Messages between Cattails and Tidmum

By Cattails on Sep 1, 2008 at 3:36 PM

Oh, yes. I'm sew sawry. I shud hav memembered it. I eben left u a sumpathee msg on teh pic. I lost meh dear goggie 3 yrs ago an mi eyes still leak win I think uf him. Nawt sur if teh pain ever goes away, but it gets easier wif tiem. Teh critterz bring sew much happiness and ask fur sew littl in return. Niec tew hav u as a fren. {{{Tidmum}}}

By Tidmum on Sep 1, 2008 at 2:49 PM

Ohai Cattails, Yes,that is a nice pIcture of mah Mungo boi. I taked it about 3 weeks afor him wented ober teh Rainbow brij :( Iz been neerly a munf now an we miss him sooo bad.

By Cattails on Aug 31, 2008 at 5:42 PM

Ohai, Tidmum. Greetings frum KS. Luv teh pic of ur goggie. I thin ai member u talkin bout ur goggie awhile bak.