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By teddy9girl on Mar 29, 2010 at 3:50 PM

Aww! My neighbor down the street (his name's Ryan, he's in my grade, I'm 1 day older than him!) this one black cat came to him and started following him around so he kept feeding it and he said it was his cat. He brought him to the bus stop once and I got to hold him!! I haven't seen him for a while, though. I'm not sure if Ryan keeps the cat in the house or if it ran away. It was so cute and sweet and it loved being held! I hope it's ok, whatever happened to it.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 29, 2010 at 6:37 AM

I get really pissed off at all of the attacks on Sarah Palin comming from people who aren't half of what she is as a human being. I might not agree with her on everything but I don't go around trying to smear her and defame her family. I take any such attacks on her very personally because that same bunch that is going after her is also going after me and my folk. It's one thing to disagree with somebodies political position and quite anothere to attack them personally and that's just exactly what this bunch of low lifes is doing. They make my skin crawl.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 29, 2010 at 6:27 AM

It's just that most of the people I know around here are Sarah Palin fans and that's most of my family. We're generally live and let live kind of folks but when somebody starts getting in our faces like that Obama bunch we tend to get a bit peeved. We pay enough taxes and if he wants to redistribute our wealth why doesn't he redistribute the intelligence needed to make it? We don't like a lot of really stupid people telling us how to live and that's just what we've got now in washington. With this computer I've got the best minds in any field right at my finger tips and I don't need to consult any hack politician to find out what's really going on in the world. I HATE OBAMA!

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 28, 2010 at 6:32 PM

Have you decided to cross me off your list yet?

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By teddy9girl on Mar 27, 2010 at 6:08 PM

Oh, yea, I only went to Disney once in 2007 or something, I forget. But here's a funny story... I was leaning forward over a railing to look into a pond, and before my mom could warn me, my Mickey Mouse ears hat fell down into the water! Since I was a little girl I cried and cried and cried, before we got another one!

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 27, 2010 at 7:27 AM

I've met the lady a couple of times and she's just a regular person. She's like my mother in a lot of ways. She stands on her own two feet for what she believes in and nothing short of an act of God will move her. The women of my family are all like that. They don't take guff from any man and there's no doubt about who's running the show when they're around. God help the poor bastard who tries to cross them.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 27, 2010 at 7:07 AM

I'm pretty relaxed most of the time. I suppose that's because I can get along with myself. It's the up tight anal types that don't make it. People who don't like Sarah Palin generally fit that mold. They always think they have something to prove so they find some one else who has done better than they have to attack. they cant stand somebody elses accomplishment because they have accomplishedd nothing for themselves. ?They are the perenial losers.

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By teddy9girl on Mar 26, 2010 at 8:51 AM

Sorry, I'm confused. What do you mean?

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 25, 2010 at 10:29 PM

My dear Lady, I am afraid that we wouldn't get much talking done although we'd most probably be communicating on an entirely different level. I'm not sure how much you would learn from that sort of an encounter. Certainly I don't think that there would be much useful information communicated in that way although one never knows to be sure.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 25, 2010 at 12:12 PM

Just don't get me started Lady. I'll talk your ear off about some tangential trip that I took in my thinking and the stir it created in the Psych department at Emory. They still haven't figured out who started it but it blew the behaviorists out of the water and all I can do is sit back and laugh. If I tried to take credit for the idea nobody would accept it so I just stuck a different lable on it and it sold like hot cakes. Ah, the glories of the acedemic ego, HA HA!

