Messages between Amber27 and beckysdad

By beckysdad on Apr 4, 2012 at 8:39 PM

I hope you're just been busy with school and other good stuff. Happy birthday and hope to see you back here soon.

By beckysdad on Mar 4, 2012 at 6:59 PM

What's going on in your world? I haven't seen much of you lately. Are you working more? I hope you're busy with fun things and that's what is keeping you away. Just wanted you to know your presence has been missed.

By beckysdad on Feb 14, 2012 at 10:01 PM

Wow...cruising is a passion for you guys and it sounds like you have it down to a science, too. it's sure convenient that you're close to the ports like that. How did you get started with cruising?

By Amber27 on Feb 14, 2012 at 9:37 PM

We've been on over 20 cruises. Our favorite line is Celebrity. And it doesn't have to be super expensive, either. The ships we like leave from Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, so no flying. We pack & unpack ONCE! And we don't need a fancy cabin. We've also got an amazing travel agent & qualify for extra perks because we've racked up so many cruises on the same line. Although we're locked into a specific week, we can wait till almost the last minute for specials. When our daughter was little, we booked 48 hours before the ship left! Usually we book 3 to 6 weeks in advance, although three years ago we got a killer deal 9 days before sailing. This ship goes to San Juan, St. Maarten, and St. Kitts. We've been to all the islands, so we'll go shipping in St. Maarten, then just chill on the other days. Can't wait! ;3

By beckysdad on Feb 14, 2012 at 8:59 PM

All the nasty little bugs in the world thrive with the little walking petri dishes at school. I'm glad it's giving you the opportunity for some work though. And uh...thanks for the stock tip...yikes! ;^) A cruise sounds like fun. Have you done cruises before?

By Amber27 on Feb 14, 2012 at 7:57 PM

Thanks for the congrats! Appreciate the lovely Valentine's wishes! Yes, have been putting in a bit more time at school due to a minor outbreak of stomach viruses & a few nasty colds. Had a mild version of the stomach one, but not enough to keep me home. Buy stock in Imodium and Gas-X! Just booked a cruise for spring break next month! Hooray!

By beckysdad on Feb 13, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Hey, congrats on your FP!!!! What a cool thing! Have you spent much time in the classroom lately? We haven't chatted in a bit so I'm guessing you've been busy.

By Amber27 on Jan 14, 2012 at 11:33 PM

I have no concept of cold below the 20's. I don't worry too much about kid being warm enough; she lived in Ohio for a few years, so she knows how to dress. Love the weather in Northern CA & WA state. If it never went above 68, I'd be deliriously happy! Would love to live some place with real seasons. Maybe I wouldn't mind the heat of summer so much after going thru an actual winter! Hopefully I'll have some kitteh company tomorrow. I'm bringing a book and plan to curl up quietly on the couch for awhile. Maybe that'll help! BTW, do you or any friends need collectables? Please let me know! Enjoy the weekend! ;3

By beckysdad on Jan 14, 2012 at 5:23 PM

Eighteen is just too damned cold. Is there such a thing as enough warm clothes when it comes to moms worrying about their kids...regardless of age. I'll take California or Florida winters any day. I hope the kittehs come out to play. It would be a drag if your trips over there were all chore and no play.

By Amber27 on Jan 14, 2012 at 5:05 PM

Hi! Daughter left for NYC this morning. Swore she took enough warm clothes; it's going down to 18 tomorrow, so I guess she'll find out. Like your weather much better. Our alleged winter was pretty sultry thru Dec., went up to the low 80's. Two weeks ago, we had lows in the upper 30's, highs in upper 60's for almost a week. Cooling down a bit this weekend, but will be back in the upper 70's by Tuesday. Unfair! Will start taking care of "grand" kittehs tomorrow. Plan to hang out awhile after feeding, watering, & cleaning poop. Two of the three will come out of hiding. Left me treats to bribe them. One of them is a scratcher, but the other is a sweetheart once I've been around awhile. Will let you know how it goes! ;3

By beckysdad on Jan 12, 2012 at 5:45 AM

Congrats on getting your daughter through to graduation. That's an accomplishment for parents, too. Will her cats be in hiding when you show up at her place or will you get to pet and play with them some? That would add some joy to what otherwise becomes food and litterbox duty. It feels like Fall out here. It will drop to just below 40 overnight and we've been hitting 60 during the day. There's still no sign of rain and that's a problem. We get nearly all our rain in January and February. You have to go out to Thursday of next week to see any hint of showers in our forecast. Has your Winter been mild as well?

