Messages between BubbaSan and AnOldCowhand

By BubbaSan on Jul 30, 2022 at 3:35 PM

It's good to hear you're in an area away from the fire and earthquake zones. ... We have "experts" "from away" moving here too, outnumbering and out voicing the locals who were brought up to be wise stewards of the land. It's one of the downsides of living in a beautiful area where real estate prices are not as crazy as they are in the cities I guess. ... Praying that your health to improves, and the pain eases, *Hugs*!

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 26, 2022 at 12:52 PM

Don't worry about me and fire season, I'm not one of those idjits that built a place out in the brush There is a mile of farmed land in every direction but one and even that side has a 1/4-mile wide pistachio orchard. I've spent a lifetime observing the environment (not like these nature-fakers that have spent their lives in the city) and I chose this place for several merits including safety from wildfires and flooding, and resistance to earthquakes. I saw a great bumpersticker the other day - "Log it, graze it, or watch it burn."

By BubbaSan on Jul 25, 2022 at 6:11 AM

Ohai! Sorry for the delay answering, but my old computer needed some serious tinkering to get back online (still running Windows 8.1 - working to switching it to Linux - and I know nothing about the inner workings of computers, so it is an ongoing adventure (many bad words have been flung about...) --- I agree, when Sylvia passed it was like all the lights went out, she was in so many ways the Heart of Cheezland, and so many "old gourds" drifted away then. --- I am so glad you are stopping by again, perhaps more of the "old timers" will drift back! It may be different here now, and kinda lonely, but it's still a good neighbourhood to visit! --- Hope this finds you safe and healing - I always worry about you when fire season kicks in (is it even a "season" out there anymore? It seems to be all year round now...) Be well, stay safe, know that you are loved, you're important to us!

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 12, 2022 at 12:28 PM

One of the greatest losses here was Sylviag. I think that when she died is when I really drifted away. Ah, Betsy and Poohdence...Betsy drifted off even before I did and I sorely missed her. A few years back, my employer moved to Wyoming. A firearm manufacturer is a pariah in California, so it was a natural move. I considered going with them but I couldn't make the economics of it work out. Since then I have considered retiring there, but I would be a thousand miles from everything (and everyone) that I know. Were I younger, or healthier, I might still consider it, but...

By BubbaSan on Jul 10, 2022 at 1:40 PM

Cheezland is a great place to visit to escape RL for a while - even if it does feel so different here now... Our best and brightest are no longer with us (kinda like RL). I can relate, I'm in my seventies and am completely alone, I made the mistake of moving to a different part of the country after I retired - BIG mistake! I wish I had some wise words that would offer some comfort to you, but I'm not wise... Listening to the morning birdsong helps me, no matter what is happening, I am lucky to have a window to gaze out of, to see the trees sway in the breeze with the squirrels doing their acrobatics to get to the bird feeders. Every night is a painful struggle, but every morning is a beautiful gift (except when my foolish neighbor has put food waste out in the rubbish bin and the bears and raccoons have spread it all over the lawn... ) Hope to see you here more too - a wise friend once told me LOLing is good for the soul... (and you are the best storyteller!) You and Betskand created some great sagas! Hugz an Bonks!

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 9, 2022 at 9:33 PM

Not that many friends nearby...oddly, at 60, I have outlived most of them. That being said, one of my Native Sons brothers drove down here this morning to pic me up and take me to Monterey for an event. Two hours one way. The pain was excruciating, but, in the greater scheme, short lived. The long term effects are what's dragging me down. Keep lol'ing, it's good for the soul.

By BubbaSan on Jul 7, 2022 at 10:43 PM

Just read your other messages - oh my gosh, that sounds like such a frightening and painful affliction, thank God you have improved enough to walk a bit - Warm hugs, much love, more prayers...

By BubbaSan on Jul 7, 2022 at 10:17 PM

oops... that got posted before I was finished typing! - ...was trying to say something about how the influence of the Old Gourds creative work is still everywhere here, your generous spirit and great stories are still here for the New Cheezpeeps to appreciate. --- It sounds like you have been having some hard times? I hope you have loving friends nearby to be of help? You are in my prayers old friend, you made this a very warm and friendly place to visit, perhaps some of that warmth can come back to you now. - Growing older is definitely challenging, and rather a lonely road to walk...

By BubbaSan on Jul 7, 2022 at 9:47 PM

It's wonderful hearing from you! I agree Cheezland is not the same at all, but solitude was getting to me, so I wandered back. I miss seeing you and the other "old gourds" here very much, there are only a few left that stop by regularly. I spend most of my time here "visiting" old friends' archives - there are some brilliant lolz and storylines in those archives! It's interesting to see how some of their work - Are you still in California?

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 3, 2022 at 12:38 PM

Hi Bubba. I haven't been on here much for the last 8 years or so either. I checked in a few years back and it just didn't seem the same somehow. I hope you are doing well and life is being kind. A lot has happened in the last few years, little of it good, but I'm still alive.

By BubbaSan on Jun 29, 2022 at 11:40 AM

Just stopping by to say hi, miss you! I'm back after a few years away, and trying to catch up with old friends. Hugz

By BubbaSan on Feb 26, 2019 at 6:41 PM

p.s. - does the Head Poobah get to ride in the Rose Bowl Parade? Be a nice way to get you back in the saddle...

