Messages between Chewable and elainemy

By elainemy on Feb 14, 2012 at 4:37 AM

By elainemy on Jan 25, 2012 at 3:05 PM

Hi Chewable, I didn't realize your collectibles wasn't complete. I called on my friend luvmy8catz and she sent me her No wai so we could complete your collectibles. Yeah!!!! Give Chewy a big kiss from me. Elaine

By elainemy on Dec 19, 2011 at 4:45 AM

By elainemy on Dec 1, 2011 at 4:10 AM

Hi Chewable, Thank you so much for the little Pug collectible. Wishing you and Chewy a most wonderful day. Hugs!!!!

By elainemy on Nov 22, 2011 at 6:18 AM

Thank you for the collectible, Chewable. I'll be on the lookout for any you need. Been really busy this time of year and it's so hard to keep up with my friends at times. Give that little Chewy a hug for me. Wishing you a wonderful day.

By elainemy on Oct 5, 2011 at 2:58 AM

Just found out about the new collectibles this morning and wanted to pass it along to you. Go to this sight and visit two pages. i hope this works for you.

By elainemy on Sep 15, 2011 at 5:28 AM

Thank you Chewable. It was pretty hard to go back to the vets office to get the pills I needed for my dogs and I did start to cry while I was there. It sure is hard on a person when they loose a pet of any kind, but it's getting easier as time goes by. You give that Chewy some kisses for me. I love doggie kisses.

By Chewable on Sep 15, 2011 at 4:20 AM

I'm very sorry to hear about your kitkat, but I am equally happy that you have found a new fur ball to worship. Chewable sends her best, as always.

By elainemy on Sep 15, 2011 at 4:19 AM

Oh my Chewable, you're up early. Thank you so much for the catberry this morning. I'll be on the lookout for a shuttle for you. I'm at work so I had better get going. Wishing you a wonderful day.

By elainemy on Sep 13, 2011 at 8:43 AM

By elainemy on Sep 13, 2011 at 8:42 AM

Good Morning Chewable, I've been so busy this morning trying to catch up with everything at work and also my friends here. Thank you for sending me the Bluetooth this morning. I'm not sure if you were aware I lost my kitty Whiskers at the end of July. That sure is hard loosing a pet. I did find a new kitty at the vets office last Saturday. I'll be sending you his picture in a minute. Gosh, I wish work wasn't so busy. Give that Chewie of your a smooch for me. Hugs, Elaine

By elainemy on Aug 16, 2011 at 11:55 AM

Hi Chewable, I was trying to help you with your collectibles from the last weeks. I notice you keep getting duplicates. That's so frustrating when that happens. Coast2Coast told me to tell you if you would like to trade some of your duplicates for some you need, give her a shout. Hope you and Chewy are having a wonderful day! Hugs, Elaine

By elainemy on Jul 27, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Hi Chewable, Thank you so much for sharing you collectibles with me. I'll be on the lookout for more for you. Wishing you and Chewy a fun filled day.

By elainemy on May 14, 2011 at 3:15 AM

Oh wow!!! I can't believe that I could get something to send you, but it happened. Cool!!! coast2coast would keep sending me collectibles and I could never seem to repay her. Gets frustrating at times. Wishing you a day full of sunshine. Elaine

By elainemy on May 13, 2011 at 11:06 AM

Good Afternoon Chewable, Thank you so much for the collectible and for completing my set. I'll be sure to send you a Von Bomb or Celeb Bomb if I get one. Lately I've been getting some of the older stuff. Go Figure! It sure is hard keeping up lately with my friends. I just got a chance to go on your Chewy site. She is so cute. Both my daughters dogs are brindle colored. I didn't get all the way through as I'm at work, but skipped to the last page. OMG!!! What an adorable puppy. Dontcha just wish they would stay puppies forever? Wishing you a fun filled week-end. Elaine

By elainemy on Apr 27, 2011 at 4:24 AM

Chewable, Well phoey, you beat me to that problem solver collectible. I'll keep my eyes open for ya. Wishing you a very happy day in Wisconsin. Would you believe I don't dare say the word "Cheese" at my house? My little dog goes bananas when she hears that word. She just loves cheese and it doesn't seem to matter what kind. She was totally ignoring me the other day as she was laying on the couch until I said the word cheese. Then she couldn't get to me fast enough. Of course I had to go to the kitchen to get her some. She's such a hoot!

By elainemy on Apr 26, 2011 at 9:53 AM

Hi Chewable, Thank you for sending me the meanwhile collectible, but you really didn't need to do that. I have an extra problem solver that I can send you tomorrow. It is a nice way to stay in touch with your friends. I hope spring is treating you well. Our weather sure has been on the colder side. Our fruit trees are just beginning to bloom. That groundhog sure goofed this year. Wishing you a fun filled day.

By elainemy on Apr 14, 2011 at 5:57 AM

Hi Chewable, I just sent you an yellow egg to complete your collection. It's lots of fun passing these things around. I was wondering if you don't have anyone to pass your extra choc bunny to, if you could send it to me so I could pass it to one of my other friend. If not, that's ok. Wishing you a fun filled day.

By elainemy on Feb 11, 2011 at 4:12 AM

Hi Chewable. Thank you for the friends request. Your Chewy looks so darn cute. Wishing you a wonderful day. Elaine