Demaris's Favorites

How am I supposed to teach her how to be a proper cat if you won't let her catch the gerbil?


Owtraged at Thuggo's bribery ob young voters wif awcololic beaverages, Nemo & Dooby decide to donate treet baggies for teh skolars school lunches. Not as bribes, ob corz. Jus

A Nebber Ending Argyoomint

My baby has a few words he would like to say. Don't be nervous, Junior, go ahead and introduce yourself. My name is Phiwip. What a wunnerful pwace Cheezburger is! My brudders and sissers like it here too and we aweddy making fwends.

Don't worry, Foo, we know you lubs dem orfuns!

Nemo puts owt powerful new Campain Ad dat vaults hims Campain for KKPS Klass Prezident ahead ob all his competitors!

new monitors in town

Thuggo's first day doing kummunty servise at da Discreet Rest Home

Sylbia werks wif her fizzikul feralpissed

Chris10a Awarded a Medal!

This is so nice, human. Now if you had gerbils and marshmallows we could make s'merbils!

KKPS News Flash - In an act of grate generosity and kindness, Ittey Bittey Skolar Dopey uses som ob teh munnies he's erning from teh sale ob Mr. Fuzzy bears to buy Mr. Fuzzy bears for all teh St. Francis Shelter aminals!

We've disabled Sylvag's spell checker and replaced it with "autotypo." Wonder if she will notice?

Yeah and I'll take a little off YOUR top And sides and front and anything else I can sink my claws into

In households all ober teh planet, Ittey Bitties ar so bery eggsited an' eeger to get a Mr. Fuzzy bear ob der bery own, just like dat Kuppykakes Skolar Dopey haz! Here on Feral Island, sweet Twinkles asks her mommie an important kwestion..






Daylight Saving Time


Mrs.Donawtdoodat passes her own sintence on Thuggo and Palooka

Teh sadly waved Paw of Parting.

So weird



Obviously, none of the Kuppykakes skolars wants to end up at the Skool fur Bad Kittehs.

So here it is, 7:15 on Sunday morning and I am wondering why there is nobody on cheezburger And then I remember
