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By PresterJohn on Aug 22, 2011 at 7:37 PM

Fank u for accepting mi fwiend request! As tragic as Dexter's story is, I am happy that so many people worked so hard to give him (and other unlucky animals) a good life. Kudos to the cheezpeeps who won't let animal abuse be ignored.

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By gragio09 on Aug 22, 2011 at 6:49 PM

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By zackcat on Aug 22, 2011 at 6:47 PM

You can get on your soapbox anytime you want to when it comes to this subject! OMG! She preggers again! God help those little ones that she's teaching this criminal conduct to!

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By jcmccauley on Aug 22, 2011 at 6:17 PM

Thank you. I volunteer for a rescue organization. I keep them from when they are born up until they are about 3-4months old. Little Dexter reminded me of my own little rescues I have now. They are going on 4 months. I just cannot understand how people can be so damn heartless and want to harm such a sweet innocent animals. It makes no sense to me!! I will keep doing what I am doing and one day soon (I hope) a change will take place and those that do harm to animals will be punished harshly.

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By JaguarKitteh on Aug 22, 2011 at 5:53 PM

aiz kin onli fink ob wun ting wynds aiz seas awl da suffin iiiii seas, Awl U knead iz Wub Awl U Knead iz Wub Awl U knead iz Wub Wub Wub is awl U Knead!:P

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By psom on Aug 22, 2011 at 5:26 PM

Hello and thanks again for including me. I will help in any way I can, given that my only access on line is at work, it may not be much. But if you can send an actual email to me maybe we can work something out. Don't have much money either, but very strong on loving the little ones and a great desire to see the cruelty ended.

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By Kwithie on Aug 22, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Ohai -- I hazza chearful to share abowt psychic (?) pets. I was reading Radar_Rider's story bowt how his Hannah would jump in the window and watch for him to come home. Well, a biologist named Rupert Sheldrake has collected many, many stories about this phenomenon -- dogs, cats, horses, and other animlols that KNOW when their people are coming home, and not just at a regular time, either. Some seem to know from afar when their humans are hurt or die, even thousands of miles away. Sheldrake wrote a book called "Dogs that know when their owners are coming home and other unexplained powers of animals," full of amazing and heartwarming stories. He also has a website,, where you can read about his work and submit your own experiences with precognitive animals. Skeptical? Check it out anyway -- very intriguing book.

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By Radar_Rider on Aug 22, 2011 at 8:01 AM

...the door, meowing and "porpoising" up to be petted (rising up on her hind legs, something a few cats do.) Our other cats got along with her very well. Our oldest cat, Belle, seemed to take her as Hannah as her own kitten. My wife used to joke that Hannah was my "familiar". Hannah, we guessed, had been abandoned in the park behind our house. Certainly, Hannah had abandonment issues and didn't like me being out of her sight. She even learned to open doors so I couldn't shut her out! For 4 wonderful years, that little cat was one of the joys of my life. In March of 2010, in a series of events too painful to tell, she was taken from me and crossed into The Meadow. That same month, our oldest, Belle, a wonderful tabby, also crossed over. I still miss them both so much it hurts, but it comforts me to imagine them together in The Meadow, and I hope one day to see them again. Hannah and Belle taught me what cats really are: Love wrapped in soft fur. For their sake, and now for Dexter and his brother's, I do all I can to support the local shelters and end animal abuse and neglect. "Where cat is, is civilization." ~Egyptian proverb~

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By Radar_Rider on Aug 22, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Thank you for accepting my friend request. I would like to tell a bit of my own story here. In January 2006, a small, but utterly gorgeous dilute calico showed up on my back porch. She made a beeline straight for me the very first time our eyes met, and began insisting I pet her. She looked too well groomed to be a stray and didn't show the ear or nervousness I associate with abused cats. She was loving from the first. I assumed she lived with someone in the neighborhood. I petted her and played with her a little, and she took off. Over the next weeks, she appeared on my back porch several times a week for her petting and play. Then, in February, she stopped showing up. I was a bit sad, but thought she must have gone home and was warm indoors (it was a typically brutal New York winter.) Then, in early March, just a few days before my birthday, my wife went to get something from the cellar (which we rarely used) and when she opened the door, that beautiful little cat came trotting out, rubbed my ankles in passing, and helped herself to food form our other cat's dishes (we had 3 other cats then.) We let her eat her fill and petted her for a bit, then I took her out and turned her loose up the road, thinking she would go home. As I got home and walked through the back door, she came trotting up the cellar steps again! That was when I knew she didn't have any other home. I went down into the cellar, found how the clever little girl had gotten in, and saw signs that she had been living there since she disappeared in February. I went back up and told my wife that clearly, she had adopted us. We took her to the vet, who advised us she was about 8 months old and was pregnant, but otherwise was in remarkably good health. The vet also said she was too small physically to have the kittens, that doing so would damage or possibly kill her. We had her aborted (though we did not want to!) and spayed, got her all her shots, and took her home with us. We named her Hannah. It just somehow seemed to fit her perfectly. Hannah, we found, had already bonded fast to me. She followed me from room to room, always sitting or sleeping wherever I was. She was mad for play, and would drag her favorite toys up to me and drop them in my lap or dance in circles in front of her favorite play-room (a small spare bedroom) when she wanted to play. She would hop into my bedroom window every evening around the time I was due home from work and watch for me to come home, and greet me...