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 25, 2010 at 5:55 AM

HAHAHAHA OOOEY LADY! I don't know what to say. You've caught me off guard. I must admit that when I read your post I burst out in a fit of laughter. Never did I expect such an...? I don't know what, at the moment words are are lost to me. I feel somewhat embarrassed to admit it. I really don't take praise very easliy. I'm much more used to criticism both for my ideas and for my actions which have upon occaision raised the hackles of many in acedemia much to my own delight. I quite enjoy being a gadfly amongst the presumptuous egos of my supposed betters.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 22, 2010 at 8:11 AM

as the true source of our being.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 22, 2010 at 8:08 AM

What really is the "SECRET"? I'll tell you. Within the mind there is a door that opens to a realm of infinate possibility. We alone may posses the key to unlock its mystery. Life is handed to us in a box like a jigsaw puzzle. A mess of scrambled pieces that we must assemble in their proper order to reveal the true picture of "WHO" we are as individuals. The task is ours alone for no one else can do it for us. There are those who will tell us never to question authority but it is authority that begs the question. It is authority that supports and defends the question for without the question, no true authority can ever be established. The question must be asked," What have we learned thus far in our sojourn through time?" Are we no better off than our most primitive of ancestors whos daily life was a constant struggle for mere survival? Did they know something that we have forgotten? If so what was it? We must return to the beginning within ourselves and rediscover anew "THAT" which w

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 21, 2010 at 7:08 PM

ng up to do. ( sorry about the break but there are only so many words that I can put in a post) It seems that moderns are as superstitoious in their own way as are those so called primitives they are often wont to look down their noses at. That's certainly true when it comes to the use of halucinogens. There's certainly a lot of superstition when it comes to marijuana. They're really afraid that too much free access will somehow undermine their position in the medical profession and their power over our lives. That's really what all of the squalk is about.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 21, 2010 at 6:45 PM

You're right on both counts Lady as far as the puffer fish goes. The thing about belief is something else. Nobody is yet sure about the mechanism of belief or how the mind interacts with the body in this respect. We just don't know enough about the actual functioning of our brains at this point. What is the relationship between the mind, the emotions, the imagination and the physical body? We know there is one, we just don't know exactly how it works. It has a lot to do with our brains biochemistry and the chemicals released by certain kinds of emotions and how those different brain chemicals effect the brains functioning and so on into the body general. Primitive tribal shamans have a fairly good intuitive grasp of what's happening and how to deal with different problems as they arise and they have evolved tribal customs, rituals and the like sometimes involving halucinogenic drugs which seem to be effective in many respects. Our modern medicine on the other hand has a lot of catchi

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By AngelAndz on Mar 20, 2010 at 6:48 AM

Am a happeh bunneh, really I am ;) Hugz Andie

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 19, 2010 at 5:14 AM

That was a smart move on your part, to avoid looking at that picture. It was designed to freak you out. That's how they got control of you and control is the whole game. It's all a matter of power and who gets to control whom. If they can scare you then they can control you but you don't have to give your power away. If they can't control your mind and thoughts then they can't control you. That's what Jesus was teaching the people and that's why the Romans hated him so. Once your mind is free you can do anything ( within context of course, you cannot do anything which nature did not design you to do like fly without some form of technology to assist you. Men like Jesus were the original masters of what we today call cyberspace. Oh yeah, cyberspace was around a long time before computers were ever invented and a lot of people knew about it. They just didn't call it cyberspace. They usually called it the realm of the spirit and that's what it was for them.

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By fuzzbeast on Mar 18, 2010 at 4:14 PM

Yes I did read some of it and I will admit that I was intrigued at first but then I found out that there was absolutely no way that Mary could be the mother of Jesus's children because he was concerned about her well being and didn't want to involve her in the trouble that he knew was comming to him from the Romans and the High Priest Caiphas. He knew of the great likelyhood that he would be crucified for sedition by the Romans because that same fate had befallen many others who had gone before him. He wasn't the first nor was he the last to strike out for Jewish independence from Rome.

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By robinmaeve on Mar 18, 2010 at 12:47 PM

oh I love disneyland, well the one In paris, I havnt been to any other. but know what you mean about the crowded thing. I ve been to the zoo the other day, during the week. and it was so empty. and the animals went crazy for the spring. it was so great. its a huge zoo with alot of theme houses like the southamerican jungle house..... so cool

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By RedRobin on Mar 18, 2010 at 12:26 PM

Yes, I order clothes online all the time and I get some bargains I am happy with. Would you like to know which catalogs I shop from?

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