Messages between CatnipJunkie and bluesfan473

By CatnipJunkie on Jun 17, 2011 at 9:22 AM

here's hopin your burfdays neggst month starts a happeh noo yeer for you!

By bluesfan473 on Jun 17, 2011 at 6:14 AM

Fanks sweetie! Yes It's been a very sad time in cheeseland lately, losing MamaGwyn and now Rhokit. :-(

By CatnipJunkie on Jun 16, 2011 at 8:11 PM

Ohai Bluesfan, I has been awai for a long wile but am trying to catch up wif my Cheezfrends. I noticed your new pictoor and even tho I am layte I want to say I sympathize for the loss of your Rhokit. I lost the original Catnip Junkie moar than five yearz ago and I still miss him, so I can imagine a littol of wut you're feeling. Sendin {{{huggs}}}. Be well!