Messages between BOM_MOMME and OtherMother

By OtherMother on Nov 20, 2011 at 6:48 PM

Frankz my frend Bom! I had a wundermus tyme...grandkidlet is 'way into puzzles & dere mae fav, too! 3 is a funfun age! Sew sorry tu mis yur birfdae--hope it was bery happy...smooz! Ear scritch! Lovely Thanksgivings Day to you, dear Bom...keep smiling and I will 2.

By OtherMother on Jan 4, 2011 at 4:20 AM

Whall, frankz, Bom! gud 2 heer from yu & ai hope yu & yurz enjoyz many hapytale daez inna 20-elebenty!!! Iz als best 2 hab a message from yu {{{Bom}}}

By BOM_MOMME on Jan 1, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Dear OM Hope you has da most beautimus new year full of healf an happyness.

By OtherMother on Dec 22, 2010 at 6:35 PM

HapyHapyChristmus & Gud New Year to You and als yurs at dis hollidae tyme!!! Lub'n'Smooz, OM

By OtherMother on Dec 6, 2010 at 11:19 AM

Yess! Ai did hab a wundermus tyme in E. Tenn. Lately RL iz pleh. Missing werk bc sick, missing funtymes tryin 2 git healffy agin adn one weak ago mi dad passed away. We knew one pleh cold would do it...'in he jus 'bout beat it..den MERSA got'em. We all plan a beeeg partay at deh farm he lublublub onna his birfdae to celebrate his long life...twood bee what he want. He lub beeg gatherings wif lil kidlets, liabations, fiddle muzak und deh kitchen table groanin' wif plentious fudz. Howl R yu, mae fren? Gotcha tree up? Todae iz 3rd dae wif nawt werk (yay!) & ai gonna make buttery cookies!!!1! Dat bee deh cheery ting to do!! Stay warm & comfee <3 OM

By BOM_MOMME on Nov 24, 2010 at 12:32 PM

Hope you had a wonderful visit and a Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs and hedbonks.

By OtherMother on Nov 12, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Howl' r yu? Busy,busybusy?? Ai yam in TN bisit'n wif mae dawter, sil, & 2yr old grandson, Daniel until Sunday. Hopehopehope yu'r fine~! =^!^=

By OtherMother on Jul 1, 2010 at 3:18 AM

fankz yu fur deh birfdae wishes! Dat iz deh sooper PLEH dat yur house gotta flud 2. Doan werkwerkwerk 2 hard dae atta tyme, mai fren. Sendin lite beemz'o'luv & suppor 2 yu & yurz!!!1! {{BOM}}}

By BOM_MOMME on Jun 16, 2010 at 4:46 PM

Deja vu; our sump pump died on Monday morning and the basement flooded. 6" of water - oh noes.

By OtherMother on May 23, 2010 at 12:44 AM

Tank-ye sew bery muchly! Ai hazza prowd dat it gibbed yu a giggol. Mai HubCat lubs 2 stack fings onna sleepy kitteh. Gotta pix fromm one tyme...maebe ai postifyz it. Hapy Sumdai 2 yu! {{{BOM}}}

By BOM_MOMME on May 22, 2010 at 6:38 AM

Fanks for da lol, I boted and fabored eet. It made mii lol, dat kat looks sew nawt amused.

By OtherMother on May 18, 2010 at 8:46 AM

Yay! Ai gotz a note from Bom, mii fren! Whatya up 2 deez daez? Gotz mew hobby? Lub 2 heer yur newz...Hed bonk & smuuz 2 U.

By BOM_MOMME on May 18, 2010 at 8:15 AM

Welkum bak, ai do nawt spend as much tym here as ai used tu, butt glad ur bak aniwae. smooz.

By OtherMother on May 15, 2010 at 2:15 AM

Ohai deer fren, Bom! How are you? Ai haz ben lurking butt (!) now am commenting sum and reconnecting wif cheezfrenz. {{Bom}} Kthxxbye!

By BOM_MOMME on Jan 9, 2010 at 7:19 AM

Ai has nawt seed u in furreber, hope da move back home wentted otay. Miss talking to you. Hope ou has da bestest year yet. Hoppi Gnu Ears.

By OtherMother on Oct 30, 2009 at 3:56 PM

Yeppers!! I was at the house todae and it luks bery marvoulus!!! Dotter sent pix ob bebe

By BOM_MOMME on Oct 30, 2009 at 9:32 AM

Yeah for da bisit, an for da werkers finishin da howse.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

By OtherMother on Oct 29, 2009 at 2:32 PM

Thx fur deh Ohai! Ai had a gud surprise todae.. installers waz als ober deh house buzy wif de las ob deh flooring! Und dey no need a Grrrr~! Dey waz als werkin' hard. :D I hadda come 2 deh library 2 jus pay room inna mae house todae, tools, flooring, underlayment, werker guys eberywhare. Yay! Mae dotter'n'granbebe be flying in 4 bizit 11/ hep wif deh huge move-in. Othermother is bery bery happy tail todae!!!! Smooz 2 yu, Bom. Hope yu hab gud dae 2 :D

By BOM_MOMME on Oct 21, 2009 at 3:58 PM

Ai pologize, has been far two long since ai stopped buy. Wii be bak frum bacashun, dough Joe still be bakkatin till Mundai. Ai keeps cheking in to see iffn U be bak in ur home, iffn u need me, ai kin giv da werkers mi bestest gerrrr fayce. ;).

