Messages between Draconic_Kitteh and Upfi

By Draconic_Kitteh on Jun 1, 2011 at 8:44 AM

Ai haz nawt bin heer inn....kwiet a lawng thyem. Ai wuzzn't ebben lurkink. Ai generlolee doen't goez owt ob mai wai tew git teh collektablolz, butt (!) ai still fyndz/receebz dem. Ai arre gud. Adn yoo?

By Upfi on May 29, 2011 at 1:50 PM

Ohai, nice to see u again! Haven't seen u in a while - but then, ai is nawt much on ICHC these days. Well, ai come to collect the collectiblols and luk at the lols, but ai no commints much. How is u?

By Upfi on Jan 21, 2009 at 6:01 AM

Oh sawry, ai dint noes u were keen on snoes. Cos u dont warm it up nao! and u can has wun of mai two inches of snoe, iffn u likes. K? Mai muvver sometymes had too mush to drink and got really aggressive dan. Do NAWT like. She's ded now, RIP. Ai hope ur granparent are grand in teh sense of "great". U had a tuff time, but it will have given u sum scales fur proteckshun.

By Upfi on Jan 20, 2009 at 4:37 AM

OH hai, Draconic Kitteh! Ai just wantid to tell u hao mush u impress me wif ur honesty. Effury tyme sumwun offers u an alcoholick drink u awlways truthfully say u can't have wun yet. Ai fink dat is really great and iffn u keeps dat up in IRL, u will go far - at least u will make menny fwends with peeps who like honesty and other gud character traits. U rock! Nao get ur flameblower going and warm up teh weather, iffn u pleese...

By Upfi on Nov 12, 2008 at 5:41 AM

Fanks 4 being mai frend, draconic kitteh! Ai hopes 2 c u often on ICHC! Is awlways teh fun to read ur commints.