By Amber27 on Jan 11, 2012 at 11:34 PM

Things are going pretty well here, thanks. Haven't been called but it's only the second week and there's a workday on Friday. The little guys must have been bouncing off the walls! I'd kill for a quarter of their energy! Daughter finally graduated & is going to NY to visit friends and family next week. Guess who gets to take care of her kittehs! She's only 20 minutes away and can go every other day, so it's not so bad. It's back to normal or what passes for normal around here. Hope you're doing well. Has it cooled down much where you are? ;3

By beckysdad on Jan 11, 2012 at 5:30 AM

Been a while...hoe are things? Have you been called into school yet this year? The kids have been full of energy coming back from break. That first morning I walked into the classroom I was greeted with a massive Happy New Year from all the kids. It was kinda cute. It was back to the routine pretty quickly, though. I hope you're doing well.

By Amber27 on Dec 24, 2011 at 11:16 PM

If I didn't live almost a continent away, I would have been delighted to help with the wrapping! And I wouldn't have laughed...well maybe I'd giggle a little. I wish you & yours a VERY merry Christmas! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 24, 2011 at 5:45 PM

I hope you're enjoying your holiday! I was thinking about you this afternoon as I was in the middle of two absolutely, spectacularly atrocious gift wrap jobs. I wouldn't have asked you to step in and save me. I just think you would have laughed your butt off at how inept I was. I certainly had a good laugh at my own expense. Enjoy the time with your to you later.

By Amber27 on Dec 19, 2011 at 11:32 AM

Thanks so much for the glasses! If I have anything you or a friend need, just ask and it's yours! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 19, 2011 at 6:02 AM

Glasses are on their way. Let me know if you need anything else.

By Amber27 on Dec 19, 2011 at 12:18 AM

Hi! Feel like donating Hipster Kitty's Underground Glasses? Would really appreciate it! ;3

By Amber27 on Dec 18, 2011 at 9:41 PM

Had to laugh when you mentioned cinnamon- raisin bread. Got so disgusted with the diet stuff decided screw it, & bought some of the Pepperidge kind. As yummy as that is, nothing beats homemade! Be glad I'm on the opposite coast! Ever watch Top Chef? A lot of the guys got started the way you did, helping a working mom. Gift cards & cash pretty much covers everyone, but if someone wants perfume, for example, that's a trip to Macy's. Just found out my brother & SIL want to have everyone over for New Years Eve. Not sure if it's just family or some of their friends as well. Will find out on Tuesday! They've never done this before so it should be interesting. Talk to you soon! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 17, 2011 at 5:33 AM

I enjoy baking but it's not a good idea when you live alone...none of it is healthy and you can't make single servings. Other folks in my family do Christmas cookies so I mix things up a bit. My SIL is a major chocaholic so she gets a batch of my neighborhood award winning brownies. I'm also on something of a cinnamon-raisin bread kick so I baked four loaves yesterday that I'll bring with me today. We'll celebrate with my brother's family today since they'll be at the in-laws on the 25th. We had them for Thanksgiving so Xmas will be an away game for them. They alternate each year and it works out fairly well. I love to cook, whether it goes on the grill, in the oven or on the stove. My mom got me started when I was young. After a while I started dinner every night when Mom worked. She'd leave a recipe out and I'd get things going. She'd do some finishing touches when she got home and dinner came together pretty quickly after that. I like the sounds of your plan for the holiday of sleeping, eating, reading and watching movies. If you added in walking and playing with the dog, you'd describe my life. I chuckled when you mentioned a mad dash at the last minute to grab something. That was the way I used to do the holiday. I figured if you weren't scrambling at the end you weren't doing it right. I hate the mall and the crowds now so I do most everything on-line and get it done earlier. My shopping lists are small and simple though. Siblings no longer exchange gifts and the youngsters get cash. I figure if they don't get what they want then it's their own damn fault!

