Messages between CatMadinWestYorkshire and sunovawot

By sunovawot on Nov 21, 2012 at 12:08 PM

noe prollem, ai hoep fings get bettur soon, adn in teh meentiem loo after yoorseff :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Nov 21, 2012 at 8:32 AM

Fangu, mai frend, fur yur lubbly birfdae wishes. Ai iz sorree it's taken me soo long to reply...Ai is sufferin kinda badlee rite nao. Dis 61 yeer olde bodee iz gibben up, aifinkso...fangs again, and awl teh bestest to yu!

By sunovawot on Nov 16, 2012 at 12:26 PM

ai bring yoo mai bess wishus // adn hoep yoor dae iz gud // wif lotz of hugz adn kissus // adn tu mush wien adn fuud // adn wen teh dae iz ovur // ai hoep taht yoo can sae // taht it haz been a troolee // majiklol burfdae {{{{{CMiWY}}}}}

By sunovawot on Aug 17, 2012 at 1:35 PM

ohai, ai am sorry about your friend. otherwise ai hoep yoo iz wel, ai juss wonted tu mayk shoor yoo nyoo abowt teh nyoo site, wer tohse hoo doent liek teh Lolcats Beta haz gon. it can be fownd at :-D

By sunovawot on Jun 13, 2012 at 9:42 AM

fan q, ai wil let yoo noe, adn meenwile yoo luuk aftur yoorself :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Jun 13, 2012 at 9:29 AM

Ai hadda feelin yu prolly had gotted wun. Ai'zll be purrin big-thyme fur yu wen yu hazta sea teh med peepz - purrin taht yu seez a reel hoomin-tipe med-peep, ifn tehre ar menny. Glad-dlad taht yu is as happee az yu get...Ai noes teh feelin well. Pls tu be lettin mii noes wen yu get teh appoi...apoynt..medikal. (((((((Sunovwot))))))

By sunovawot on Jun 13, 2012 at 8:56 AM

Ohai, iz gud tu heer yoor improovin. ai got teh letter last munf, wif teh form tu fil in sayin wy ai am claymin, nao ai wayt until tehy cawl me in for teh medikal, wich on past ekspeeriants ai'l fayl. tehn teh appeel. ai haz dansd tihs danse befor... stil apart form taht ai ar az wel, adn az happee, az ai ever get. awl my best tu yoo adn yoor fambly {{{{CMiWY + fambly}}}} :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Jun 13, 2012 at 6:55 AM

Ohai mai frend! Ai hazznt been around mush, and wuz thinkin ob yu...hao ar yu doin? Ai hopes yu is gud-gud, Ai is gettin bedderer Aifinkso. Jus chekkin taht teh gub mint hazzn't bin messin wiv yu...hoap tu heer frum yu! *schmoos*

By sunovawot on Mar 26, 2012 at 11:27 AM

Ohai, ai iz fien at teh moemint, iz takin longer tahn ai spekted for tehm tu get rownd tu me, prolly coz it seemz tehy ar chekkin evvrybodee. til tehy get tu me ai trai nott tu fink bowt it. uvver wyze awl iz gudgudgud adn kwiet, ai hoep yoo iz doin wel, adn nott hazzin enny moer dizturbansez at hoem. adn ai hoep teh fambly iz doin wel tu.

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Mar 26, 2012 at 10:57 AM

Ohai, mai frend...hazzn't hurs frum yu inna whylol, sew Ai wanted tu sea hao things ar goin adn mayk shur taht teh guv-mint hazzn't bin messin wiv yu! I hoep yu ar gud-gud. *schmoos*

By sunovawot on Jan 18, 2012 at 12:46 PM

Ohai, yesh, ai am doin fien, went shoppin tudae, so tahtz it til neks week, adn rite nao ai haz jus finished a pome a fyoo minitz ago, tehrez a fuutbawl mach on teh tv adn I got a nyce glas of wien. Ai hoep evvryfing iz goin wel for yoo, az wel, despiet teh pleh wevver {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Jan 18, 2012 at 12:34 PM

Ohai, mai frend! Just wunderin hao yu iz doin. Hoap awl iz well.