By OtherMother on Oct 13, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Ohai, BOM!! Howl' yu bee? Ai am hangin' at deh local lieburry onna 'puter wif 20 mins more time to chat. Miss als mae cheezlan palz lotz. Now that hubcat & ai R both sickly wif piggy flu it is a miracle ob CC progress is happening. Yet yu & Ai no His hand iz in all fings even now. Smooz mae fren...=^!^=

By OtherMother on Aug 30, 2009 at 1:09 PM

OHAI, bom, R U habbin a gud Sondae? Hubcat'n'ai bee moving to a bedder motel todae. So much fur "mae dae ob rest" Itz als gudgudgud, tho! {{{Bom, puddy-catz & Samson}}}

By OtherMother on Aug 29, 2009 at 5:28 PM

Ohai! I sent yu a email. Smoo, OM

By BOM_MOMME on Aug 29, 2009 at 4:51 PM

Had bad day on Thursday, they are changing my meds and had a meltdown. Still nawt doing real good but they have given me something for the side effects.

By OtherMother on Aug 28, 2009 at 9:16 PM

Ohai mae fren, howl' ye bee? Hope yu hab a gud weakend wif hubby & Samson puppy! MAE NAWT SEKOND ROOM IZ BEING PAINTED TOMORROW... Yay!!1! (sry for deh caps...onlee way fur a while to get letters instead of chinese characters! It is sooo fun living in a funky motel!! Lots of "local color" haggling for room rates, sharing stories about families, ect. Whatz new wif yu? Smooz, OM

By OtherMother on Aug 23, 2009 at 7:16 PM

cont. I tink ob eberywon in cheezlan often...esp yu, Bom. Keep mii posted onna yur floor well du deh saem. {{BOM}}

By OtherMother on Aug 23, 2009 at 7:13 PM

Oh yur Samson is deh hero! Ai yam sry 'bout als dat monies, tho. *has a sad 4 yu* Dis iz nawt gud tyme 2 borry munies! Hope yu git a bery nice floor to replace old bee gittin CVT (sumtum-vinyl-tile) deh saem az used inna schools & hospitalz. White wif a bit o it las yr on sale..was dreamin dat sumdae I'd have the monies to have it ins will give me lil bit to have maebee a new bathroom mirror. Tarrible flood caused by "fresh water supply line" to toilet goin KA-Blewey! inna night. Wake up to soggyfied floors eberywear!!! Mae lil Carmen kitteh goin, "Mee-YOUW!" ebery squishy kitty step she maek. Neber heer her sound so upsetty. :D Worse..mii Momcat bee just habbin major surgery dat same morning, too. Deh Lord did hep us and naow inna maebee 3-4 weeks we have a put-together home agin. (Momcat bee recovering well-no worry) I hab to use motel computer (eberyting ai own is inna storage) so cant have cheezlan fun wif cheezfrenz. I tink

By BOM_MOMME on Aug 22, 2009 at 2:33 PM

Daes flyin bye, ment tu actsk, what happened tu caus da flood? an iz dis why you iz trearin da floors an stuff up? Fanks tu Samson's diggin at the patio door, we diskcovered that the door had been leaking - probublee all winter - an da floor an sub floor waz rottin. 1650.00 munneez for new door and floor repair. Still have to replace the flooring - NO MORE LINOLIUM!!! Take care I finkin bout you and maybe cheezmeet next summer.

By OtherMother on Aug 22, 2009 at 9:18 AM

Ohai deer fren Bom, ai weer tinkin ob yu & hopin' yu wer doing fine wif Samson dez daez...wat is new wif yu & yourz? Wii hab maed gud progress lately onna house rebuild. Ai hassa sad wen ai seez it butt(!) itz gonna git fixed, ai know! Frankz 4 gud thotz, beamz & prayerz, 2. Smooz 2 yu, hab deh luvly weekend. =^!^=

By OtherMother on Aug 12, 2009 at 4:30 PM

Ohai dair mae fren...lolspeek off...We woke to 1 inch of water all over our home today!!! Oh my friend, what a day! More to do. BBL {{Bom}}

By OtherMother on Aug 10, 2009 at 2:34 AM

Ohai, fren bom, howl ye bee? Ai waz finking 'bout yu & hopin' yu & yurz hab deh grate weekend! schmooz!