Messages between AnemoneOne and sunnyhuckle

By sunnyhuckle on May 12, 2010 at 11:56 PM

fankees, sweets! ai lubs them, and yoo! *hedbonk*

By sunnyhuckle on May 12, 2010 at 11:55 PM

fankees, sweets! ai lubs them, and yoo! *hedbonk*

By sunnyhuckle on May 9, 2010 at 1:06 AM

Fankees, A1! dotters and grandsons commink down tomorrow, am hoping so hard it goze well, as sometimes, well, no yoose tempting fate! *hugs, earskritches, purrs, and hedbonks!*! Happy Mum's day!

By sunnyhuckle on May 2, 2010 at 11:46 PM

Thank you for your persistance last nyte. I yoosyooally stay in teh tearoom at nyte; since teh "soop" incident ai had been feeling too toxic fur ichc, but I misses it so much! am trying to come back, liddul at a time, teh tr0ll is jealous uv my luv affair wif awl things cheezy, so, win ai finally gets awn, ebberybuddy is usually gawn. Donut furget to vote awn lols! schmooz, purrs, and hedbonks!

By sunnyhuckle on May 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM

Thank you, sweets! Just made taht one a liddul bit ago. finally gawt brave enuff tew submit, win ai made teh "I sinked you iPod" lol, but now, iz like my child, ai wants so bad fur it to thrive an succeed! *hedbonk*

By sunnyhuckle on Mar 9, 2010 at 8:09 PM

yes, sweets, fings disappeer awn teh lols, sometimes a post, or a whole lol, is teh weerdpress way, we just eggsepts and moobs awn, I could nawt poast bloo fur 2 weeks, all poasts got eeted, and then otter weerd stuff wuz happening tew me, the smileys wuld nawt work, etc. "Is the price yoo pay for freedom, when you're poor enuff to pay..."

By sunnyhuckle on Mar 8, 2010 at 10:52 PM

*extends the floofy-paw of friendship* Good morning to you, and please have a good day at work, and give the doggies loves from me. I saw you on (last night?) the posts, and wanted to be your friend. Thank you for accepting. schmooooz, sunny