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By nennepus on Feb 8, 2012 at 11:54 PM

I've sent all the collectiblols - except the me dusa - that one was spoken for :-) Nice to do some decluttering!!

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By RainbowMaus on Feb 8, 2012 at 7:59 PM

Ohai, may I pleez hav yur extry wooden shoes? Fanks!

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By donnaemilio on Feb 8, 2012 at 8:47 AM

Please, call me Donna! Let me know if you need anything else!

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By Winnie-Wonka on Feb 8, 2012 at 6:19 AM

Hiya, sweetness! Please forgive me for not being terribly chatty right at present. I just plain don't feel good - nothing specific, just a general malaise and all-over ache that's pretty much sucking my will to live for the past couple of days. So today I'm staying in my pjs, sleeping whenever I feel the need, sucking down as much water as I can stomach and having nasty burps because I'm megadosing garlic. *pleh* Don't give up on me - I'll be back in fine fettle soon enough. Big warm *HUGS* to you and Avvie. :o)

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By Siobhan on Feb 8, 2012 at 1:13 AM

glad da kjuuteh kitteh will finds a good home :) - well yesh... da ingerlish... ai alwis liekd it... so wus rathur eeze to lern... awlsoe ai had it kwit lawnt at school... we started wif it in da fird yeer awf elolmentareh school... todae da kiddehs eben habs a bit ingerlish in kindergarten. da one yeer french ai hed diddin reeleh stikk eethur. but dat miet habs sumfin to do wif me nawt liekin da french langwich alwis purrferred spanish... nebber had da chans to leern dat at school dough. muss be da rrrrrrrrr dat remiendifies me awf da purr, dat maeks spanish attractibul ;) - unfortchunatlee ai diddin heer frum hobbles... ai doan fink we am frended eethur. ai hoep u heer frum ur frend soon! - did u twie chonklit against da pleh bakk? mai nawt last lawng but at leest yle its meltin awl da flaebers on ur tong, it shud maek u feel beddur... {{{{siro}}}} ai hoep u can lose da pain soon... is nawt niec wen pain gits normul :(

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By sunnyhuckle on Feb 7, 2012 at 11:03 PM

oh, Siro, teh manijers says "fake it til you make it" but ai feels like ai am lettin peepuls down. sigh. I reely believe in gud customer service, an it makes my hart sad too be gibben teh bad kind.

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By GavSki on Feb 7, 2012 at 4:11 PM

Ah thanks alot Cheez Friend! Thanks for accepting too! Nice to meet you aswell! ^_^

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By sunnyhuckle on Feb 7, 2012 at 2:33 PM

Tihs tek sport thing am a hurtful job. ai cannawt always halps, an getza feelbads fur it. Nawt habbin enuff knollij, and gets confuzzled. Teh caller peeps deserbs moar.

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By Siobhan on Feb 7, 2012 at 8:02 AM

oh... whoopsie... missred... ai alwis fink of da kjootiepiekitteh as ohaicat *lol*

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By Siobhan on Feb 7, 2012 at 4:26 AM

Ohai, sorry for nawt lettin ennefin heer frum meh, da tiem jes... uhmm... ai doan noe da fraes in inglish *g* it kind of flew awae an ai jes tried to keeps up wif gibbin da collectibuls to mai frens an lukkin at da lols... totally fergot about da messij seccshun... happens to me ebbery so offin *lol* ai is doin well dough, no worries :) jes... totolleh unorganiezed an lost in mai oen chaos ^^ ~ ai sented u da rekwested lols... as ai doan fink ai is frens wif tzaetzoe... iffn u needs enne moar... jes let me noe :) ~ hoep u is dowin fine!

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By nennepus on Feb 7, 2012 at 2:29 AM

ohai! sorry for forgetting about the collectiblol!! do you still need a lady paw paw for your friend??

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By wally01 on Feb 6, 2012 at 3:10 PM

Thanks. I'll have something for you tomorrow. When I run out, I know that you'll be agreeable to keep relaying for someone else so that we can get her to 82. Hugs, Linda

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By NCcharmer on Feb 6, 2012 at 11:48 AM


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By NCcharmer on Feb 6, 2012 at 9:28 AM

Since I can't remember who it was for send the Hipster Kitty back. It'll pop up eventually

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By wally01 on Feb 6, 2012 at 9:13 AM

I'm sending you an Alarm Clock for GumbieKat Thanks, wally01

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By NCcharmer on Feb 5, 2012 at 7:33 PM

No, the Hipster Kitty was for GenieCat yesterday. Or tomorrow...whatever..When ever you can makes me happy and probably her.

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By NCcharmer on Feb 5, 2012 at 6:52 PM

The Fireworks go to GenieCat or Kat

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By wally01 on Feb 5, 2012 at 6:44 PM

I can always use all the help I can get. I didn't know you were on her friends list. I've got 9 complete sets waiting to go to her. Today's gift is okay, but don't send anything Monday or Tuesday. I'll send you a message each day stating what I'm sending you to relay to her. If this works, and I pray that it will, I have 11 sets that lack only 1 collectible being complete. I'll need help with those, but that can come a little later. When these are at their new home, we'll know what she needs to finish to 82. Does that sound good to you? You've done a lit of this, I know. Linda

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By azevedan on Feb 5, 2012 at 6:18 PM

Ohai, DS! Are you in on the great forwarding from wally01 to gumbiekat over the next few days? She's got a relay set to go on to knock off a lot of what GK needs. ~catena

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By Geniecat on Feb 5, 2012 at 11:03 AM

Ohai tehre, sorree ai wuz awl confoozled, fort yew wuz at wot ai finks ob as "skool" adn taht yew mutch yunga! Naw impohtant ennywayz. Ebberybody libs tehrez lifez teh wae tehy haz tew, dpendz awn tehr own stuff yew no? Can bleev yew haz worn teh fone owt! Iz sew gud yew haz teh bested dad, adn he'z tehre fore yew afta awl teh stuff he'z been fru, cawn't be eezi. Heh, teh burdies am bery intrestin, lawts nu wunz fore uz, difrent clymat frum ware we yoosed tew liv - we bai teh see sew haz lawts gulls, terns, cormorants (still lernin tehm awl!), adn in teh gardin - Karoo robins, Cape francolin, adn teh bestest be Spotted Eagle owl wot comes tew bisit uz sumtymes in teh laet ebenin or erly mawnin. Wunz he caym tew ower bird pool/baf adn had a long drink, wuz wunnermuss tew see him, tuk piks, we wuz bery eggsited! Nerly Mundae agen (fankees fore teh clectiblols, ai haz had LAWTS tewdae sew will get tehm organized sune!), hoeps yore weke edn gud. Owerz bery bery hawt, 41C tihs aftnone, wile Yoorup adn probly teh Yoo Ess be freezin! Ciao fore naow -^;^-

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