a days rest... Hope your kitty gets ta feelin' better... hope yu get ta feelin' GREAT!!! All here is same ol same ol... Now you kick back fer a couple a weeks... laugh lots... worry nots... and hell smoke ya a couple ifn ya want to!!! Take good care... Keeps the smile on... ~ Lilapache ~

By .OrNj_ on Nov 29, 2011 at 11:19 PM

heya- been offline awhile, so first of all, a belated Thanksgiving. I hope yours was a relaxing one full of blessings! My lead-up/Thanksgiving/post was kinda hard. About a week prior, Mom called to tell me the'd had to put the last of my 3 childhood cats down. it wasn't a huge suprise-she was nearly 20 & had had a good life, but it hit harder than I expected. Then, w/no one to watch my 16yo cat, she came out to the house for the first time. an adventure to be sure, but the last. onth she's been coughing again & her breathing is worse so day after tomorrow we go to the V E T. today i had day surgery & they didn't know exactly what they were going to be doing when i went under. luckily, best-case scenario, it wasn't what they thought, so check-up in3weeks, 2nd surgery in 3mo, & it should (knock on wood) be over with. the only prob was the MD wasn't really listening when I told him if he perscibed -that- pain med i'm already on, there are likely to be probs w/medicare when i get my monthly Rx for the same drug in less than a month. We'll see if they fill it at all tomorrow. So, with all that, i've been immersing myself in "the best of" on, & prx/npr podcast "snap judgement" (f---king GOOD radio!) Tomorrow I plan to stay in bed, eat (australian black & red) licorice, guzzle H2o, maybe smoke a bit if the nic addiction kicks in, but mainly screw everything & REST. -I'd say I've earned it, wouldn't you? ;u) I sincerely hope all is good & wellness in your world, & if not, just remember to smile sweet at the assholes, as it will only confuse them. Keep grinning! (I hear it's _much_ more sightly than crying until you turn into an overcooked southern raisin.) ;o}. MuchCare, .OrNj*(_

By lilapache on Nov 24, 2011 at 1:03 AM


By lilapache on Nov 21, 2011 at 11:44 PM

Hey there OrNj... Haven't heard from ya in a while... Hope your doing great... Have a Blessed Thanksgivin' Keep that smile on... Remember laughter is the best medicine... :p

By lilapache on Oct 21, 2011 at 2:21 AM

OrNj ~ Good Mornin'... How ya doin' today? Hope your doin' fantabulus!!! Thanks for the LOL cat, I thought it was very fitin' comin' from you... Cause everytime I see your name next to somethin' I end up favn. it myself... Guess we both have the same twisted sense of humor... :p Anyway... Thanks again... Soon as I can return the favor I sho nuff will!!! (sho nuff) is the equivalent of a Soutern promise... Course bein' a self proclaimed word nerd you probably already know that... If ya didn't I'm sure throughout the course of our correspondence you will undoubtedly pick up on some "Southern' Speak", as I can't help but speak it... I'm Southern :p Anyway reckon it'll be some new words for a "word nerd"... I'm sure at this point your laughin' your ass off & thinkin' Yeah right ya hick!!! :p Have yourself a day full of laughter & smiles... ~ Lilapache ~

By lilapache on Oct 20, 2011 at 3:20 AM

I sure do appreciate your help on this... It bugs me to see somethin' undone... I've been tryin' to get that one finished off... Well both of 'em really... I'll be more than happy to return the favor as soon as I can... You'll be the first to get anything I have & you don't!!! I hear ya on th weather thing... This time of year always gets me all jacked up on the health scene... We're goin through the rain, changin' to cold ,than back to warm... To put the cherry on top, I lost my insurance last week... What do ya do??? Keep on smilin' !!! Never let the bastards get ya down... :p I hope your weather stables out,I can surely relate... May GOD Bless & Heal you & send his Angels to surround you!!! How do you get on the after hours deal?? I looked for it & couldn't find it... I really enjoyed the ones of yours that I seen... Hope you have a graet day... Full of laughter & smiles... ~ Lilapache ~

By .OrNj_ on Oct 20, 2011 at 2:53 AM

just got your message-thanks for dropping me a line! It always makes me feel good. :uD I sent you a lolcat but apparently can only gift one thing to each person a day, so I will try my best to remember the cheeez & hot sauce over the rest of the week. Always happy to help out a cheezfriend! I hope your health stuff is bothering you as infitesimally as possible-I know mine isn't, but know it could always be worse. Chin up & grinning-right? ;u) Anyhoo-For now I remain the lady who keeps waiting for it to get on with the rain & quit with the weird humidity in North Seattle. Take Care, .OrNj*(_

By lilapache on Oct 15, 2011 at 5:17 PM

.OrNj_ , I must apologize right from the get go... You have been on my friends list for some time now, and I don't believe I've ever even said, "Hey Cheezebuddy" I am sympathtic to your health issues,as I have a few of my own... I spend way to much time on this computer,but I find that (for me) it's better than mind numbing t.v. I must confess, I am just now contacting you to ask a favor... I see the # of friends you have,so I'm sure your aware of how hard it is to keep up with everyone... I'm just sittin' here lookin' at lols and I decided to see if I could complete all my unfinished lols... Somethin' to do right... At any rate... You have 3 collectables that would complete 2 of my sets... first one is lolcat from evo. of cat, second is cheeeese & hot sauce from taco cat... If you would be kind enough to send them to me I would greatly appriciate it... Give me a holler sometime... I'm on this site just about daily... Have a great evening & keep f*@#in' Smilin' :p