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By Sugarcatsmom on Feb 2, 2012 at 3:53 AM

Thanks again for the precious Karot. Kitty hugs Sandy

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By jlandis on Feb 1, 2012 at 8:07 PM

Please take your time and be well! Was it an injury? My avatar is a three-week-old Syrian hamster brought into rescue here because he was failing to thrive. That photo is his first time in a human hand -- one of the most precious moments of my life. He propped himself up, rested his chin on my thumb -- and just looked at me. Barney not only thrived, he lived nearly three healthy years as one of my best li'l buddies ever. George Clooney is one of my faves too -- we had mutual friends when we were in high school, so I met him in his younger, gawkier days. I don't get to see first-run movies, but I don't mind waiting till I can afford to rent them or see them on cable. More to look forward to! I'm not a sports fan either, but I know what you mean -- sometimes there are players that just make it worthwhile, and the Mannings are special fellows. I do need to ask for some extras -- for 29 people I'm trying to helps, It's really kind of you to offer! When you're up to it, may I please have a (Haters Gonna Hate) Gonna Hate Kid to help one of them? Thanks, and take care of that neck and back!!! ~Jane

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By NCcharmer on Feb 1, 2012 at 4:22 PM

Would you please relay the Crispy Tree to Zita-The_Bayer?

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By Sugarcatsmom on Feb 1, 2012 at 3:56 AM

I do have another friend who needs a Karot if you can spare a coin. Thanks Kitty hugs Sandy

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By jlandis on Jan 31, 2012 at 9:46 PM

Hi, Amer! I'm sorry to trouble you right off the bat, but I'm working with some people who need help to complete their collectibles before time runs out. Would you mind sharing your extras to help them? If it would be all right, one needs a LOLrus from the "LOLrus Pool Party" set. Thank you most kindly, and I look forward to chatting with you! Any friend of Sugarcats is someone I'm lucky to know! ~Jane

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By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 31, 2012 at 5:37 PM

Well at least a have a degree in something. I should ask for a raise. This winter, even though its been a decent one so far, has been rough on my arthritis. Shady takes care of me at night and purrs me to sleep. The pain meds just take the edge off but its enough to get comfortable. Hey it could be something worse. All this is from a car accident when I was 26. My mom had rheumatoid and I saw how she suffered. She even tried gold therapy. She had twelve surgeries on her hands replacing joints, removing synovium that built up but her hands cripled up anyway. She just kept moving and doing what she enjoyed. How are you and your family doing. Still going on the cruise in the spring. Tomorrow is February lets see what the groundhog does. Kitty hugs Sandy

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By jlandis on Jan 31, 2012 at 4:50 PM

Ohai, noo cheezfrend! Welcums tew da staet of cunfewshun! :D

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By Chillydawg on Jan 31, 2012 at 12:19 PM

Hey hey! Made my quota of collektbittiez! Thanks for you halp. May yoor LOLs be funny and your nose not runny. :)

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By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 28, 2012 at 5:23 PM

Hi Judy, Sending a Karot is like sending the Hope diamond. Such a treasure. Thanks so much. We are going to miss doing collectibles. Chores all done, weather good. Sunday is my day. Have a great Sunday. Kitty hugs Sandy

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By dgreenesprout on Jan 28, 2012 at 1:55 PM

ohai- mebbe I can haz yr extra Crabhat (Picture is Unrelated set)? -it's for fillin up someone else's sets. thanks

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By Winnie-Wonka on Jan 28, 2012 at 6:15 AM

Happy Caturday! Glad you had some good work this past week. I *think* I got the old PC transferred and stripped. I'm going to totally blank it out tomorrow and reinstall XP and Office. Wish me luck with that. *pleh* I'm really hoping for the job because JA and I are both badly in need of exams and new eyewear. *crosses fingers* Hope you'll have a nice relaxing weekend, love! *hugs*

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By WatogaSP on Jan 28, 2012 at 4:26 AM

Good morning! Would you please send some colls my way - if they are not promised ? I know that you can send only one each day, but if you can do that, I'd appreciate it. The colls. that CFs I am helping need: Hipster Kitty, Cookie, and/or Toothpick. Thanks!!!!

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By chibibailey on Jan 27, 2012 at 2:33 PM

Sure! But may I ask why you didn't directly foward it to her?

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By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 27, 2012 at 3:47 AM

Ill take 82. Actually its mild mild since the snow storm. Rain last night and today. Cant wait to go to work so I can come home. Its been a very busy week. Kitty hugs. Actually I do know somwone who needs a karot. sandy

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By Winnie-Wonka on Jan 26, 2012 at 6:17 AM

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I'm being all episodic and goofy - oh, there's a shock! Glad the girl had a good time in NYC. I haven't been in sooo many years. Let's go together and get fat, broke and sick together! Turned in a job application to my fave thrift store and I'm very hopeful and excited about it! The only thing that's gonna hurt me is my salary history; I hope I can can convince them via my cover letter that job satisfaction means much more to me than wage at this point in my life. I'm simply too old to waste what time I have left doing something I absolutely hate. I hope to fight the final PC battle today. It looks as though - gasp! miracle!! - we'll be getting an income tax refund this year and I hope it's enough to buy a new motherboard for my laptop. It's a holdover from my teenage years with my old Remington manual typewriter: I do my best writing sitting cross-legged on the bed. It's also the only room where I won't be bugged, like right now, with Brad sitting next to me, nudging my hand and begging for treats. *sigh* I'm nothing but an organic treat dispenser, dammit! Love ya! *hugs*

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By WilliamKeckler on Jan 26, 2012 at 3:05 AM

Fanks, Frend!

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By 1TeamKSO on Jan 25, 2012 at 2:19 PM

From Sylviag. Thx for Karot - KSO really needed that one! Need to keep trim and fit LOL

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By 1TeamKSO on Jan 25, 2012 at 11:36 AM

From Sylviag. Cool - literally - still have a little snow left here if u want me to send u some :)

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By 1TeamKSO on Jan 25, 2012 at 10:36 AM

Hai, 1TeamKSO Winter Getaway Party and virtual charity drive coming up fpr those that would like to participate.

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By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 24, 2012 at 5:35 PM

Hi Judy Thanks for helping my daughter finish her collectibles. She has a few new friends that she is helping out now. We finally got snow twelve inches of it on Saturday. The temp warmed up and the rain got rid of most of it after I shoveled my brains out. I cant win. If i had just shovled a few paths it would have froze like a rock and been there forever like last year. The outside kitties didnt show for 2 1/2 days and I was worried. How are you and your family doing. Kitty hugs sandy

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