Messages between Demaris and muriell

By muriell on Mar 11, 2009 at 6:18 PM

K. is heer ifn yew wanna see it. ;)

By Demaris on Mar 11, 2009 at 11:30 AM

Ob corse yu can! I would be be, oh so prowd! Da mor peeps hoo sea it, da better! Tanks!

By muriell on Mar 11, 2009 at 9:06 AM

ohai demaris! if you're not joining the Animal Rights flickr group are you happy for me to add the seal lol I just faved to it? Would like it in teh collection if yew dunt mynd?

By muriell on Mar 10, 2009 at 10:41 AM

Apologies in advance if this is not your cup of catnip... I've started 2 new ichc flickr groups - one for Animal Rights and one for In Memoria - all ichc lols and notlols. You are formally invited to join if you're interested. You would have to be a member of flickr and contact me for a flickr invite. More info at these links: and Kthxbye!!

By muriell on Feb 11, 2009 at 4:59 PM

hav noo lolidee to tri - Eddis thot uv it. See dis lol an den goe to dis lol an contriboot tu stori... I tink it grate idee!!!!

By muriell on Feb 1, 2009 at 7:44 AM

aiz happi in mai pic cuz ai gots wittl tini Banjax kitteh in mai arms - yew kin hardli see hur - she wun ov mai fave fostur kittehs - frendliest wee ting, fulla luv. Ai has lotsa kitteh fosteree pics on mai paig n ifn yew fanci lollin ani uv dem ai'd b delited!! Dey mostly mai pics but nut all - ifn dey mai kittehs dey gotz 'picture by WestCorkCats' (tho sumtymes ai furgit tu put dat).

By Demaris on Jan 29, 2009 at 1:27 PM

muriell, tanks fur askin! Iz pleesed to meat chu! An yu look so happi in yur photo!

By muriell on Jan 29, 2009 at 11:47 AM

Thx fur sceptin frensloop Demaris, pleezd tu meetcha! I cot yewr plastik jeesus lol n lubbd it - ai lub a lotta yer lolz!!!! N tanks fur favin mai StockholmSyndrome lol o Joe Bones Brown - ai'm besotted wit hym so delited wen aniwun lyks teh lol! Ai hav lotza pix uv foster kittehs an ifn yewd lyk tu lol em ai'd b delited!!!! Wun day dey al gonna b frunt paig famus!!