Messages between BOM_MOMME and JediSquirrel

By JediSquirrel on Jan 14, 2012 at 7:50 PM

Thanks to azevedan for putting together this message! - Ohai, cheezpeeps! On the eve of the great collectibles sale, here are some of my thoughts. If you still need things and you have coins, use your coins for the most rare that you need…those original Dr. Tinycat and the 4’s in the old sets. If you are all set, but have extra coins, wait a few days to see who is able to buy what for him/herself. Those of you with lots of extras – there are peeps who still need collectibles, collectibles that you have! Please try to gift to each person each day! Let’s help finish each other off! Those of you who need collectibles – please, PLEASE just ask each of us for what you need. It’s very hard keeping track. We want to help – make it easy for us! Looking for more names either to help out or hit up, send me a message! Kthnx! ~catena

By JediSquirrel on Dec 18, 2011 at 11:24 PM

Very important!!! If you scroll down to the bottom of your not retired collectibles sets there are two RARE sets you can BUY for one coin per collectible!!! :D

By JediSquirrel on Oct 4, 2011 at 10:55 PM

A friend of mine sent me this message "New (unannounced) collectibles set - go to and refresh once it loads (or click around) to collect." It does work!!! Please spread the word! Tankies to azevedan for letting me know!