The latest from Akama47

Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Military Kitteh

Military Kitteh
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Must have left mine in my other pants.

Must have left mine in my other pants.
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol


Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Hover Cat

Hover Cat
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Cyoot Kittehs of teh Day: But the One on the Right...

Cyoot Kittehs of teh Day: But the One on the Right...
Akama47 Akama47 favorited something

Mary's Little Moment of Win

As I walked past my neighbor's house, I told him that I always love seeing his garden. With a thick Portuguese accent he said, "Next time you walk by, I give you a flower!" I thought he was just being sweet, but when I passed it coming home he snapped off a big pink rose and immd!
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

IMMD: News of the Day

IMMD: News of the Day
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Inspirational Quote of the Day

Inspirational Quote of the Day
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Simi_Key's Little Moment of Win

Simi_Key's Little Moment of Win
Akama47 Akama47 favorited something

Pizza Girl's Little Moment of Win

I work at a pizza chain restaurant, and sometimes it can be stressful. I had a lot of phone calls at once last night and had to take everyone's order at once, and I was kind of freaking out. A little while later, a lady came in to pick up a pizza she had ordered, and she asked the cashier who had taken her order. He pointed her towards me, and she said, "You have a very nice phone style! Thank you for taking my order!" IMMD and I couldn't stop smiling afterwards!
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

IMMD: Animal News of the Day

IMMD: Animal News of the Day
Akama47 Akama47 favorited something

Mokko's Little Moment of Win

After having a particularly horrible day in the clinic, a client decided to drop by and surprise me with a coffee and Tim's Card. He said it was in thanks for all the kind service he and his dog received from me. Having a client show appreciation like that really MMD.
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

Newspaper Kindness's Little Moment of Win

Newspaper Kindness's Little Moment of Win
Akama47 Akama47 favorited something

Evelyn's Little Moment of Win

I'd been feeling really bad after a total stranger called me an awful artist. It wasn't really helped by the fact that my best friend was too busy to get online and talk to me (he lives in a different state). Then, out of the blue, he calls my cell phone and tells me that he really likes my art, that I've improved a lot, and that I shouldn't give up on myself so easily. Knowing that he cares MMD!
Akama47 Akama47 favorited a lol

IMMD: News of the Day

IMMD: News of the Day


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12 of 14 messages
By Constable65 on Dec 10, 2012 at 6:27 PM

By hannah55 on Aug 7, 2012 at 2:01 PM
“heyyyyy!! :D”

By Constable65 on Jan 1, 2012 at 11:31 AM

By Constable65 on Dec 23, 2011 at 6:37 AM

By hannah55 on Dec 9, 2011 at 9:39 PM
“omg hi! i havent talked to u in like foreverrrr!! :D”

By plank2 on Sep 26, 2011 at 9:04 AM
“Ohai nu cheezfriend!”

By Lilyblaze on Sep 25, 2011 at 11:38 AM
“My video game knowledge is ridiculously limited, and so is my online gaming... [more]

By Constable65 on Sep 25, 2011 at 10:16 AM
“Sorry, I just got on a roll, and things started clicking. I look through th... [more]

By Lilyblaze on Sep 25, 2011 at 6:03 AM
“Ah, video game stuff. That explains why I'd never heard of it.”

By hunnysuckle on Sep 24, 2011 at 8:26 PM
“HERROOOOO!! Please to liek me on FB!!!/p... [more]

By Lilyblaze on Sep 24, 2011 at 7:42 PM
“What's DOTA?”

By Lilyblaze on Sep 24, 2011 at 7:42 PM
“CURSE YOU. Of course I haven't forgotten, it's been burned into my memory f... [more]