Messages between EmTheLongcat and Sugarcatsmom

By Sugarcatsmom on Jun 15, 2012 at 6:30 PM

Hi Em good to hear from you. There is so much do do and im getting no where with it. Out weather is varied also. We get cold and snow in the winter and hot and humid in the summer. Almost summer here. Braces huh how do feel about that. When i as a kid no one wanted them. Now they are so much nicer. You will be thankful when you have nice straight teeth which will save you many problems when you get older. Have a great weekend. S

By EmTheLongcat on Jun 15, 2012 at 6:23 AM

Yeah, there have been heaps of storms lately... Probably nothing compared to what some parts of America get but we get a really varying climate over here >_> XD I don't care for bugs as much as I used to, I was trying to pick a wasp out of my pool to stop it drowning and it thanked me by stinging my knuckle >_< Well, I got my braces on today... How are you? Sorry I haven't been on for a while, so damn busy lately DX

By Sugarcatsmom on May 20, 2012 at 7:16 AM

Your getting ready for winter we have summer coming. A hornet traumatized me this morning. I was in the bathroom and he crashed doen on th floor. How did it get in. Ive already sprayed 5 nests. Hate thoes things and they know it. Enjoy the cooler weather (no bugs) S.

By EmTheLongcat on May 20, 2012 at 5:00 AM

Aha my bathers are striped and have tiny colourful flowers on them. Um yeah he did send me a message but it was quite complicated and it took me a long while to make sense of it XD Woah, that's pretty interesting, I might check it out if I ever get damn free time ever again... It's just started getting cold for winter. My black pajamas are going to attract landsharks XDDDD Cheech and Marley are being naughty as usual but have become more snuggly in the cold. Cheech's favourite spot is the crook of my knee and Marley's is up lying along my body. Sorry I haven't messaged for a while. Been ridiculously busy =| Kitty hugs, Em (>^_^)>

By Sugarcatsmom on Apr 15, 2012 at 8:14 AM

Glad your not afraid of sharks and can enjoy the ocean. Dont wear a black suit you will look like a seal to them. Any tips from your uncle. The Americas Cup is a big sailboat race that we had for years then you guys won it and it took place in Sydney. We are having a decent spring so far. Not looking forward to high temps. I like low humidity and warm not hot. Hope you are doing well. Rocky and Shady are well and doing cat things. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Apr 13, 2012 at 6:41 PM

Wow, (I know how ignorant this is gonna sound) what is the Americas cup?? I have no idea what it is but it sounds exciting >u< No, I'm not really paranoid about sharks... There are a lot around though. It's sad that there are so many shark attacks nowadays, my uncle is a marine biologist and he knows why the sharks hang around closer to shore so much nowadays. Turns out it's our fault after all. Lots of people are scared of the sharks, though... Especially all the mums of us open water swimmers =/ Kitty hugs, Em ^_^

By Sugarcatsmom on Mar 28, 2012 at 6:01 PM

Good to hear from you. School starts early in September and lets out in June. There is Christmas vacation, Winter vacation and Spring vacation so that part is similar. I watch a lotof shark shows and quite a few of them are filmed in Africa and Australia. Do you worry about sharks or just go in the water. After the movie Jaws came out I never trusted the ocean again. I live in a tourist town on the Atlantic ocean. Look up Newport, Rhode Island they have some nice shots. This June we are having some Americas Cup trials. We used to have the Americas Cup here until we lost in the 80's. Got very crowded but exciting. Nice to hav a taste of it back here. Have a great day. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Mar 28, 2012 at 3:07 AM

Hi Shug, Good to hear from you too :) Yeah the weather's pretty odd, it's been getting progressively less warm (I wouldn't say cold yet XD) and we've all been hoping for some rain to finally come. Hopefully it won't be more than a few weeks away! Yeah, I knew school was different but I wasn't sure how exactly your schooltime works out :S We have four terms of school each year, at the end of each of the first three terms we get a two weeks holiday, but at the end of fourth term we get six weeks holiday which covers half of December (including Christmas) and all of January; so most of summer. Hope your week is going well! Kitty hugs, Em.

By Sugarcatsmom on Mar 25, 2012 at 7:26 AM

Good to here from you. So your school will start soon. So strange weather, school is opposite of ours.Have a great week. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Mar 24, 2012 at 7:44 PM

Oh I just started high school this year! I'm not good with wording and such DX Yes, it's almost starting to get just a little colder, which is nice seeing as it's almost been a full month of autumn. C: Hope all is well with you~ Kitty hugs, Em.