By Amber27 on Dec 16, 2011 at 10:03 PM

Hi! I used to bake a lot, mostly cookies, breads, bundt cakes, that sort of thing. Not much of a cook, but if went in the oven, there was a reasonably good change it was eatable! What are you baking? Having our Hanukkah party on Tuesday. Will pick up one or two things earlier that day, but otherwise we're set. Fully expect to make a mad dash somewhere at the last minute; happens every year! Still have a few cards to send out, but they don't go too far so I can stall till this weekend. Winter break started today. No school till Jan.! RB really needs the rest! One of our neighbors had their annual holiday party this past weekend. Lots of fun, really enjoyed ourselves. Will probably spend most of the next two weeks sleeping, eating, reading, & watching movies. Such exciting lives! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 16, 2011 at 1:57 PM

So I guess you can expect to have the next couple of weeks off, right? Now you won't have to worry about staying up too late. Today is a baking day for me. This will get much of it out of the way but I'll do a bit more next week. Are you all prepped for the holiday?

By Amber27 on Dec 10, 2011 at 12:26 AM

Totally relate to computer overkill! Can see how draining all that wonderful work can be. You're definitely better off with the kids! It won't hurt to take some time away from key boards, etc. Only way to avoid burn out. Enjoy your weekend! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 9, 2011 at 5:50 AM

There's definitely a need for someone who can help organize photos and stories and bring it all to life. Having been on the inside of such a project I realize that there's no way I'd do it as a business. It's not something that lends itself to a "pick one of three formats" solutions. I have put in hundreds of hours on this. I've learned a huge amount and could be relatively efficient but so much depends on the involvement of family. One is at the mercy of their time and their ability to partner through the project to conclusion. I guess part of my problem is my grandiose vision for the end result. There's a huge value in talking with our parents and recording their stories. This project would have been so much better and easier just five years ago. Dad's getting on and he can now be a participant but no longer a partner in bringing this thing to life. It's hugely valuable but can be frustrating as well. I'm feeling that this morning. ;^) PG-13 is a good rating for teen and early adult memories. I'm reminded of the Memes I often see on here where they compare a glamorous picture of what we think we look like doing something and then the picture of what we actually look like. So many of the things that I thought were cool and made me feel alive, I now look back on and sigh. But we all go through it. Man, I need to stop with the emails for a bit. I thought I'd pulled my head out of my backside from yesterday but I can tell from my tone that I'm not back to the top of my game yet. I hope you have a great day and we'll chat more later. See ya!

By Amber27 on Dec 8, 2011 at 11:52 PM

A PG-13 should cover most of my adventures; I really wasn't that wild, especially by today's standards. Your family history project sounds AMAZING! Lots of time-consuming hard work, but so worth it! Never mind elementary school; plenty of people would pay good money to have someone help them put together their own histories! So many of us have all the pictures, etc. but aren't sure what to do with all the information. I have always believed we ARE our stories! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 8, 2011 at 2:15 PM

