Messages between Carrots_And_Crayons and everyonesxwife

By everyonesxwife on May 6, 2009 at 11:05 PM

The dogs can't decide if they wanna be warm outside or warm inside (LOL). They keep thinking they are on the wrong side of the door no matter where they are... but never fear! I am working on a solution! Hope to hear from you soon, Love ya! T

By everyonesxwife on May 6, 2009 at 11:02 PM

Hello Baby Grrl! How are you? Sorry I've been gone so long (migraines, Grrrr!) but I hope to be back with my dear, dear friends on a more regular basis soon! So how's life for you these days? Are all of ur babies well and happy? Mine are grumpy but otherwise okay... my air conditioner is out and it's already getting warm here in Texas.

By Carrots_And_Crayons on May 4, 2009 at 3:31 PM

hey! 'sup?

By everyonesxwife on Apr 29, 2009 at 12:11 AM

so now I am obsessed with getting her before he turns her over to the pound but I just don't know where to put her!!! I already have 6 big dogs (between 50 and 100 pounds each) and most of them are high maintenance. BUT I just gotta find a way.... I hope she can hold on another week.... : ) If you pray, say a prayer to keep her safe. Her name is Teddy. If you don't pray, just send good thots her way! : )

By everyonesxwife on Apr 29, 2009 at 12:06 AM

OMG! 12 already! Glad to hear from you again! : ) Hope ur life is treating u very decently... we are all okay here. Trying to figure out where to cram in a new dog (DON"T have a CLUE how to make it work but just gotta!) She's 12 going on 13 and used to belong to a friend of mine who died. Someone else adopted her then, but doesn't want her anymore - ASSHOLE! NOW she has heartworms and mange (cause he didn't take care of her!) and he wants to get a puppy....

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Apr 28, 2009 at 3:59 PM

I turned 12 in december, happy l8 b-day!

By everyonesxwife on Apr 27, 2009 at 8:42 PM

P.S. Just had my 48th birthday - YIPPEE! I'm still a little kid when it comes to birthdays. I LOVE them! I drag them out for days and make Mark buy me cake and stuff. We went out to eat Saturday and again tonight (all under the guise of b'day meals). I hope I still like them when I'm 80! : )

By everyonesxwife on Apr 27, 2009 at 8:40 PM

I thot I'd drop in and check my mail and stuff, then thot I'd drop by and get some smiles : ) Hope u r okay and stuff. Hugs and kisses to you and yours! *Smooch!* T

By everyonesxwife on Apr 27, 2009 at 8:38 PM

Hi Sweetie! How are you these days? I've been hanging out (quietly) here at home and sleeping a lot. I am on a lot of meds for depression and pain and stuff and sumtimes I disappear for months at a time - nothing personal to ANYONE... I still LOVE you and my cheezy friends, I just don't turn on the computer as much...

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Apr 19, 2009 at 2:41 PM

did I tell you I love Rob Zombie?

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Apr 19, 2009 at 2:40 PM

I LOVE ROB ZOMBIE!!! *glomps Rob who screams"get off me!!" I reply "but Rob, I love you!" "YOU SCARE ME!!! GET AWAY!!!"* I'll have to stalk Edward Cullen now. *stalks dward* not fun anymore. *stalkin Rob again*

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Mar 7, 2009 at 12:50 PM

k! c u soon! bye! - Sylvia Alaine- Chan!

By everyonesxwife on Mar 7, 2009 at 12:21 AM

Hi SUger! How r u these days? SOrry I've been gone for about a month - nothing personal to anyone whatsoever... Missed u guys! Was wondering if you are around tonight - just dropped in to say " Hi". : ) T

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Feb 28, 2009 at 12:02 PM

hey! I have a picture 4 u! iz a present 2 my truest cheezfrend! U!!!!!!:

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Jan 27, 2009 at 5:49 PM

um.... I drew dat pic.... it luks jus' lik me... dat pic I told u was me... dat was frum 3 yeers ago. eny pic ob me nao.... u kno teh saying 'teh camura + 5 powndz' ? well nao, it taeks 10 off me. I LOOK LK A FRIKIN' STICK!!!!! I meen it! I luk lk a frikin' stick!!!!!! I rlly luk lk an unpaynted porcelain doll! I rlly do haz yellowish hazel eyes en I rlly do luk lk dat. iz wat I luk lk. so ya, I'm nawt perky- lukin enymoar.

