Messages between CatMadinWestYorkshire and TommysMum

By TommysMum on Sep 18, 2011 at 5:51 AM

Sawree ai haz nott bin in tuch earlyer...yeff, teh wind haz dyed down nao, all wi haz iz horizontal rayn insted :-(...keeps havin tu swim owt tu teh kar iffn ai wants tu goe ennyware...hoap itz betta fur yu!!!! xxxx

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Sep 14, 2011 at 4:38 AM

Ohai TommysMum! Fangu fur teh mousetrap paperwait! Yu compleeted mai collekshun reely eearly dis week, aifinkso :) I'll send yoo sumfin tomorrow iffn I get wun yoo need...haz teh wind died down up there yet?

By TommysMum on Aug 18, 2011 at 6:49 AM

Hobbes is a very handsome young man!!!! Bet that tummy is very ticklable.....good to hear from you too, hedbonks and tayltwirls xx

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Aug 17, 2011 at 7:20 AM

Awww, Hobbes sez fangu fur teh complymint! He is especially snorgololable, too! :) Good to hear from you, too! hedbonks back! xx

By TommysMum on Aug 16, 2011 at 7:37 AM

Love that ginger kitty pic you have as your avatar!!!! I used to have two ginger boys, very loving, wouldn't leave my side, lovely spotty tummies to snorglol...!!!! So, it's not just Carlisle that has a micro-climate, eh? Whatever it says on the weather forecast, it's very rare that they get it right for us!!! Yep, it's looking very grey and wet here too, just the occasional peek of the glowing orb - get very worried if we can see it for more than 5 minutes (break out the factor 50!!). Glad to hear from you again though, take care (hedbonks adn tayltwirlz!) xx

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Aug 15, 2011 at 5:42 AM

Yur wellkum! Fings ar kwiet heer , tu...but taht big bright fing keeps peekin owt at mee...iz SCARY! I finkso we're teh onlee part ov W Yorks taht hazznt had lotsa rayne...weerd liddol micro-clymate we iz in or sumpin! Happee Moanday!

By TommysMum on Aug 15, 2011 at 5:33 AM

Ohai tehre!!! Thank you for the challenge guy - that's my set completed!! Hope things are going well in your part of the UK, very quiet round here, just us...and the rain...and more rain...oh, and a strange glowing ball that appears in the sky occasionally, but it's OK, we've got that one covered...we run away and hide when it appears!!! xx

By TommysMum on Mar 29, 2011 at 4:59 AM

Fankyu!!! Sownz laik yu haz a memoree laik minesis!!! Teh tipe wear yu go intu a rume adn finks "Wot amz ai duin heer????? Wot didds ai wont??" Tehn yu haz tu go owt agin tu seee iffn it helps...adn moast ov teh tyme, it duzzent!!!

By TommysMum on Mar 28, 2011 at 12:59 PM

Ohai CM!! Menee fanks foar teh peece ov caek, its nomilishus! Tommy sayz hims not a caeky purrson, butt(!) ai's nott thort tehre wuz sushpishus likk markxs in teh last caek we hads. Hims a bit nawty....

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Mar 28, 2011 at 2:09 AM

O ai iz so sned it tew yu 2moro ifn ai cn rememememember!

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Mar 28, 2011 at 12:31 AM

Ohai sorta naybor! I izx triin tew sned u frootcayk but mai puter cant c u 4 sum reeson...Ai tri agin layter!

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Mar 27, 2011 at 10:10 AM

Ohai TommysMum! Fangu fur teh skritched bogroll! n I see yu wuz talkkin 'bout liddle lammies bein all round yu...we iz nawt too far apart aifinkso! Kthxbai!

By TommysMum on Mar 27, 2011 at 8:07 AM

Ohai CM! I amz on teh lookowt fur sum retyred kollektibullols...cans yu spaer eiver a peece ov froot caek, or a peece ov hordinaree caek plees?? Ai wud bee moast gratifulified. Hao ar fings in teh Wes yorkysheer?? Ai hazza hope taht teh wevver ams bettur tahn it haz bin adn sprung haz finallee reeched yu (is undecidemicated inna Cumbreea, wun dae nise, neckst pleh). Eben Tommy not trustin teh wevver adn nut goin owt in case ov teh pleh raen gettin hims furs nawt drie, big n braev kitteh wot hee amz. Byebye {{{CM}}}

By TommysMum on Mar 10, 2011 at 9:00 AM

Ohai there! Weer up in Cumbria, teh Land o teh Lakes (not gud 4 kittehs...butt fankfully weer a few milesis off teh watters). Is nice adn qwiet in teh Norf of England, luvs it, adn West Yorks is byootiful too...weer awl so lucky (altho I suspekt yu mite miss teh USA, ai hopes nott tu much tho)!

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Mar 10, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Fangu for fwrend rekwest! Tommy sounds lovely...nice to meet another nearby catlover!