Messages between FairfaxCyn and 1TeamKSO

By 1TeamKSO on Jul 16, 2013 at 2:23 AM

From Sylviag. Sorry for the short notice but this is one weekend I know for sure I'll be home :)

By 1TeamKSO on Jul 8, 2013 at 10:33 PM

From Sylviag. Without its many frens, 1TeamKSO would be nothing. Thanks so much for being a fren!

By 1TeamKSO on Nov 14, 2012 at 8:41 PM

From Sylviag. Invite to the KKPS 2012 Fanksgibbing Dance and Drama Club Play. Hope you can join the students, staff and parents in some holiday fun.

By 1TeamKSO on Jul 18, 2012 at 10:38 PM

From Sylviag. Kamp Kuppykakes going to Lundun for Olimpiks 27-29 Jul. Hope u can join in the fun.

By 1TeamKSO on May 23, 2012 at 7:58 AM

From Sylviag. Hai, nu fren tu 1TeamKSO! Thans for the fren request. KSO is all about peeps having fun together with the baby animulz in Kuppykakes Preppy Skool and Kamp and other themese too lie the Roun Dobin Story telling. Summer session of Kamp Kuppykakes is open and I hope u join in teh fun to make some LOLs and enjoy those made by others. Isee u know jlandis who is also a fren to KSO and has been making some LOLs with her little loveys attending camp. I manage my own profile in addition to this one but am here at least once a day to fave LOLs, answer msgs and do profile mgt. KSO hugz