Our family history project started out as a desire to scan all the photos the folks have and get them organized. We wanted some labels so we knew who people were and such. Dad has a bunch of great stories from when he was a kid growing up on a sheep ranch. We also started doing some genealogy so the project has evolved. It now is a slideshow that will be on DVD that starts as the story of where our people come group is very much the immigrant story, sailing to the US in the mid 1800s from Germany and Holland. The other group can trace their roots in New England clear back to the 1640s. The story follows starts going into some depth with my great-grandparents and then we get to my dad's stories from the sheep ranch. I recorded my dad doing all of the narration and stories which overlays the photos which are a combination of family photos and stuff I grabbed off the web to support the storyline. This particular DVD follows my dad's side of the family up until just before he marries Mom. We'll do the same thing for my mom's side of the family and then we'll do a third DVD of my parent's courtship, wedding and then our immediate family. We'll record the last of the audio this weekend and then I'll overlay that on the remaining photos I choose and I'll add a bunch of soundtrack and we'll be good to go. I've already designed the DVD cases as well as the DVD print itself. I just need to run all of that through my printer to finish things off. It's been a huge project. So you were a teenager in the 60s and college in the 70s, eh? I'll bet there are indeed some lively tales for select audiences. A pg-13 version for general audiences would probably be a good idea.

By Amber27 on Dec 8, 2011 at 1:29 PM

Sir, I'm truly humbled by your superior rationalization skills! Damn, you're good! Think I'll sit on my ass today, too! Writing the family history is a wonderful idea and certainly worth the work. My dad loves to tell stories. I really should invest in a tape recorder. My brother has already video-taped some stuff, but we don't get along so I doubt he'll want to share. I've got a pretty good memory for that sort of thing, so maybe I'll make that a holiday project. Actually we should be writing our own stories as well. I was a 60's teenager & was in college in the 70's. Think that part will need some heavy editing! LOL ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 8, 2011 at 5:37 AM

I wouldn't look at your choices as those of a lazy bum. You were efficient, conscientious and loving. You didn't drive to the mall so you were easy on the environment. That also saved you time and gas money. With those precious extra moments you were able to spend some quality time with your feline companions. I see nothing but wisdom and thoughtfulness in those actions. I'm always available for assistance in spinning rationalizations in the best possible light. I have years of experience so feel free to call on me if you're ever feeling guilty about something. I can find a way to make it work for you. ;^) I would think that folks in the gift wrapping department are call upon from time to time to wrap some very challenging items. It's amazing how creative some folks can get. I certainly understand your feeling blessed to still have your folks. I spend a great deal of time with mine. We've been working on a big family history DVD for the last seven months that should finally be completed in the next week. It's been very interesting and there's so many stories that we'll capture for future generations...lots of work but worth it.

By Amber27 on Dec 7, 2011 at 9:23 PM

Never made it to mall, school didn't call me, so I was a lazy bum & stayed home with the kittehs today! Followed your sterling example & ordered a few things online. Mall trip postponed until early Monday. Not much to get, thank goodness! Understand about the family extending, had a similar arrangement. The murder-mystery dinners sound wonderful! Too bad about the New Years Day plans ending. Had some great parties with a wonderful group of friends. Sadly, too many have passed or moved away. Feel very blessed to still have my parents especially since husband and sister-in-law no longer have theirs. Don't know how much of a gift wrap "expert" I am, but did manage to wrap a four-piece set of luggage once. Not exactly a thing of beauty, but I got the job done! The real expert was my dept mgr. She once wrapped a microwave oven, several hats in hat boxes, and a grandfather clock! Now THAT's an expert! ;3

By beckysdad on Dec 7, 2011 at 5:46 AM

Good luck at the mall. That's not a place that I want to venture. The little shopping I have to do gets done online. We were very fortunate for years and we were all able to gather at my folks place to celebrate Christmas. Things have gotten complicated as the family has grown and in-laws enter the equation(not a bad thing). It's worked out where on year we get them for Christmas but not Thanksgiving and vice versa. We'll celebrate with my folks and my brother's family on the 17th and then the balance should be around for Christmas Day. So you're a gift wrap expert, eh? My efforts always look like a nine year old did the job. New Years is very low-key for me. I used to host murder-mystery dinner parties on New Years Eve and that was great fun. For much of the last decade New Years Day became the focus as we had a group that would gather at my neighbor's home for a massive pot-luck breakfast and watch the Rose Parade. Sadly they're divorcing so that grand tradition has come to an end. So how did it turn out...chaos at the mall or chaos in the classroom?