Messages between BubbaSan and SovaPlum

By SovaPlum on Dec 23, 2022 at 6:53 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Meowy Catmus

By SovaPlum on Dec 24, 2021 at 9:09 PM

Ohai BubbaSan!

By SovaPlum on Dec 25, 2020 at 3:11 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Meowy Catmus frum Kiwilandia!

By SovaPlum on Dec 25, 2019 at 12:30 AM

Ohai BubbaSan!

By SovaPlum on Dec 25, 2018 at 1:16 PM

Ohai BubbaSan!

By SovaPlum on Dec 26, 2017 at 1:30 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Merry U No Wut :-)

By SovaPlum on Dec 31, 2016 at 11:14 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Bubba sounds like a splendid fellow. Just the gentlemanly sort of kitteh any Crazy Cat Lady/Laddie would wish to meet. It's a shame you've no access to a goggie right now. How 'bout a Virtual Goggie? One that can assist Milo with Plae Tiem? I'm going to the Seaside tomorrow and will pass on your greetings to Great Moana (maori for ocean).

By SovaPlum on Dec 24, 2016 at 3:00 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Meowy Catmus *bonks*

By BubbaSan on Dec 23, 2016 at 6:01 PM

Bubba earned his title - he was a gentle giant of a black cat - who had been the beloved pet of an elder lady, and wound up on the street when she passed and the shopkeeper who had promised to care for him abandoned him in the winter. He gradually started to come to the feeding station on my porch, and leading other abandoned cats and kittens to it. He rescued Emily when she was a tiny kitten and they were inseparable. Took close to a year before they came in to my apartment. He was the most gentle, big hearted cat I have known. He eventually became diabetic and never complained when I had to give him his insulin shots. I was very Lucky he chose to share his last years with me! I love to volunteer at shelters, unfortunately I am without a car for the winter and the nearest shelter is almost 40 miles away over a mountain pass. Lovely drive in the summer though. I'm missing my dogs terribly, but my ginger cat Milo does like to play fetch - he'll drop his favourite catnip mouse in my shoe (or my coffee if I'm not looking) when he wants to play. If you get to the beach over Christmas please do say hello to Mother Ocean for me - was an ocean sailor in my younger days - some of the best sailors and boats I knew were from NZ - you all build them strong and true down there! Happy Christmas!

By SovaPlum on Dec 22, 2016 at 6:52 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Is that BubbaSan like Honourable Elvis? __Lol! I'm picturing you being dragged along the ground, turning the air blue with Sulphurous Language while you goggies giggle and play. :-) __ Here in NZ's North there's no snow fur Catmus. We get beach parties and BBQ. I'd love to try a White Catmus at least once. But I don't think I'd like to give up Catums under the Sun. __ I have resolved to teach Honey traditional Dog Commands. Heather is trying to find a new home for Honey and I hope it will help if we can promise proper responses to "Sit, Stay, Lie Down, Roll Over, Come Here To Me and Quiet". ' Quiet" is going to be tough cause all small dogs are noisy. I'm keeping "walk on" though that's already proven useful. Weirdly, she doesn't know how to play "fetch" Which MUST be corrected promptly. ;-) __ Kwestion! Are you allowed to walk shelter goggies on loan? I'm finding it surprisingly painless exercise. My favourite kind! *bonk*

By BubbaSan on Dec 20, 2016 at 4:12 PM

Thanks! Yes, Andy's spirit lingered and there were magical moments. Had to chuckle at your dogs trying to yank your arm out of it's socket - my big guys actually did that to me our first winter in the North Woods - they LOVED snow! Had all three of the big guys on leads, tripped on a snowbank, but they kept on running into the forest - dragging me - I was a sled! They thought it quite funny - is to me now too, at the time tho very bad words might have been shouted... Unlike me, they adapted to winter fast, growing magnificent coats. They were large German Shepherds with a bit of Wolf, perfect for the icy north, and wonderful companions. We are so lucky to share life with our pets! Hope you are having a nice summer, and your Holidays are Merry. Hugs & Bonks

By SovaPlum on Dec 19, 2016 at 6:28 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! I'm sorry for your recent loss. Are you still seeing Andy out of the corner of you eye? Issa benign haunting that is our fur behbehs parting gift. __ I'm delighted I'm not the only one with a pony/goggie inflection. Ur so rite. Pup was totally onto it. She being a typically clebber Border Collie. Honey - Corgi/Jack Russlle - is sweet and barky but kinda dim. We'll work on it. They both tried their best to yank my arms out of their sockets, though. *waves teh floofy paw frum Nu Zealand* (aka Sunny Daze Land)

By BubbaSan on Dec 19, 2016 at 5:33 PM

Ohai, ed'd your earlier msg to cataff about using horse commands for the dogs - loved it! I always did that with the big dogs - my Danny was almost big enough to pass for a pony, and the girls weren't much smaller. Fell into the habit of handling the leads like reins too. Dogs are smart - they adapted. Find myself newly dog less now, little rescue Andy crossed the bridge Thanksgiving weekend. Miss that goggie luv! Thanks for bringing back memories of happier times, *wavin teh floofy paw frum New England* (aka the frigid Northwoods)

By SovaPlum on Aug 11, 2016 at 10:24 PM


By BubbaSan on Aug 11, 2016 at 10:20 PM

Thanks! *eyes bery leaky rite naow* Hugs an Bonks

By SovaPlum on Aug 11, 2016 at 10:15 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! I'm glad you managed to beat the BB into submission. Your Meme-orial is purrfect.

By BubbaSan on Aug 11, 2016 at 10:04 PM

Thanks! That simple "rainbow & clouds" LOL I just posted took forever - builder wouldn't allow me to load the entire message so I had to save stages of it to my pics, then reload it and add more... I think we have overloaded it by all of us trying to create memorials for Sylvia at the same time...

By SovaPlum on Aug 11, 2016 at 7:54 PM

Ohai BubbaSan. Just ED'd your msg about work arounds. If the Basic Builder doesn't work for you. Wait 10 mins. That's what I've been finding.

By SovaPlum on Jul 14, 2016 at 9:10 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Sowee ai took so long to git back to u. Should be able to git to Cheezland moar now. ___ Sew, Sheena eh? Ai liked Sheena too but at hart ai was moar ov a Janna of the Jungle fan. I just LUBBED teh way she road around standing on teh head of crocodiles!

By BubbaSan on Jul 3, 2016 at 6:45 PM

Absolutely love your "OHai, just swingin by"! That could start a fun thread of Tarzan Kitteh lolz! (I'm old enough to remember Sheena Of The Jungle too) - could be loads of summer fun, deserves to be a FP!

By BubbaSan on Jul 3, 2016 at 6:34 PM

OHai! Thank you so much for accepting! Love your Fren Chips, it's just brilliant! *wavin teh floofy paw*

By SovaPlum on Jul 3, 2016 at 5:00 PM

Ohai BubbaSan! Fank yew fur eggsendin ur floofy paw in fren chips. Hare izza nu fren gifts fur u.