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By bluesfan473 on Mar 19, 2009 at 10:36 PM

You're so very welcome! It's too bad that the pics wouldn't show up for your avatar, I don't understand why but as I said I don't know anything about using a Mac. *hedbonks to you*

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By arose on Mar 19, 2009 at 3:55 PM

My jezziecat is all black except for one white hair in her left ear and about 10 white hairs on her back left leg. Very strange.

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By arose on Mar 19, 2009 at 2:24 PM

Which picture are you referring to? The pic in my avatar is of my kitteh Jezziecat.

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By arose on Mar 19, 2009 at 10:22 AM

That is spooky!

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By FluffyB on Mar 19, 2009 at 9:50 AM

Ai iz sowi boot teh diabetes. Iz not gud. Ai haz teh hai blud presure, izza giftee frum mai mom. Sins wii wil den prolly not b speekin tumorro, ai hopps u haza luvlee weekend anna take care! Ai wil b enjoiing mai birfie an staiing saif, ai promis! Nex week ai wil b workin inna mornin frum 9-2 lokil tym (werkid frum 2-7 dis week), so ai wil onlee b on teh innertubes den. Ai hopps wii don mis each oder, but ur welcum tu b leevin a msg fur mii ona mai profile aniitym! Ai'll b chekin in ebree dai.

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By FluffyB on Mar 18, 2009 at 9:30 AM

Stupee WP! Iz ok, u can awaiz tawky 2 mii on teh profile pages. Petey izza hansum kitteh, defity hazza manecun inneir sumwares! Aifinkso! :-D Wuz teh tym ware u livs? Heer in SA iz bout 18:30. Werkin til 19:00 tuday.

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By burfdayfairy on Mar 17, 2009 at 12:57 PM

ohai bom_momme!! fank yoo for telling abowt teh noo cheezpeep an hurz burfday!! i haz putted hur on teh burfday list!! peeples kan haz tehr own partees too, but iz more fun wen sumwunelse makes teh party for yoo! *schmoo*

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By FluffyB on Mar 17, 2009 at 7:18 AM

Wel, hii does luk leik a beeg boi, but dats nebba a bad fing, jus meenz deir iz moar tu luv & keep u warm inna winta! :-) Abut hao awld iz hii?

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By FluffyB on Mar 17, 2009 at 6:48 AM

Awww! Petey b sew kyoot!!!!!! Ai cud jus gib im lotsa deh shmooos! Nao ai iz diipresd!!! :-( Ai grew up wif kittehs an nao ai canna hab em ware ai iz libing..... Stoopid lanlorrs wif deir beeg goggehs. Anihoo, iz lukin tew moov, coz ai b beli brudy fur a kitteh.... or 2...... :-D *lol*

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By FluffyB on Mar 17, 2009 at 1:05 AM

Fangs u, iz beli sweet ob u, aifinkso. Ai iz tunin a kwartir sentiree awld dis yere, so iz beli xeyetid! Iffin ai b klose 2 a pootir, ai wil b trowin beeg partee wif awl mai cheezpeeps. Wif mai momcat's spesiel kaik an balunz an milk... oh, an lotsa cheezburgers! *lolz*

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By mishulica on Mar 17, 2009 at 12:39 AM

Yessss, I lifs at a 30 km distans frum the cassel of Drakula, ze old and nasty granpa ob all Ceiling cats! Daer iz olny a few cassel, butt it'z a biiig an beautifl country to bizit furr itz landscapes, culshure an tradishuns.

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By mishulica on Mar 16, 2009 at 11:06 AM

Mrroumania iz mice, butt meow home toun iz ivn bettur, surrounded by mountinz ;-) Fanks furr yourr fwiend rikuest, I iz berri happee to haz neow compni! Kthnxbai ^..^

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By bluesfan473 on Mar 13, 2009 at 8:06 AM

Woot, lookin very stylish there! It was no problem at all, I would be glad to make one for anyone, course I know giving email addresses isn't a good idea, I understand that most folks don't want to and that's pretty much the only way I can think of for me to get their pic back to them. Anyway, you're very welcome!

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By bluesfan473 on Mar 12, 2009 at 6:33 PM

you can't see the picture in my pics anymore? hmmmm...strange. Let's try this way. I saw that you gave your email addy in one of the lols so I took the liberty (hope you don't mind) of emailing you the picture of the hat cat. Maybe you can save it to your computer and use it that way. If that doesn't work, I admit I'm out of ideas. The message will show as being from, subject ICHC avatar picture, kay? *shmoo*

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By _linin_ on Mar 12, 2009 at 4:52 PM

Fanku foar teh bery kind meshag. Ai luv reeding it and ai am still in udder shock dat MAI lol got to teh frunt page. Ai am in jr high, lets just say dat, so ai am super sited!! Fanks agin

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By bluesfan473 on Mar 12, 2009 at 10:32 AM

Oh dear, sorry, I didn't think about the differences if you were on a Mac. Did you see the one I put in my pics? Maybe you could use that one? I admit I don't know a thing about using a Mac so I hope your neighbor can help. It's fun to change the avatars up a bit for the holidays.

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By bluesfan473 on Mar 12, 2009 at 10:14 AM

Ohai again! I took one of the pics in your profile and put a hat on it. Now, if you go to MY profile and click on my pics it is the first one. If you save that to your computer you can use it for an avatar! (if you want to that is, I don't mean to be a bossy boots!)

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By bluesfan473 on Mar 12, 2009 at 9:45 AM

You just upload your picture, choose a hat or whatever else you want, drag and drop it onto the pic, you can make the hat bigger or smaller very easily until it looks just right. Then you save your picture to the site and then to your computer and viola! Of course then you have to go through the steps to change your avatar picture again for ICHC. The site has hats and whatnot for St. Paddys, xmas, Easter and more. It's kind of silly but fun to dress the avatars up, I think.

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By bluesfan473 on Mar 12, 2009 at 9:41 AM

Ohai! *lolspeak off* I don't have photoshop or any program like that so to dress up a picture a bit I use a site called (3 w's in front). They don't have a really lot to choose from but it is free and very easy to use. I think this is gonna be too long so....continued on next message ;)

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By rhsb on Mar 11, 2009 at 2:47 PM

Ohai! Yes, I do have a newly-acquired prescription for Xanax. I took the first one last night and didn't have any problems with it at all. Of course, I wasn't having one of the worse anxiety attacks, so it remains to be seen how well it works. Doc only gave me 0.25 mg. Thanks for the info and caring, though! {{{BOM}}}

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