By sunovawot on Jan 5, 2012 at 5:08 AM

Ohai, adn iz mai pleshur. Ai iz doin gudgudgud, iz nyce adn kwiet heer, sept for teh pleh wevver, ai hoep yoo iz feelin helfy adn doin gud tu {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Jan 5, 2012 at 4:45 AM

Ohai! Fangu fur teh disco ball burger! nao ai doant hafta worree abowt gettin ennyfing , just getting rid ov! Hao r u dooin in teh noo yeer? Gud-gud, I hoap. *schmoos*

By sunovawot on Dec 31, 2011 at 3:36 PM

adn awl teh veryverryverry best tu yoo adn yoorz for teh Nyoo Yeer {{{CMiWY adn fambly}}}

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Dec 31, 2011 at 3:15 PM

Happee Noo yeer, mai frend! :)

By sunovawot on Dec 21, 2011 at 1:57 PM

Ah, yes, sorry, ai cloesd teh payj axidently, adn wen ai reloaded it it stil sed mai naym in teh boks, so ai posted, butt mai naym woz lost. butt ai did fink yoo mite noe hoo it woz thoe {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Dec 21, 2011 at 1:28 PM

Iz yu mai guest commenter on teh lol? Aifinkso.....tellz mii iffin Ai b rong, K?

By sunovawot on Dec 21, 2011 at 1:04 PM

verree nyse, fan q, adn awl teh best tu yoo tu {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Dec 21, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Tidings and good cheer!

By sunovawot on Dec 21, 2011 at 5:32 AM

Ai am reely happee tu heer yoor feline bettur, ai am doin okay, a kwiet dae tudae tehn tumorro mai lass shoppin trip of teh yeer, ai fink :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Dec 21, 2011 at 5:06 AM

Yu ar furry wellcom! Ai iz akshuallee feline purrty gud-gud at long last! I fing it may haz tu du wiv eetin moar gud froot & veggies!:) Ai hoap taht yu ar alsew in gud spiritz az wel az havvin sum gud spiritz :D

By sunovawot on Dec 21, 2011 at 4:29 AM

Ohai, fan q for teh "Chrismakkuh" collectiblol. Hao ar fings, gud ai hoep, adn hoep yoor enjoyin teh bild-up tu Catmas, all teh best {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By sunovawot on Dec 16, 2011 at 3:49 AM

Ohai, adn fanx for teh Hipster Kitteh, ai am afrayd mai fashun sense nebber devellupd beyond teh jeenz adn T shurt adn long hare ai haz worn sinse mai teenz, leest if yoo nebber woz in fashun yoo carnt go owt of it. Hao iz yoo, gud ai hoep, dee spiet teh pleh wevver {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By sunovawot on Dec 15, 2011 at 10:07 AM

Ohai, yoor welcum, if ai need ennyfing ai wil ask fan q, ai iz gudgudgud adn hoep yoo ar tu {{{CMiWY}}} :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Dec 15, 2011 at 9:57 AM

Ohai! Fangu fur teh collectibble...yu compleeted mai set! I doan't seem tu have neeyfing yu need, but if I do pleez let mii noes. Hope awl iz well wiv yu, and taht teh hollyday seezon iz gud tu yu! *schmoos*

By sunovawot on Dec 8, 2011 at 7:05 AM

Ohai, iz nott partikyoolarly cowld heer, butt teh wind iz a nyoosanse, ai had tu jam mai hat down on mai hed tu stop it blowin awae, ai misst most of teh rayn tho, now ai shoodnt haz tu go owt til moandae or tyoosdae, so ai iz relaksin adn wotchin teh snooker. despiet teh rayn ai hoep yoo ar feelin wel adn fingz ar goin gud :-D

By CatMadinWestYorkshire on Dec 8, 2011 at 6:16 AM

Ohai, adn u r wellcome! Ai doan't liek tu compalyne (not mee!) butt(!) dis wevver izza reel payne fur teh goin owt adn teh goggie wawkin' cus Ai swearz it nebber stawps raynin heer onna rong side o' t' Peninnes! ;-P Seereeously, wee libs onna syde ob a hill just norf ob Bradford, adn dere izza clowd taht libs wiv us, aimoardanfinkso! Wee'd moov iffn wee cood sell teh howse butt(!) teh gardiner adn teh cleener heer ar cwap! (LOL) :) Hoap yur trip owt todae is/wuz OK, adn taht u r tu...

By sunovawot on Dec 7, 2011 at 5:21 AM

Ohai adn fanQ for teh collectiblol, hao ar yoo tudae, lotlotlot bettur ai hoep, iz brite butt chillee heer, adn eeven bettur, ai iz nott owt in it (ai do need tu go shoppin tumorro, butt suffishunt untu teh dae...). hugz tu yoo adn yoorz {{{CMiWY + fambily}}} :-D

By sunovawot on Nov 21, 2011 at 10:40 AM

ennywun ringz mai dorbel, iz at tehir own risk :-D, haz a gudgudgud eevning {{{CMiWY}}}