Messages between FathomsDown and Emerald63

By Emerald63 on Apr 13, 2012 at 4:44 PM

A lil sumfin fur mai cheezy peeps! ~

By Emerald63 on Feb 14, 2012 at 6:52 PM

Sweets fur teh Sweet!

By FathomsDown on Dec 24, 2011 at 8:28 AM

And the warmest wishes to you an your family for this Christmas my Cheezfriend :-) I was raised a Christian but believe in helping others more than going to church. You are welcome to the collectibles; I'm having the same problem as you with the old ones. Have you got everything ready for the big day yet? I've been cooking ham, marzipaning cakes and buying alcohol today (the alcohol is the most part of the traditional British Christmas! ;-) Being a home maker isn't the easy ride that most people think it is! Oh, and I forgot to say, Boxing Day is so called because it was the day that the alms boxes used to be opened and the money given to the poor. I know its less of a special day in the US than the UK where we have a public holiday. I hope you have a great holiday none the less; is your hubby back to work on the 26th?

By Emerald63 on Dec 21, 2011 at 5:59 PM

Blessings upon you, my cheezefriend. May joy & love be with you this holiday season, whatever your faith or creed. - - Thank you also for the "Forever Alone Rudolph" collectible! I've gotten two each of older ones at ICHC and Demotivational this week and I'm itching for the current holiday ones.

By FathomsDown on Dec 17, 2011 at 2:45 AM

Hiya. Well, I wish I could send you some ideas on how to deal with your mom-in-law but I only got around mine my marrying my wife! Things are still a little uncomfortable but she loves Adam and we do get on so much more than we used to. Yes, Spain can be a bit like the great British seaside in places (if you've ever been to Blackpool or Southend then you'll know what I mean, otherwise, Google Streetview will give you an idea!) but they have a villa in a very Spanish area which is great. They have an overseas property business and their villa was specifically built for them so its lovely. We had hoped to visit them for Christmas again but, although the flights are dirt cheap, we would have had to get a passport for Adam and they are very expensive (anything to do with the British Government seems to be very expensive!). How are the preparations going? I wish my wife would leave me to arrange gift for my family too! Bless her, my wife has many good attributes but organising anything isn't one of them! She managed to make a mess of the most simple things and then gets upset because she hasn't managed to achieve what she wanted to! I'm sure part of it is because she doesn't wnt me to put myself in any more pain but I'd rather it be my pain than her upset. Adam is growing very quickly now. He has started crawling (and trying to unwrap the presents, eat the tree lights, etc; and I thought a kitten's first Christmas was bad!) and yesterday, waved for the first time. We should have a fantastic Christmas and yes, we are very lucky to have the charity support we have. I used to be a Rotartian and helped the charity who is helping us no so its extra humbling to be on the receiving end! I can't believe they are ending the collectibles too! What a way to destroy a community! Looks like the kittehs are loosing out the the memes and ponies! Hope the pre-Christmas run up goes well and speak soon! Take care.

By Emerald63 on Dec 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM

Oooo, thank you for Hipster Kitteh collectible, FD! It was so nice of you to complete my set!! Sorry I don't have anything you need right now. But since they're doing away with collectibles in January - NOOOO!!! - I'll be looking to see who needs what of all my retired ones after New Years. Let me know if you have any specific requests, OK?

By Emerald63 on Dec 7, 2011 at 1:49 PM

Right, that was supposed to read "squared OFF."

