Messages between DarkSirocco and lunarmommy

By lunarmommy on Aug 19, 2012 at 8:05 PM

where hab all teh cheezpeeps gone? for info

By DarkSirocco on Feb 7, 2012 at 1:16 AM

ohai deer! huntin c'bles for TzaeTzoe agn! we can now send as many as we want to anyone! :D if they aren't taken, may i please have your Walk of Fame Star and Scumbag Shuttle? thanks either way! hope you're doing all right! *hedbonks* -Siro =^.^=

By DarkSirocco on Jan 31, 2012 at 8:40 PM

fangkeez fur teh bronkleez! =^.^=

By lunarmommy on Jan 27, 2012 at 10:12 AM

ohai, taht sownds like a gud plan :)

By DarkSirocco on Jan 26, 2012 at 2:04 PM

aifinksew iz problee bestist if yuo tel meh wehn yuo run owt ob stufs tu send tehm-dat wae ai'z nawt sendin stufs juss fur yuo tu has tu relay. as suun as dey egsept mai FR's, ai'll start sendin tu tehm. iz awl dat okae wiv yuo?

By lunarmommy on Jan 26, 2012 at 12:24 PM

you can do eever way. expeshuly they need older stuffs, wich i am running out of.

By DarkSirocco on Jan 26, 2012 at 12:12 PM

wow. O.O tohz 2 DO need a lawt ob halps! adn ai'v got kwyt a fyoo ai can sends tehm! sent FR's tu both. shud ai send yuo sumfing fur wun ob tehm, or do yuo hab yur paws full enuf as it iz(wiv stuf tu send tehm)?

By DarkSirocco on Jan 26, 2012 at 12:12 PM

wow. O.O tohz 2 DO need a lawt ob halps! adn ai'v got kwyt a fyoo ai can sends tehm! sent FR's tu both. shud ai send yuo sumfing fur wun ob tehm, or do yuo hab yur paws full enuf as it iz(wiv stuf tu send tehm)?

By DarkSirocco on Jan 26, 2012 at 11:56 AM

thank you! i'll be taking a look at their collections momentarily, and if i have anyfingz, i'll send FR's(that way we can knock down 2 a day, hoepfullee!). -Siro

By lunarmommy on Jan 26, 2012 at 11:47 AM

ohai, i sended a pixOr day. i am kind ob halping TzaeTzoe an KittehlessJon get stuff, they need too many fings for me to tell you, but if you want to take a look at their profiles and send things to them (if they're on your friends list) or you can send it to me and tell me who it's for. thanks :)

By DarkSirocco on Jan 26, 2012 at 11:24 AM

ohai! of your extras, i stil need, in order of nesssssitee: Picture Day, Celeb Yaris, Challenge Accepted Guy, Bath, Cheezburger United, Frosty Beverage, French Fries, Security Camera, Saber Tooth, Broccoli, Goldfish, Broken Ornament(x2), Crispy Tree. thank you! anything i have that you need? -Siro

By lunarmommy on Jan 26, 2012 at 7:04 AM

ohai, wut are sum collectiblols yoo are still looking for?

By DarkSirocco on Jan 23, 2012 at 12:02 PM


By DarkSirocco on Jan 23, 2012 at 12:02 PM


By DarkSirocco on Jan 22, 2012 at 12:13 PM

i'll send the 'really important' list, instead of the 36 c'bles list..=^.^= Teddy Bear, Losing Weight, Invisble Sammich, Broccoli(x2), Goldfish, Laser Pointer(x2), Yarn(x2), Broken Ornament(x2), Crispy Tree, Scumbag Shuttle, Saber Tooth(x2). any of these you can spare will be greatly appreciated! and thank you!

By DarkSirocco on Jan 22, 2012 at 11:38 AM

ohai! no wurries! hope you're okay, tho! aaaaand...despritlee! halping 4 peeps, you've got TUNZ of whut tehy need! you want the list? many could be relayed(if you're up to sending several things(and they're not taken, of course!) -Siro

By lunarmommy on Jan 22, 2012 at 11:03 AM

ohai, i got behind on the collectible requests, is there something you still need?

