Messages between Debby182 and Amber27

By Amber27 on Sep 24, 2011 at 9:22 AM

Hi! Wanna swap a Catnarok Stone for a Table Pong? ;3

By Amber27 on Aug 23, 2011 at 12:14 PM

We haven't had any hurricanes since 2005, and it looks like the latest one is skirting our area. The only REALLY bad one was Hurricane Andrew in 1992. It was a Category 5, the worst. Our house was left with four outer walls and 1/4 of a roof! My family & friends were okay, and everyone redecorated with the insurance money! ;-)) Seriously, I was never so terrified in my life. My area's damage was due to, you guessed it, tornadoes. Those scare me more than anything. At least we know when a hurricane is coming & we can prepare. Except for the hurricanes, heat & traffic, Miami isn't that bad. It's become quite international. We have friends and neighbors from almost everywhere in the world!

By Debby182 on Aug 23, 2011 at 11:55 AM

Yeah it took me months to realise there was a community too. It's lovely here ;).

By Debby182 on Aug 23, 2011 at 11:54 AM

The heart is yours! :) Well if you put it like that, Belgium isn't that bad. And it's not crowded at all. Brussels and Bruges are indeed beautiful cities. Ghent is like that too, and my favorite by far (I live there haha!). If you're ever in Belgium in the summer, you should come to Ghent, it's lovely in the summer :). And the Ghents Fests are in July, it's awesome! And our food is great, it's true... You should definitely eat our fries. And drink our beer. Okay, it's not THAT bad here, I shouldn't complain at all :P. Are there so many hurricanes where you live then? What about tornadoes? I'm terrified of tornadoes, luckily there are none here :). And yeah, economy is a bitch!

By Amber27 on Aug 23, 2011 at 11:51 AM

Thanks so much for the Human Heart. Although I've played on this site for ages, only joined the community in the last few months. Sorry I waited so long! BTW, if you ever see anything you need, let me know!

By Amber27 on Aug 23, 2011 at 11:14 AM

Sorry for running on so much! I would LOVE a Human Heart from Insanity Wolf's Cave of Insanity!

By Amber27 on Aug 23, 2011 at 11:05 AM

That's how I feel about Miami! Hurricanes, anyone? I've always heard that Brussels and Bruges were quite beautiful & that most of the historic buildings have been preserved, plus the food was excellent. That's one good thing about Miami - we've got pretty good restaurants, even in the 'burbs. Back in the late 80's & 90's, there were all kinds of deals & flying was cheap, so we were all over, but always seemed to miss Belgium. Believe me, if the economy ever gets better and/or I can work full time, I'll be in a plane in a New York minute!!

By Debby182 on Aug 23, 2011 at 8:19 AM

Let me know which collectible you would like :). I would love to say you should visit Belgium, but to be honest, it's pretty shitty here. Nothing much to do :P. But if you decide to visit, let me know ;).

By Amber27 on Aug 16, 2011 at 10:58 AM

Hi, new Cheeze Friend! I love to swap and share collectables, too! BTW, I would love to visit Belgium some day. After all, it is the the home of master detective, Hercule Poirot!