By Emerald63 on Dec 7, 2011 at 1:47 PM

You're welcome! Brits also make awesome TV shows (both drama and comedy and I always enjoy Graham Norton). Oh, and there's something about playwrights and poets, I think... On the upside, the US has never held a war *in* the UK. Although... since we "hosted" you guys the last 2 times we squared... LOL. I'm glad your inlaws have warmed to you, even if it took a while. Maybe they could send some pointers to *my* mom-in-law? If I hadn't known that Brits often vacation in Spain I would have been seriously impressed by them having a "villa in Spain." But vacay there and *owning* a villa is still pretty impressive. Sorry to hear it was cold there. I know there are many mountainous areas there, but I still tend to think of the whole place as "sunny Spain." I mean, you *do* have plenty of "freezing cold" at home, right? :( Ah, but *this* year... Christmas with a baby! Nice combo of special fun without the "OMG he tore up what?!" ...yet. I'm so pleased to hear about your charity surprise gift. What a lovely group of people they must be! Seems Mr. Scrooge did indeed keep his promises. :) I could use a bit of charity help myself for my preparations. Tearing my hair out - as usual. Hubby works full time, I don't work, hence I do all the prep for his family's gifts. Not a bad trade off the rest of the year, but just now I'm at the point of wanting (as I do every year) to scream, "They're YOUR family, YOU shop for them!" Just got to take a deep breath, "keep calm, and carry on." BTW, I used to know why Boxing Day is called that, but I've forgotten. What's the story?

By FathomsDown on Dec 6, 2011 at 8:48 AM

Thank you for the sausage dog. Like cheese, sausages are one of the few things which we do well in the UK and Europe (appart from debt and hosting places for the USA to have wars!). Like you, I also find inlaws a challenge sometimes, I think its just part of life. I've been with my wife for seven years now and they are only just warming to me! Last year I spent Christmas with them in their villa in Spain and although it was nice to be away, it was freezing cold and we had a bit of an unusual celebration as we flew back to the UK on boxing day. Of course, this year is Adam's first Christmas so things will be different again. It seems that things are looking up for us as we have been nominated by a charity (which helps us by taking Adam out for a walk once a week) for a Christmas surprise. I don't know what it is but its a blessing and quite humbling to have someone who is willing to help us. Are you ready for Christmas yet? Have you got everything wrapped or are you like me and one for the last minute bargains? Take care, FD

By Emerald63 on Dec 1, 2011 at 1:14 PM

Fanks fur teh Corgi, FD! I saw you needed a hot dog and, since tons of folks sent me stuff overnight, I had an extra to pass along. Enjoy it with a nice pint - Cheers!

By Emerald63 on Nov 30, 2011 at 8:48 PM

Well, not nice, but not icky. Went to my in-laws', about 3hrs from here. They have a nice home (about 25 years old but spotless) that they built when they retired from teaching & took up running the family farm. So nothing exciting or new, but comfortable. Mom-in-law is *not* my favorite person, but dad-in-law is a swell guy, so it was OK. I lost my folks in '07, so this is my family now, as my brother is half a continent away. -- I know what you mean about collectibles; sometimes I just give them away. But I do trade now & then. I'll pull up my collectibles page & see which of my friends needs an item. Then I"ll open a second window & pull up my friends list. I'll look thru the sets of all the people who need an item. If I still need one, I look for someone who needs one of my extras & has one I need. Then I send a message asking if they want to swap. But I sure don't hold back extras once I've gotten a full set. Nope, I pass them along, often to whomever needs just that one to complete their set. It makes me feel like Santa Claus, er, Father Christmas! -- I think a lot of folks' holidays will be lean this year - again. Sigh. But really, as long as folks are together, enjoying the companionship of others, & having a good time, that is a really, really nice thing in itself. IMO, finding just the right gift, even it's small &/or inexpensive (like an ICHC collectible), is way better than spending a ton on something fancy that doesn't quite fit the bill. -- We'll be headed back to the farm to celebrate their Christmas with them & Mark's brother's & sister's families. Most of our Pagan friends are long distance from us so we tend to do Yule on our own. If we're lucky, Mark won't have to work the 17th. The Saturday before Christmas (unless it's Christmas Eve, like this year) one of the fancy neighborhoods in our town has a luminaria display. (It's not the same w/o my hubby to go w/ me.) Every home for several blocks square has the public sidewalk & the walkways to the houses lined w/ small paper bags weighted w/ sand & w/ a burning candle inside. A lot of homes are also decorated w/ lights & trimming & the neighborhood also provides a small tent w/ hot cider & cookies, as well as horse drawn carriage rides & a roaming Santa. It's a real treat, especially if it's not too cold to walk around (no cars allowed!). Although... one year it had just snowed & there was ice on trees & bushes. Everything looked like it was covered in diamonds - gorgeous!

