Messages between BOM_MOMME and lunarmommy

By lunarmommy on Aug 19, 2012 at 7:53 PM

where hab all teh cheezpeeps gone? for info

By BOM_MOMME on Feb 27, 2010 at 2:21 PM

I just wanted to thank you again for your support on Thursday. I know it can be very hard to give advice to people. I definately did not feel like you were telling me to go find someplace else as much as I felt you were showing me places outside my head where I could go and get away from what lives in the dark places in my head. Your not a professionsl so dont worry, we know that the advice is for helping. Lauri da bom momme

By BOM_MOMME on May 16, 2009 at 8:35 AM

Ai glad dat eberybodi gotted da edumafication caus ob ur problum. Ai iz alsew glad dat ai nawt cause da problums what wif gibbin rong info. Al iz gud now.

By lunarmommy on May 15, 2009 at 9:05 PM

fank yoo for teh info!! all i knowed abowt thoze before wuz taht ther wuz sumfin abowt testing or not testing before or after teh vaksines... very confuzzling. so tests wuz not completely yooseless, it sownds liek! but ifinkso kumo iz just fine, ifinkso him haz lost wayt becawz in warm wevver him iz very bizzy being teh skorje ob teh lokal lizzurd popyoolayshun. fank yoo for helping me :D

By BOM_MOMME on May 15, 2009 at 2:35 PM

Sinse da info U gotted waz 180 degrees frum wat ai waz told, ai deed moer research. Da FIV test wii'll cum bak positibe sinse Kumo haz had da bacsin. Da FeLV onlee cumz bak positibe iffn da babbeh has da FeLV, da bacshin duz nawt leeb da markerz. Sew test iz 50/50 caus da bacsine is fore boff.

By BOM_MOMME on Feb 23, 2009 at 3:54 AM

fanks for the imbite. Iz nice too meatz somone from da desert. I growd up in Mohabie desert in Cafornia.