The latest from Burnhard

Burnhard Hooray! Burnhard's LOL was featured on the homepage of Rage Comics

What Do You Say, Gabby?

What Do You Say, Gabby?

Go check it out and tell Burnhard congrats!

Burnhard Burnhard and Thrill-Gunner are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and star58162 are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and Alei7 are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard favorited a lol

Yeah, All Blacks can fly too

Yeah, All Blacks can fly too
Burnhard Burnhard and Eisinger are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and s8an are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and Jaiman1998 are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and Saturn-V are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and kukaz00 are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and starmano1 are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and SirKilmoreRyan are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard and Emzzz777 are now Cheezburger friends
Burnhard Burnhard favorited a lol

My Eyes Are Trolling Me

My Eyes Are Trolling Me
Burnhard Burnhard favorited a lol

You Will Eat What the Colonel Tells You!

You Will Eat What the Colonel Tells You!


Burnhard has no sites.


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1 of 1 messages
By Bunraite on Oct 15, 2011 at 8:36 PM
“thank you for friending me- all I really want to know- along with the rest ... [more]