Messages between Cattails and dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 19, 2009 at 10:26 AM has teh clebber wiff teh sarkasm! nah, yu didn't feed teh dunno wht the problum is, but it has to be some1 wiff some the type you alluded to earlier. yeah, that was a surprise about the earlier problum! i woulda thought if an account was closed down then the lols would be deleted...soooo, we learn something! i just wish that someone cud have interaction with SS, explain the situashun, then the person make the change. He really does well with making the lols attractive graphically speaking...PLEEZE dunt git wiffout moniez for gushifud! that wud be catastrophic! YIKES! :-) CATCH ya laterz! ;-)

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 19, 2009 at 7:24 AM

wait! is that you talking about putting clothes on David? i thought we had a breakthrough here! lol...thought there is about to be komunikashunz! lol naughty girl :-D

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 18, 2009 at 8:57 AM

hai! i have tot about doin the saem ting! aifink there is no way it cud be wrong to 'copy' your own lol, lol! it wud be a 'remake' ! after all...who is to complain except the creator!? my first several are made with the basic builder, so those could use some tweaking with better lettering, spacing, etc....and some of my first ones, i did not submit...sooooo...go fer it, i say! catch ya laterz!

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 17, 2009 at 9:51 PM

sure thing! it just got to be like a viewmaster while trying to vote lol--i kept seeing these frames that were a little too familiar maybe the person will understand that this is not how the site works and change...i am glad you pointed out what you did about the type of person it could be...i worry about hurting someone who never meant any harm, even if he was doing wrong and needed to be told to make lols in a different way. your lol was the first one i found who's creator was on my friends that is why i picked on you lol...cheezpals are the bestest! (((hugs)))

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 17, 2009 at 6:35 PM

Hedda let Tofu know and it will be taken care can't help but wonder what the person is thinking...but it will be obvious if he/she stops, that there was no maliciousness intended. you summed it up well about why we are here...i think we get a little gunshy and trigger happy when something like this happens, because there have been a handful of bad apples...but anyway, it is being addressed! :-)

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 17, 2009 at 3:41 PM

great insight concerning the think you are probly closer to the probability of what is happening. why else would someone do this? the main thing to me is to get them off the vote cycle. surely as many as there are, the site admins will notice eventually...but someone will probably let them know if nothing else.

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 17, 2009 at 1:41 PM

*whispering* lol...well, my ideas aren't very first idea is that the admins should contact the person and freeze the account until he/she understands the problem....the other idea is that if flagging an LoL deletes it, thennn.....hmm...anyway, maybe some others who are affected will decide what they want to do. this is really strange because there are no friends involved who are voting...but as the LOLs go through the vote cycle, the person willl probably get a few votes/favoriting from noobs who do not know the originals...but as you said, there won't be any concern about it going to the front page. (sorry to bother you at work) ;-)

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Feb 17, 2009 at 12:10 PM this person is copying peoples' lols i think you got zapped

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Jan 1, 2009 at 10:27 AM

FANKS for the prediction cattails...lots of noms this year??? allriiiiight! ;-)

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Dec 20, 2008 at 8:44 AM

Merry Mayo and Happy Hope-your-2009-is-FINE to you Cattails! :-)

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Dec 14, 2008 at 4:22 PM

hai...was a hyoog team effurt by all teh WUNNERFUL fwends at ichc! our apologiez if we crossed the line of what we shoulda have said vs. what we did say....was a lerning experiense also. cheezpeeps are the GRATEST!

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Dec 11, 2008 at 2:03 PM ICHC Army of Fwends!

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Dec 8, 2008 at 10:25 AM

Hai! I like to help cause I know how discouraging it can be concerning the voting. You are sure rite about what we get to see here on our boards--there are so many that are so deserving and don't make it...but wiff 5000+ submissions a day, the odds are not too gud are they? ..maybe they can be adding moer a day??? dat wud be nice. I too asked about the problum of navigating the will be nice when that is changed! How about a floofy paw high-five...or is it high-four? :-D Fanks for the comments!

By dawgzdr00Lkittehsr00L on Aug 29, 2008 at 8:30 AM

Haiii!! HAPPY Day-b4-Caturday! have a Good One!