Parenting Fails

Seattle Mom Makes Superhero Capes for Sick Kids

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    Super Anthony

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    Anthony has fought against congenital heart defects, acid reflux, a slowly developing skull structure, and vision problems since he was born. While he requires a helmet and glasses for the time being, Anthony is still at maximum smile capacity. He turned 1 on March 15th.
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    Super Kenji

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    As a result of being born prematurely, Kenji struggled with everything from brain bleeding, retinopathy, lung disease, and bowel tissue death. Despite having over a dozen life-threatening conditions, Kenji has overcome them all so far. He is currently waiting a bowel transplant which should restore his intestines to full functionality.
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    Super Dawson

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    Dawson suffered a number of complications from meningitis when he was just two months old. Life threw everything from external hydrocephalus to kidney and liver damage to infections to infantile migraines at Dawson, yet he persevered through all of them. Despite still requiring regular tests, Dawson overcame his developmental disability and can walk, talk, and hear like a normal 7 year old boy.
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    Super Juan Pablo

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    Juan Pablo is a carrier of Mitochondrial disease which requires that he use a feeding tube. He hasn't let it affect his ability to fly though...
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    Super Ethan

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    Ethan is fighting to overcome Lamellar Ichthyosis, a condition in which the top layer of skin doesn't develop properly. Infections are common, yet Ethan hasn't let it slow him down.
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    Super Victoria

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    Victoria was born with an undiagnosed condition that impaired her ability to walk. Her parents worried that her undiagnosis might prevent her from ever walking at all. However, at age 3, Victoria finally beat her delayed development. She now walks, runs, jumps, and even loves jumping on her trampoline!
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    Super Ramsey

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    Ramsey was born with a congenital defect that herniated his stomach upward in his chest cavity, not allowing his lungs to develop. After surgery and eight weeks in intensive care, Ramsey was finally able to go home, and recently celebrated his second birthday.
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    Super Gabby

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    When Gabby was just two days old, doctors discovered that she suffered from severe epilepsy and would likely not survive the night. She turned 7 years old on March 26th.


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