Messages between Falloonacy and djrcreative

By djrcreative on Feb 14, 2012 at 10:27 AM

12 different identities, eh? Sounds like you might need a psychologist. ;) As for zuckerberg vs. google+, the dynamic isn't the same. Versus the "USS MySpace" (more Titanic-like at the time), yes, but I couldn't find an appropriate pic. :(

By Falloonacy on Feb 14, 2012 at 7:53 AM

At last count, I have written/am writing under 11 different names, not counting my "real" name. Yeah, someone else is getting credit, but if the contractor is happy, then that's my satisfaction. Fame and fortune are nice, but a steady income helps to assuage my ego. (I like 2.0... maybe 3.0 should be sinking a Titanic-like Google +?)

By djrcreative on Feb 13, 2012 at 10:04 PM

Oooh...I gotcha. Thanks about zucherberg. It even made Vote! :o After the fact, questioning whether I chose the "right" iceberg (it's what my OCD self does), I came across another bigger berg. So, I created "zuckerberg 2.0". LOL! I didn't submit it, because I already did one, but it's under My Stuff. :D

By Falloonacy on Feb 13, 2012 at 9:53 PM

True, ghostwriting is for someone else, or, as in my case, multiple someones. Therefore I look at it as writing under numerous pen names (whether or not they're "my" pen names). Still, it pays a couple bills, but I haven't entirely given up my day job. And I like the Zuckerberg!

By djrcreative on Feb 13, 2012 at 5:59 AM

Some "zuckerbergs" (recent creation: might move faster as well. ;) I always thought "ghost writing" was on behalf of someone else, like a politician's speech, rather than a pen name? Otherwise, why DO authors write under pen names, besides something controversial? *shrug* Just curious...

By Falloonacy on Feb 12, 2012 at 10:24 AM

Thanks! Yeah, I come in here for some laughs and mental breaks. And if someone gets a smile out of the deal, all the better. My novel is moving slowly, but at least it's moving. Although, there appear to be some glaciers moving faster at the moment. Most of my profitable writing is under a number of pen names that I can't divulge (ghostwriting). All in fun!

By djrcreative on Feb 12, 2012 at 8:44 AM

Thanks. Indeed, I do it because it's fun, but it's always nice to be appreciated. :D Likewise, I think it's cool that you're an "official" (ie: mass published) author. *reads about you on Amazon* That's a lot of living. :)

By Falloonacy on Feb 11, 2012 at 9:09 PM

Regardless pf the cause, it is funny. I enjoy your LOLs on here. Keep up the good fun!

By djrcreative on Feb 10, 2012 at 7:27 AM

Hey mate, thanks for the FYI on the "police" FAIL. I wasn't aware of that, but think it's funnier if imagining the policeman hit HIS car. I do know of such happening, and that was a nice pic to illustrate. Regardless of what happened, it's a FAIL. LOL! BTW, thanks for the friend accept.