By everyonesxwife on Jan 27, 2009 at 2:55 AM

You changed your avatar! Who is this one? She doesn't look a thing like you!!! Where's my little headbanging goth grrl? Thanks for dropping in to say "Hi". I've been AFK for about a month now and missed everyone! C U L8er! : ) T

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Jan 16, 2009 at 8:25 PM

I'm lisnin 2 'House Of 1000 Corpses' by Rob Zombie riet nao! u herd it? iz freakin awesum! rox mi f***** sox!

By everyonesxwife on Jan 16, 2009 at 1:46 AM

Hi Sweetums! Been AWOL... sorry. The heat went out in my house and this cold weather is KILLIN me! I am wearing my Emily knit cap and purple gloves right now - makes it kinda hard to type! Bought some electric space heaters but if I run more than 3 at a time they flip the breaker! Sucks! Hope to see more of everyone sometime soon.... Hugs! T

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Jan 10, 2009 at 8:12 AM

hi! been way 2 long sinc we tawkt! I'm lisnin 2 House Of 1000 Corpses riet nao, u kno, by Rob Zombie. iz totalee awusum! eben BETR den Happy Hell 'o' Ween!

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Dec 25, 2008 at 7:40 AM


By everyonesxwife on Nov 29, 2008 at 9:20 AM

Hey there again Sweet Child! I'm off to bed! Hope to see you later! T : )

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Nov 29, 2008 at 9:07 AM

I'm fine, just drinking blood liek vampires should be.LOL *slurp*'r u?

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Nov 29, 2008 at 8:54 AM

tuf.I hope that izn't hao me an mysister end up. h8ing eechober'z guts 4 teh rest ob etirnity. en ya, teh gurl'z frendz down't liek her as much eny moar.I down't tnx dat ENYone lieks her dat much eny moar.I fownd owt a litl moar, Yazz bit her en she dropped him in ther. it was an accident.Tiffany didn't mean to.

By everyonesxwife on Nov 29, 2008 at 6:35 AM

Hope ur Thanksgiving Day went well. We had an easy day with just my Mom, Dad, son, boyfriend, and me. My brother and my nephews had other plans. THANK YOU, GOD! GODDESS! We do not get along well and whenever we get thrown in together with the rest of the family we are UGLY!!!

By everyonesxwife on Nov 29, 2008 at 6:32 AM

Hey CCB! How are you today? Been having some shitty times lately huh? Sorry bout your little pal, the hamster. Don't worry. That girl will get hers. What goes around comes around and being mean to something or someone innocent is a major bad karma thing! Unless ashe does some serious "Mother Teresa" stuff for the rest of her life it'll catch up to her and she'll have to pay for it. Still a sad loss.

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Nov 24, 2008 at 3:08 PM

Yazz is a hamster who bit ppl.maebey thats y teh gurl did dat.maebey sh thot dat Yazz en Coco wud get along.I down't kno.eny waey it waz a satupid ting 2 do, puting 2 boy hamsters in teh saem cage.I hope she feels awful en rots in her sox.

By everyonesxwife on Nov 22, 2008 at 9:24 PM

Wow CCB! How did your friend get killed? That sucks bigtime! So sory for ur loss. It's never easy to lose a friend - especially if you lose him/her forever. : (

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Nov 21, 2008 at 5:35 PM

sum1 waz murdered at my skool 2day....... :'( major frowns.poor Yazz , if only Coco hadn't......*sigh* I'll miss him, I rlly loved him.......

By Carrots_And_Crayons on Nov 15, 2008 at 11:48 AM

yes,plz 2 ask her y she mad at me.tnx 4 carin.KTNXBI

By everyonesxwife on Nov 15, 2008 at 4:09 AM

Hello CCB! SOrry but I've been gone all week. Have you and DV8TRIX made up yet? Want me to ask her why she's mad? I don't mind... I'm about to go to bed soon - but will ask her tomorrow if u want me to. : ) T