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By LadyMaeda on Sep 13, 2011 at 11:28 AM

Would you like to be my penpal? I can promise cute letters! :)

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By Vorbis on Sep 6, 2011 at 5:11 PM

Hi! I'd love to be penpals =) Drop me an email with your address and I'll write to you - (Am I alone in finding that looking forward to having penpals is almost as good as the actual eventuation of said penpals?)

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By soxyusagi on Aug 27, 2011 at 12:11 AM

my addy is 46 lake champlain ct. pensacola fl. 32506. i really wish they had pm on here. just put beckstead for the name. thanx happy writing all!

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By calistopolis on Aug 25, 2011 at 2:54 PM

hey! sure! what is your address? mine is Third Floor - 1256 6th Ave E Vancouver, BC V5T 1E7 Canada

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By vissas on Aug 8, 2011 at 3:13 PM

I'm so sorry I haven't sent out you letter yet... we've had some health problems here - my mom just had surgery and I had to go into immediate care. It's nothing too serious, her procedure went fine, and I'm on new medication. Anyway, I hope to get your letter out soon!

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By NMarlen on Aug 8, 2011 at 12:50 PM

Are you interested in being pen pals?

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By NicS on Aug 4, 2011 at 7:55 PM

Hi Kezzy, I was thinking we can do this a little more privately. If you'd like, you can email me at, and I will reply with my personal email addy. ~Nic

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By vissas on Aug 4, 2011 at 2:44 PM

I'm sorry, my computer refused to connect to the internet! So frustrating. Anyway, I am working on your letter, and it will be mailed out soon! Kerry

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By Stripsleaze on Aug 4, 2011 at 7:34 AM

The soap I make is pretty easy, using melt'n'pour wax - you just melt it and stick colour and other yum things in it :D I would like to make it from scratch, but I think it can take up to 6 months until you can actually use it oO and yeah I'm a girl lol Ria is short for Rhiannon, but I get tired of having to explain to people how to pronounce it (even though it really isn't a hard name!) especially since Rihannabecame famous D: xxx

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By NicS on Aug 2, 2011 at 12:31 PM

Hey Kezzy, so you're pretty coastal too then. I love our beaches here, love almost everything about our Florida Gulf Coast, excepting all the new building being done, to me it's sucking the personality out of something unique and beautiful. I see you like to sew, lol I can do the most basic stuff to repair a small or rip, and that's about it. I do love to bead jewelry, and other items(it's amazing and fun to see how jewelry techniques transfer to other projects.) I recently repurposed an empty wine bottle into a beaded incense holder as a gift for my mom. If I didn't have my cats I would definitely have another type of pet, I just love animals in general here. ~~~Nic

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By Stripsleaze on Aug 2, 2011 at 7:04 AM

Hello *wave* I'm Ria :) living in Glossop at the moment, but noving up to Edinburgh soon to go to uni doing in Speech Therapy :) love crafting, although I'm not exactly fab at it...I rely more on enthusiasm lol mainly make soaps, but trying (badly) to teach myself to knit and sew as well :D xxx

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By NicS on Aug 1, 2011 at 11:36 PM

Hi Kezzy, what a pretty name you have. I'm Nicole(hence the Nic lol), and I'm from the Tampa Bay area of Florida. I'm sure we'd have lots of fun stories to trade off considering our areas of residence. I also like to craft, mainly beading jewelry, but I'm down to try almost anything crafty at least once. I just love the whole process of making something, be it for myself or for a gift; which means I make a lot of gifts versus store bought lol. I'm also married, with two cats, currently lost in the emplyment field(but who isn't any more in the US economy?) Anyways, I'd be glad to hear from you anytime, and very nice meeting you :)

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By Anileh on Aug 1, 2011 at 3:41 PM

Kezzy, I was so excited about the possibility of being pen pals, I came home from work today, sat down and wrote you a letter. I'll drop it in the mail tomorrow morning. We'll see how quickly the U.S. Postal and Royal Mail people can get a letter across the Atlantic! :) Lisa

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By vissas on Aug 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM

Keziah is a pretty name, I don't think I've heard it before. Mine doesn't get shortened very much... or I have nickname-challenged friends, lol. We're having a near record heat wave in the Midwest US right now, we've almost broken the most amount of days in a row over 100 degrees F (that would be 38 degrees C). It is ridiculous! I was on the west coast, in California, a few weeks ago, because I have family who live right on a bay, and it was in the 60s (so 16-21 C, I guess?). I want to go back! My degree was really a kinda slapstick thing... I kept taking classes which interested me, and finally sat down and tried to figure out what my major should be. I was going to get either anthropology or history as a major, and the other as a minor, but I learned it wouldn't be hard to double-major (which is like getting a degree and a half, I guess... I only get one BA but I have done the coursework for both areas). My dad is a mathematics professor at the university, and he always encouraged me to take more math classes, so that's where the minor comes from. I guess I didn't have much more direction when I was in school than now I'm out, heh. The armor is for Commander Shepard, from Mass Effect (I don't know if I mentioned I'm a video game nerd, but I am a big one)... I think it'll be kinda hard to make a female version, but I've seen several people do it online, so it gives me hope I can finish it. I've started a blog for it, but I only have one post up as I haven't gotten too far yet. I love steampunk, though sometimes I'll see outfits which make me wince... I like to see projects and costumes which use creativity and have effort put in; it makes me a little sad when someone puts on a top hat with goggles and calls it a complete steampunk outfit. But, if they are having fun, then that's all that really matters, right? Working in schools sounds fun... do you get to work with the students much? My boyfriend and his friends apparently were huge into video-making in high school, and though he doesn't do it anymore, he really remembers it fondly- it would be cool to be involved in that sort of thing. I don't know much about video editing, but it sounds like an exciting job. Take care! Kerry

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By Anileh on Aug 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM

Kezzy, Thank you for your message! You asked me about my favorite movie, I would have to say it's "Love Actually." (I think that movie is extra special to me because my husband and I went and saw it on our first date.) As for sci-fi/fantasy, I have a soft-spot for "Firefly." (I'm also a huge Harry Potter fan. I love those books.) My husband and I also love watching the TV show "Warehouse 13" on the SyFy Channel. I'm not sure if that's shown in the UK or not. I'm glad to hear you're a praying Christian, too! I'm a life-long Methodist, but I promise I'm not one of those force-it-down your throats people. :) It's more just what I am and what I believe in. And, since you mentioned you don't mind hearing about small-town life, let me tell you what I'm doing right at this moment ... I'm waiting for the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile to show up! (I need to take a picture for the paper.) If you're not familiar with the Wienermobile, it's basically a giant hot-dog shaped vehicle that travels around the country promoting hot dogs. It's coming to our local grocery store this afternoon. Big news! :) Since you were so kind as to write back to me, I thought I'd share my address with you. It is: Lisa Depies 618 S. Spring St. Geneseo, IL 61254 USA Thanks! Lisa

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By vissas on Aug 1, 2011 at 10:28 AM

That sounds good to me... your name is only two letters different from mine - I'm Kerry (female Kerry, though I know some guys use this spelling as well). I also just graduated college, I got my degree in History and Anthropology (with a math minor, whoo!). I am searching for 'real' jobs too, currently I work in a coffee shop, which is pretty fun, but probably not what I want to do forever. I live right in the middle of the US, and right now it is super hot... I wish we had a little ocean breeze. I love to make all sorts of things as well; my current big project is making a full set of armor for a costume. Anyway, I hope I will hear more from you soon!

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By vissas on Jul 31, 2011 at 10:00 PM

Hello! I'm from the US, but I'd love to have a pen pal in the UK (I used to have a correspondence from Torquay several years ago). I always read Must Have Cute, but I haven't ever posted anything/needed an account until I saw the writing post. If you're interested in another pen pal (I see you have many offers, lol), then please email me,, or leave a message for me on here!

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By Anileh on Jul 30, 2011 at 2:10 PM

Hello! I'm OK with getting to know each other first, too! As you guessed, my name is Lisa. I'm 30, and I live in a small farming town called Geneseo. (Located in the state of Illinois.) It's about 3 hours from Chicago. I work at a small, weekly newspaper. I'm married, and my husband, Steve, and I have a crazy cat named Harriet, who we adore. I have been a stationery junkie for so long - I'm running out of space in my desk drawers! I love to write, and I love to send letters. (I'm the type of person who responds to an e-mail with a hand-written letter from time to time.) Let's see ... what else? I love movies (especially comedy), I love to read, and I enjoy traveling. I've been to the U.K. once (I spent 16 days in London for a university class) and fell in love with the country. I have a secret (although maybe it's not so secret) love of all things Hello Kitty. I also really like to make lists. (A bit strange, I know. But my husband always jokes that when I'm in doubt about what to do next, I make a list.) My life isn't terribly exciting, so most of what I'd write to you about would be about my small-town life. I hope this isn't too rambly of a get-to-know you e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you again. Thanks! Lisa

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By Anileh on Jul 30, 2011 at 5:08 AM

Hello Bluelunar! Were you the one looking for a pen pal on the Must Have Cute site? If so, I'd love to be your pen pal! Please let me know. :) Lisa

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