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By muriell on Aug 27, 2017 at 2:10 PM

A lot of the pics are my RL fosterees. The more recent pics are from icguy34's Black Friday Kitties collection (I've been faving a pile as I go thru and I see you like them too!). And it's the pics themselves that are so expressive! Scrolling thru my own pics and then that collection, I keep seeing a photo that just expresses some follow-on to the previous one. That lil bebe gettin told off by hims mammy *splort* Am trying to figure out a lol with an exhausted 'me' amazed at finding sooooo many fabulous fotos of blue-eyed black furbebes. It's like I can't stop lolling! have been really enjoying myself - maybe one more before bed time :) Thx for likin em.

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By catsuberalles on Aug 27, 2017 at 1:50 PM the lol you favorited is a fine sentiment incorrectly sourced. You can ignore the caustic bottom, note the factual top.

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By muriell on Aug 27, 2017 at 10:25 AM

Thanking you BubbaSan! Gave me the excuse to go back thru mah photos and pick out all teh lil black kittehs. Dem pics soooo cyewt :)

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By catsuberalles on Aug 2, 2017 at 1:43 PM

Oops! Brain cramp! Wrong person...*sigh* Strange day. "Never mind."

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By catsuberalles on Aug 2, 2017 at 1:41 PM

Ohai! For some reason I forgot we were friended - that's what happens when you suddenly double your friends list - or else I would have contacted you directly. I'm sorry the 007 lol upset you. As echeg5 explained, this has always been standard operating procedure. This is a quick summary, I don't know if you've seen it:

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By icguy34 on Jul 31, 2017 at 3:20 PM

Sorry for getting back to you so late.. But I was away from ICHC for a few days, but now I'm back and have continued the Bosco story where hims is trying to catch a Fishie at the very dangerous Lake Dread so he can earn that much prized Kamp Fishing Badge.. Please feel free to add all the LOLs yu want to the story. The Coach Bellbottom LOL's title was "KCAT BREAKING NEWS: Coach Bellbottoms makes shocking revelashun abowt Bosco! Coach himself iz stunned by teh news! Coach suspects Rushin involvements!" and they changed the title by shortening it to: KCAT BREAKING NEWS. In fact they did it for a second time for the same Coach Bellbottoms LOL! Again, I deleted what they did, and remade the LOL the way it should be. They tend to view a LOL as a one-off thing that should just stand by itself and make sense just by itself. They lack the understanding that the KKPS LOLs are typically part of a story line and that each LOL helps explain and advance the story, so that you can't just lop off a few sentences in a LOL at random and expect the story not to be damaged. Besides the benefits of the old builders that you mentioned, there's also the ability we had for a wide range of different colors and different fonts. The current Beta Advanced Builder has shockingly few color and font choices, which would have been a simple thing to have improved upon at the time they put out the Beta Advanced Builder. They were told about that deficiency but didn't care to correct it. So I really don't hold out any hope of an improvement in the Builders. So I and others all do out best with what we have. By the way, I often look back at the older LOLs I made and all the wide variety of ways of expressing ourselves with the old Builders, and it's very disheartening to see what once we had but what had been taken away from us. I just don't believe the ICHC Staff has any interest in helping us out at all. So sad, but we make do with what we have. And it's still fun to make new LOLs and tell stories about the Kampers and their adventures.

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By Jiskat on Jul 24, 2017 at 12:38 PM

Woohoo!!! Lolcats HP congrats!!! Such devotion ;-) *cuddlies*

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By catsuberalles on Jul 21, 2017 at 10:14 AM

btw, I have a stash of over 20,000 pictures here: Feel free to use whatever you wish; all I ask is that in "picture by" you write "cvf." (Download the picture[s] you want to your computer, upload to here.) That stands for "cua via Facebook" (where I get all my pictures), and it gives me the satisfaction of knowing my pictures are being used. Have at 'em, and feel free to pass along to icguy. Thanks.

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By catsuberalles on Jul 21, 2017 at 9:53 AM

Trying a new place to put "recaption," in the "picture by" field on the bottom. e.g. see this lol: (please pass on to icguy)

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By catsuberalles on Jul 20, 2017 at 4:16 PM

You're welcome. I used to say the same thing, "I just want a _phone_," but now that I have one I love it. *** (By BubbaSan on Jul 20, 2017 at 4:04 PM * Thanks for the info - I'll still be stuck with the primative "beta" builders though - (nawt smart enuff foar uh smartphone) my trusty flip phone still serves me well...)

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By catsuberalles on Jul 20, 2017 at 2:45 PM

OH! PS thanks very much to icguy as well.

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By catsuberalles on Jul 20, 2017 at 2:27 PM

Aha! Thank you very much for that answer, it is very much appreciated as it makes the effort worthwhile. c&p from message to muriell: "PicSay Pro app on the smartphone. ($3.99) heyman uses it, as does RA_BH and IIRC SirNot[etc]. That's why I have to provide a "recaption" link, because I am uploading two separate pictures. One, the "ready made" lol - which doesn't do anyone any good, with my text on it - and the blank picture, which people can use." ----> Continuing to your point: yes, I _hate_ the fact that I have to provide the link because we're missing the Builder because it _does_ distract from the title. When you see the "recaption" on the bottom, it's because the lol is an FP or being considered for FP. IOW, the mods moved it below, and I wish I could do so myself. Thanks for the compliment. *** (By BubbaSan on Jul 20, 2017 at 2:18 PM * OHai, in answer to your question, I do use the links you porvide, as does Icguy34 - although sometimes I do use an image search app too. I do wonder what app you use to create your wonderful LOLz? It seems to have the beloved "speech and thought bubbles" that we all miss so very much. (and also why it doesen't upload your pictures into ICHC so we could use the "recaption" button?) - the "tiny URL" links really distract from your titles - looks much better when you post them underneath... Thanks for all your brilliant work!)

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By yulyndi on Jul 20, 2017 at 8:33 AM

Wow! U are on some kinda roll wif all dese FPs! Concatulations for poor, tired Rodney, and any udders I may hab mist!

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By Jiskat on Jul 20, 2017 at 7:33 AM

Woohoo!!! Lolcats HP congratz!!! Catch that freaking fish already! ;-) *cuddlies*

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By 1TeamKSO on Jul 20, 2017 at 6:27 AM

Chris10a for KSO: totally agree, icguy's stories are great, and there is always room for other cheezpeep to make lolz that fit in with his : )

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By Jiskat on Jul 18, 2017 at 11:33 PM

Woohoo!!! 2X Lolcats HP congrats!!! Dreadful odds ;-) *cuddlies*

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By icguy34 on Jul 18, 2017 at 8:40 PM

Double LOLcats FP Congrats! Yay! for Benny the Bookmaker and for Bosco's Fan Club!

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By Jiskat on Jul 16, 2017 at 7:31 AM

Woohoo!!! Lolcats HP congratz!!! And thats just what I'll do ;-) *cuddlies*

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By icguy34 on Jul 16, 2017 at 7:13 AM

Hi, BubbaSan.. I just ED'd what catsuberalles wrote to you and asked about recaptioning. Could you also tell him that I regularly use the recaptioning link he provides. Thanks.

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By icguy34 on Jul 16, 2017 at 7:11 AM

LOLcats FP Congrats for that sweet kittie wiff teh nose made for boopin! So CUTE!

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