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By Suzi_sMom on Mar 31, 2011 at 10:38 PM

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By Suzi_sMom on Mar 31, 2011 at 9:52 AM

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By beaniebop on Mar 31, 2011 at 9:13 AM

Thank you... My daughter drew it years ago. I used it on here when I first started. I also used a pic of the crystal skull, which has always fasinated me. hugz

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By RA_BH on Mar 31, 2011 at 8:04 AM

thank you for accepting my request; be well. rick

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By beaniebop on Mar 31, 2011 at 7:57 AM

Thank you so much!!! *jumping for joy* I haz another collection completed!! I don't really have anything you need! If you want anything I have just let me know. hugz & hedbonks

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By earthmama on Mar 31, 2011 at 7:47 AM

Here is my last kollektubl 4 of 4, on the last day of March! It is very important, as your kitteh may be suffering from dis condishun. : ) (Sorry I couldn't fit it on a round circle this time.)

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By ZeMadCatBrat on Mar 31, 2011 at 6:55 AM

Thanks for accepting. That's right: from Madcat to CatMad! The connection between ceiling and basement is stairs, so why not have one fiery red and make it a fire-exit? Love gingers anyway.

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By MiteyMouse on Mar 31, 2011 at 6:16 AM

Hallo Cat :) Fanx for frendin meh!!!!

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By tookat on Mar 31, 2011 at 6:02 AM

I am a Shaman my life there are no coincidences. You have been led, that is clear. All I am allowed to say, is follow your instincts and see if they lead you down the rabbit whole like I did...or to someplace completely different. The world is full of possibilities right now.

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By tookat on Mar 31, 2011 at 4:30 AM

Wellmet and welcome the . We have made several wonderful new friends who have been attracted to what is going on and wish to help. We have also attracted many curious people or people who wish a free healer channel as a friend, as well as one of high vibration in genuine need. I am working this so hard, I barely have the energy to spare to "look" into which is which. We have had a few requests from people too young or not grounded well enough for us to consider at this time...and from some with friends too young and impressionable. It is not safe to accept anyone who comes knocking as a guide, and I already have seen one young friend in and out of the mental hospital twice before I gave up on getting through to her. The young are convinced they can choose no wrong and I ha e neither the time or energy to fight them, just as I have no temper to try and help those unlikely to be helped. I left one board I loved when everyone was well-wishing a woman who not only brought tons of bad luck on herself but came from a family with long history of doing so. She was powerful enough to do so to a fiancé who lived in another country, and brought both a lot of happiness and grief into that marriage. My last straw was when she started worrying over whether her baby would be healthy or not. I could not bear to see an innocent born with a birth defect because "nothing ever goes right for me" needed another drama to fuel her life and the sympathy she f'ed on from others.

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By tookat on Mar 31, 2011 at 3:38 AM

hello, thank you for requesting an aquaintanceship but I must ask why you have made the request? Neither of us has faved the others lols so it is not because we share a sense of humor. If, you read my profile before making the request..or ed*ed any of what is going on on my dash right now, I am sure you will understand my question. If it is because I am a healer and a channel, you need to knwo I am not allowed, by my guides to teach some people or to haelp them until they have made changes in their own lives. this is not because we are being "choosey" but because I am not allowed to interfere with some people life contracts. They may get help from other people...even possibly through this board, but I must follow the signs set down by those who lead me. Namaste

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By littleAPC on Mar 31, 2011 at 3:12 AM

Mornin! least here it iz. Ai don think yur lolz r laem, yu gotz sum great onez der. An if ai kan get on deh FP any one kanz! LOL Ai was afraid to mak one but den ai tried an ai now ai'm habben so much fun. Ai jus hab to watch mai humour....9 yrs in deh military gibz yu a strang humour LOL Take care!

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By tealnight on Mar 31, 2011 at 2:09 AM

YW!! it's true! i'd stay here 24/7 i could! good therapy! i try to keep up with messages, but if i miss, hope you don't take offense! :)

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By beerfairy on Mar 30, 2011 at 9:10 PM

I noez ezzakly wat ur sayin. I did da same stoopid muuv fing. Onlee I muuvt frum Hawaii 2 Calgary, Canada. Don getz me rong, iz a beeutiful plase, but 2 cold 4 a beech bum!! Da furst teim it wen 40 below I sed Iz outta here! I muuvt bak an ma husban stayed wif hiz mommie in Canada. He didn lik Hawaii, sed iz 2 hot. Wuznt 2 hot b4 we gotz mauied! Nao Iz in Oklahomy. Iz nawt as cold. But parentz retired here. Gotz 2 b close 2 dem wif so liddle tiem lef. Ma Dad wen 11 yrs ago & luks lik Mom iz about 2 follow soon. Den I go bak 2 Hawaii wear thong on beech an skare kidz!!

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By beerfairy on Mar 30, 2011 at 8:40 PM

Iz nice 2 meetz u 2. Were wuz u frum b4 u muuvt 2 England?

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By dhp777712 on Mar 30, 2011 at 8:10 PM


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By littleAPC on Mar 30, 2011 at 2:24 PM

Hai Cheezfren! Ai have a Mad Canadian man......wonder which is worse, Cdn or English? LOL Thanz for askin to be frenz, ai hab to look after supper den ai'll be back to look at yur lolz

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By beerfairy on Mar 30, 2011 at 1:02 PM

Hai noo cheezfren, Glad 2 meets u. At leest u speek da langwidge, sorta! If u take owt a 5 # note my gret gret gret granfadder is on it! George A. Stephenson, He invented a steem enjine. I uzed 2 get Brits at my bar in Hawaii once in a while. I lubbed it wen dey talkt 2 da Aussies an New Zealanders. Dey all had different accents and sumtimes had diffrent werdz 4 da same fing. I needz a reendeer ifz ya don mind. Tanx.

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By Suzi_sMom on Mar 30, 2011 at 11:40 AM

Pillow Fight Day - April 2 - cities are listed alphabetically - look for the event nearest you - OR maybe we should stay home on our computer butts --

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By Niser on Mar 30, 2011 at 7:09 AM

Ohai CMWY, fankees foar teh fren reekwest! Ai lubs gettin noo cheezfrenz!! Iz nyce tu meetchu!

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