By Sugarcatsmom on Mar 17, 2012 at 5:47 AM

Hi Im doing ok. Almost spring here. You must be ending summer. What are your plans now that you are finished with school. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Mar 16, 2012 at 7:49 PM

Hiya Shugs, how's it going? :3

By EmTheLongcat on Jan 19, 2012 at 10:00 PM

Thanks again ^-^ Yes I did, I asked the Cheezfriends who I think have the most-ish collectibles. We couldn't put our pool up this summer x_x long story. At least our air conditioner works really well and I have lots of friends with pools >:3 Whatever season it is, humanity seems to yearn for the opposite, don't they/we? Actually, I like the summer. Does it snow where you live? I've never seen snow before. I love storms but I'm sure I'd love snow.

By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 19, 2012 at 5:35 PM

Your welcome i wish i had them all to send you. Have you asked anyone else. Your having your summer now how i nvy you. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Jan 18, 2012 at 5:42 PM

Thanks so much Shug!

By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 16, 2012 at 3:14 AM

Sure and dont forgeet to ask others. I dont need anything in reurn. Kitty hugs sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Jan 15, 2012 at 11:36 PM

Hai Shug! Okay, this is really embarrassing but unfortunately my kleptomaniety is enraged at my laziness, which is why I have such a pitiful amount of collectibles. I'm sorry to ask you this, but pretty pretty pretty please, if you have any spare collectibles I don't would you maybe like to give me one or two in return for my spares? I know my spares are doing you no favours, and I'm really sorry to ask, but my kleptomaniety is something to behold, however laziness trumped it. Why did the collectibles have to end? :'( Em xx

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 22, 2011 at 3:58 AM

Hi EM the new name is very nice. Are you enjoying the holidays. Only a few more days til Chrismas yea. You and your family have the Merriest Christmas ever. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Dec 22, 2011 at 2:51 AM

Hi Shug! Eggy27 has now achieved the status of EmTheLongcat. Haha I love the new name ^^ Loooooooong ;) kitty hugs, Em

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 14, 2011 at 8:27 PM

Christmas hat thats one ive never heard about. have a great night.Kitty hugs sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Dec 14, 2011 at 7:55 PM

Thanks Shug ^^ I'm on holidays now (yay!) Christmas is great! I write cards, send emails, put up the tree... A family tradition we always have is that every year my Dad gets a different Christmas hat, they're always crazy xD I must go, lunch has arrived :D Kitty hugs! Eggy P.S. I'm changing my screen name to EmTheLongcat, just a heads-up!

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 14, 2011 at 7:12 AM

You graduated congrats and big kitty hugs to you. Are you feeling better. Are you excited about Christmas. What traditions does your family do. My favorite is the Christmas tree and baking cookies which Im about to finish today. Then I can package them up and give them out. We do about 30. Pople are already asking LOL. Have a great week Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Dec 14, 2011 at 1:51 AM

Yo Shug! Well I kinda did but pain becomes irrelevant after you endure a lot of it. x3 I graduated last night, I'm so relieved >-> I got the Dux award... I was really stoked! Kitty hugs ;D Eggy

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 3, 2011 at 6:08 AM

Hi Eggy, Im staying upright. Did you get hurt I hope not. Right now Im taking a break from decorating for Christmas. I got what I want out of the closet now im trying to figure where to put the stuff so the room is balanced and not tacky. We have been enjoying mild temperatures until a few days ago. Have a great week and stay on both feet. Kitty hugs sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Dec 3, 2011 at 5:39 AM

Thanks Sandy! Well the first time I jumped into the side of the pavement. (Don't ask...) the second time (at camp), I fell off my bike. So, how are things with you?

By Sugarcatsmom on Nov 13, 2011 at 6:05 AM

Good to hear from you. That camp sounds like lots of fun. How did you breask your foot. Im glad you are healed and ready for fun. Take time with your website it will all come together. Kitty Hugs sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Nov 12, 2011 at 3:37 PM

Yeah, it's coming along slowly. Actually last time I talked to you and this time it hasn't changed a bit. Heheh ;) Naw, Australia's nice, I suppose you think it's strange we get two weeks holidays every term and then six weeks holidays at the end of the year? LOL I couldn't imagine just having the summer off. School camp on Monday! So excited, I broke my foot you see and I had an appointment on the Friday, and the doctor gave me the all-clear just in time! I almost cried with relief, it's an island camp you see so we're either riding or swimming everywhere! Have a great Sunday! Kitty hugz, Em.

By Sugarcatsmom on Nov 2, 2011 at 4:11 AM

Good to here from you. Didnt realize you lived in Australia. Here is your web site coming along. Have a great day. Kitty hugs Sandy

By EmTheLongcat on Nov 2, 2011 at 3:22 AM

At the moment Invisibles :3 Australia, we get two weeks school holidays at the end of each term and six weeks off at summer :D So how ish you? CHOGM is over, but it's still all over the news ^^

By Sugarcatsmom on Oct 15, 2011 at 6:48 PM

Good to here from you. I just took a few days off around Columbus day. Where do you live that has two weeks off I may move LOL. What is your website about or is it a secret .. Have a great weekend. Sandy