By BubbaSan on Feb 26, 2019 at 6:28 PM

Wow! Grand Poobah! Congratulations! So... how shall we mere commoners address you now Sir Cow? Happy for you *hugsan bonks*

By AnOldCowhand on Feb 26, 2019 at 10:06 AM

Ohai! I'm getting along okay. Getting ready to change jobs and getting ready for my year as the head poobah of NSGW.

By BubbaSan on Feb 26, 2019 at 2:11 AM

OHai! I've been gone for awhile too, so just read your msg from December - It's so good to hear from you! How are you?

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 27, 2018 at 7:11 PM

Hi Bubs. I was just rereading our old thread, about people just dropping off the face of the earth. I realize that I largely did the same thing almost 3 years ago. I'm glad to see you're still around.

By BubbaSan on Jul 26, 2016 at 2:38 PM

OHai! More good news about Sylvia: - Prayers do work wonders, and the outpouring of love and prayers from Sylvia's "Cheezpeep Posse" are truly helping!

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 26, 2016 at 10:18 AM

Yeah, I know I'm not as active here as I was once and I certainly don't keep in touch like I should. I'm bad that way. Heck, Beckysdad visited me two or three times in the hospital, brought me stuff I needed, and I haven't sent him a cheezmail in ages.

By BubbaSan on Jul 26, 2016 at 10:11 AM

Thanks for the info about jlandis, Sylvia is in so many ways the heart of our world here! So many of us just seem to disappear, it's sad for our friends who wonder how we are (me too- but if I go away again, I promise to leave a note) At least we all live on in Cheezland! We must always "Cherish the memories!" *hugs*

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 26, 2016 at 8:05 AM

I will be eternally hanged if I know and, unfortunately, the most direct route that I had to her was Sylvia. I don't know what happened but shortly after the collectibles ended, JL just dropped off the grid. Wouldn't even answer my emails. I was going to meet her for coffee some time when I was in her neighborhood but she quit replying. Foxkatt told me that she saw her around on another site for a time afterward but I haven't heard a peep about her in several years.

By BubbaSan on Jul 25, 2016 at 1:48 PM

Ohai, Thank you! I'm so relieved to know Betskand is still with us! So many Cheezpeeps left or passed over while I was away my wanderings too often end in sadness or wondering. - I've been wondering about jlandis too - is she still with us? Hope all is well with you, thanks so much! <3

By AnOldCowhand on Jul 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM

BSan, I just got on and saw your messages with the news about Sylvia. My heart breaks, she is a good person and deserves so much better. I put in a call to Betsy but had to leave a voice mail. I hope she gets it soon.

By BubbaSan on Jul 25, 2016 at 9:05 AM

More good news about Sylvia:

By BubbaSan on Jul 24, 2016 at 2:13 PM

Latest Sylvia update: - if you have anyway to contact Betskand please pass it along. LuvanBonks

By BubbaSan on Jul 24, 2016 at 6:57 AM

You are needed Mr Cow, - Cheezfolk need to pass the sad news about Sylviag to Betskand and I was wondering if you have a way to contact her? You have probably seen these already: , , All of Cheezland is lighting candles and sending prayers (I am so sorry to bear such sad news - going to spend this Sunday sending prayers and beams of love to Sylvia and her family; and celebrating the joy she gave us all)

By AnOldCowhand on Jun 2, 2016 at 11:50 AM

Ohai! Just popped in for a minute. Busy, busy.

By BubbaSan on Jun 2, 2016 at 10:24 AM

Ohai Mr Cow! Good to see you here!

By BubbaSan on May 25, 2016 at 4:17 PM

Wow! You've had some intense times! That accident sounds terrifying - thank goodness you're still with us! So sorry to hear about Ruby, she was a star. It sounds like things are looking up though, congrats on being elected VP of NSGW, wonderful organisation! Congrats too on the "new" job, must be hard to be away from home so much though. This economy certainly does have us jumping through some unexpected hoops! I'm retired now and work part time. The last couple of years were difficult, lost Ginger and Freckles, and three of my oldest kitties, the animal shelter I volunteered at closed, so I "lost" my horses and all the other pets we were able to rescue - found good homes for all! Had some scary health issues for a couple of years too. Things are much better now, still have Andy the little rescue dog, he's 14, so every day is a gift. We moved to an apartment in a small town, (so not used to apartment life!)- really miss sharing life with critters, and my garden! Thankfully there is a big balcony that I'm turning into a container garden. So, lots of changes, but every day is a new adventure, and life is good. Will be sending up prayers for you, that the next surgery is a success, and therapy goes well. Take care of yourself Mr Cow! We need to see you here! Luv and Bonks

By AnOldCowhand on May 25, 2016 at 10:41 AM

How about you?

By AnOldCowhand on May 25, 2016 at 10:41 AM

It looks like the last time we conversed, I was recovering from the broken leg. Well, just about a year after that, when I was finally all healed up, I was involved in a bad traffic accident. Got airlifted to Stanford Med Center where I spent 17 days and had something like 6 surgeries, then another 21 in a nursing home. It was a full 8 weeks before I was allowed to stand up again. My beautiful little Ruby succumbed to lymphoma while I was in the hospital. Fancy is still with us but she's showing her age. My left leg is crooked after the wreck so I need to schedule a surgery to get it straightened out. Been working again for almost 11 months but I had to take a job 250 miles from home so I'm away from my critters during the week and get to see them when I go home on weekends. Was just elected Grand 3rd VP of the Native Sons of the Golden West last week (