By DarkSirocco on Jan 18, 2012 at 12:29 PM

thank you! :D *nawds* yeps! it's a good thing, too! we'd never get this stuff relayed and shuffled about otherwise! no limit either! at least 1 person i know has over 1000 of one specific c'ble(a competition with someone else, i think)! =^.^=

By lunarmommy on Jan 18, 2012 at 12:23 PM

ok, sent teh PUrrple. i didnot know yoo culd send sumfing to sumwun hoo alreddy haz it!

By DarkSirocco on Jan 18, 2012 at 12:11 PM

no wurries! i hope ebbrifing okaez wiv yuo! {{{lm}}} yes ma'am! tehy aer in teh Celeb Kittehs set, between Success Kid set and PokeMemes set. fangkeez berreh much fur awl yuor halps! *hedbonks you and purrz* -Siro =^.^=

By lunarmommy on Jan 18, 2012 at 11:46 AM

ohai, sorry i haz not had time to catch up wif teh collektiblols lately. yoo can haz, but can yoo plz telling me wut sets they are in? so iz faster to find. fanks! :)

By DarkSirocco on Jan 18, 2012 at 11:13 AM

ohai! ai'm tryin to halp a frend finish their c'bles. if they're not taken, i can has your Purrple and King of Paw for them, plz? if not, is fine. =^.^= kthxbai! -Siro

By DarkSirocco on Jan 8, 2012 at 4:49 PM

ohai! ai'm nawt shur if ai shud aks tihs, butt(!) ai'll go ahed...wud yuo mynd aksing LCB if she cud spayr hur egstraw Challenge Accepted Toilet Paper(pg.5)? if nawt, iz berreh much okae! fankyoo eethur wae! -Siro

By DarkSirocco on Jan 8, 2012 at 4:04 PM

*pownsiz* omccfangkyooz!!! yay! ai am down tu 12! *hedbonks adn purrrz*

By DarkSirocco on Jan 7, 2012 at 1:21 PM

ohai! *squee!* yuo am FULL ob teh AWSUMZ! fangkeez sew much! adn fangkyoo fur sending LOWL tu Kestrela, tuu! ai aer akshullee down tu ownlee 21 c'bles tu fynd! *facepaw* aftur ai msgd yuo, ai rcvd a Saber Tooth frum sumwun elss(teh purrsun hoo needs teh Inv. Sammich adn Yarn). if iz okae, cud mabbeh get Challenge Accepted Guy, or Walk of Fame Star, insted? if nawt, is okaez! fangkyoo sew much fur yuor halps! if theer am anyfing awn mai unclaimed list(abowt me section) taht yuo want or need, yuo has butt(!) tu ask! *hedbonks adn purrz adn lubs* far moer importantlee, hao wuz yuor lolidaez??? -Siro =^.^=

By lunarmommy on Jan 7, 2012 at 10:50 AM

ohai, i haz receeved yor msg an taked note ob teh wuns yoo want. also sended my spare LOWL to kestrella.

By DarkSirocco on Jan 6, 2012 at 8:14 PM

ohai! ai am hunting c'bles for myself and have several extras i need. if they are nawt promissd tu anyone, may i have yuor extra Vulpix, Tissue, Saber Tooth, Invisible Sandwich, and Yarn, plz? also, Kestrela could use your LOWL. thanks either way! hope you are having a good lollidays and noo yeer! *hedbonks* -Siro

By DarkSirocco on Jan 6, 2012 at 8:13 PM

ohai! ai am hunting c'bles for myself and have several extras i need. if they are nawt promissd tu anyone, may i have yuor extra Vulpix, Tissue, Saber Tooth, Invisible Sandwich, and Yarn, plz? also, Kestrela could use your LOWL. thanks either way! hope you are having a good lollidays and noo yeer! *hedbonks* -Siro