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By OryuKitty on Aug 22, 2011 at 7:24 AM

Here you can help little Gloria: Some photos are just unbearable :(

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By OryuKitty on Aug 22, 2011 at 7:21 AM

Aw, I'm glad to be your first French friend :) In France, very recently, we've got Gloria, poor little Gloria: She's half blind and has problems to see in the dark with the other eye. Someone evil made it to her and pushed doornails in her belly that were found in her stomach by the doctors :'( How can a human being do that?

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By rankine on Aug 22, 2011 at 7:20 AM

Still very sad about Dexter and his brother, and that there are people so twisted and unhappy that they have to do such awful, horrible things. But, I also wanted to share that one of the neighborhood cats (who's kind of a loner outdoor cat, even though he has his own hoomin) has finally accepted me (after almost a year), and now comes regularly to my back patio for some free noms. He doesn't say much or let me pet him, but at least he knows I'm a safe place. Hopefully, I can help prevent him from any potential harm. (David)

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By chrissi on Aug 22, 2011 at 6:11 AM

I forgotz there is a e-shop on e-bay called whiskers rescue (not sure if there's a space) that is raising funds for the trapping neutering and returning of feral cats somewhere in the US, they also try to rehome any of the Kittehs that they can as well, it's only a couple of people working together, but htey are trying to help

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By chrissi on Aug 22, 2011 at 6:04 AM

Thanx for adding me to ur Cheezefriends, and all my girls who are no longer in the fur too(all my Kittehs were rescues)

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By coeranch on Aug 22, 2011 at 5:57 AM is a wonderful site. I use it everyday. It is called The Animal Rescue Site mary ann.....oh and thank you for the friendship !

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By Lawah on Aug 22, 2011 at 3:29 AM

Hiya, tankees fur teh fwrend rekwest! ai wus sew shoked adn upset wen ai herd wut happend tu poor littlol Dexter! Great site fur feedin rekewed kittehs adn goggies =^;^=

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By scoobysoo on Aug 22, 2011 at 1:26 AM

Hi! Thank you so much for taking my paw in friendship. Poor little Dexter (who does look so much like my Lola), touched my heart deeply. Know that he will be well in the meadow and he will be in my thoughts when I light my candle tonight. Sadly, here in Spain there are many ferals and lost angels, (It seems people here don't understand the importance of spaying/neutering their pets) and many cases of killings and abuse. There are a couple of local charities I belong to, who do what they can, but the problem seems just too overwhelming. The Spanish have an odd attitude which allows them to let their dogs "walk themselves" and they see cats as vermin like rats. My own first cat Demon was a rescue, and although he was lost to us even before his 2nd birthday, he brought so much joy to our lives and I believe he even brought Lola to us. I would love to share his story with you sometime soon. I have already signed the petitions a few days ago and had hoped to friend Pusskitty to express my sadness, but clearly she has been very busy bringing us this beautiful new site. While I am sure I will cry many times when I visit this site, I am grateful for it and give it my full support. More people need to be made aware of these horrors so that maybe together we can find a way to put a stop to them. Thank you so much, and be well always.

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By Kwithie on Aug 21, 2011 at 7:37 PM

Ohai! ai'm not into FaceBook, but sumbunny haz made a cupple ob Dexter "picbadges" -- I gess yu puttem on yur FaceBook photo? linkie: ai pololgize if sumbunny's awlreddy postified bowt tihs.

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By _Otto on Aug 21, 2011 at 6:40 PM

Ohio trying to change Animal Cruelty from a misdemeanor to felony.. another link for you. .

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By pusskitty on Aug 20, 2011 at 9:22 PM

Message posted to my profile: By Nippy on Aug 20, 2011 at 8:32 PM Precious Pusskitty, For all your work for Little Dexter & His Brother, all our Love & Gratitude, always. Let's keep the word out for Justice for them! In addition to posting here, let's all help do something about this unthinkable evil! First sign this petition: Then call the prosecutor's office who will be bringing these monsters to justice and tell them you want them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and no mercy shown! Tell the Florida State Attorney that he has your (all of our) full support! (352) 754-4255. Love you, Nippy.

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