By FathomsDown on Nov 30, 2011 at 6:53 AM

Hiya. Great to hear you had a good weekend away. Did you go anywhere nice? You are most welcome to the collectibles, I prefer to give them to people rather than trade them which seems a bit mean. It will be Adam's first Christmas but it may be a bit of a lean one. Luckily he will be too young to notice and will probably think it is fantastic. Do you have any plans for the holiday period?

By Emerald63 on Nov 28, 2011 at 3:21 PM

Fang-Q fur teh Reflectin Yaris collekubble, FD. Ai wuz awey fur owr long hollyday weekund, gibbin fanks. An noaw ai'z hoam ai'z still gibbin fanks - fur grayt cheezfrenz like you! AI doan finks ai ebber notissed bufoar, but owr berfdeyz iz onlee 2 deyz uhpart - kool!!! Dis b ur lil wun'z 1st or 2nd Krissmuss? (If u sillybrayts it...)

By Emerald63 on Nov 15, 2011 at 4:30 PM

Oh, reintroductions. OK, that makes sense. Although I'm surprised there's enough left in the rest of Europe to spare. I supposed in the eastern areas there are. Yup, our southern areas aren't for the faint of heart, 'cause they'll make even healthy folks faint. Heat, humidity, bugs, scary critters, rednecks... But you're right about Oz. I think I've heard they have more poisonous things there than anywhere else on the planet! (O_o)

By FathomsDown on Nov 15, 2011 at 2:45 AM

We've got more deer in the UK than we have had for the past thousand years so the big cats can't be that common! ;-) Adders aren't that dangerous but are poisonous and give a nasty bite. They are very striking to look at and are excellent swimmers so you'd be very lucky to see one. As for the bears, beavers and wolves, we used to have them in England but they were hunted out years ago. They are now being introduced to the northern counties and to Scotland from the more wild parts of Europe. Still, they're not a par on what lives in the Southern States of the US or, for that matter, Australia where everything is very poisonous and bad tempered! ;-)

By Emerald63 on Nov 9, 2011 at 6:39 PM

Sadly, ai noez frum deer an drivin. Well, not me, but mai hubby. Lucky we wuz only a cupple weeks frum traydin in hiz truk. Poor deer dint gets no trayd in, tho. :( Wild bores, eh? We gots tunz in D.C. *snerk* But we also gots teh 4 legg kine, 2. Ai fink sum wuz natuv an noaw dey cross breeded wif teh eskaper wunz frum farmz. Doze pigz iz smart! Dey ken skape owta almoas enny pen. I dunno, mebbe all teh wile wunz wuz frum farmz wunts. All ai noez iz dey iz HYOODJ an dey iz teh danjuruss. :O Still woolbz in U.K.? Wow, ai fawts dem wuz gawn hunreds ub yeerz ago. Ai dint noez u ebber had beeburz... um wayt, no, dat teh kid frum Canada. Uh, beevurz. Ai fawt beevurz wuz only North Merikan. Ai seen teh TV programz bowt teh big cats ober der. U fink der enuff to breed? Or juss singull wunz wandrin? So how danjuruss r adderz? Ken dey killz u? O ai lubz teh bajurz! Not in pursun, but dey iz SO cyoot! But yesh, yesh... hungry kitteh = lief frettinin sichuashun!!!

By FathomsDown on Nov 9, 2011 at 2:04 AM

We still have some dangerous wildlife. Deer make for a nasty surprise when you're driving, wild boar can wreck a quiet walk in the woods and we lso have wolves, bever and (unofficially) big cats which eat the deer! We also still have adders and badgers and, of course, few anaimals are more dangerous than a hungry kitteh! ;-)

By Emerald63 on Oct 27, 2011 at 4:55 PM

Yup, parts ub 'Merica r still Teh Big Bad ub wilelife! Snakes wif teh poyzin, barz wif big teefs'n'clawz, mowntin linez, a fyoo woolbz, allimagayterz... eben teh moosez kin rune ur hole dey! O, an doan furgets teh skunkseez - PeeYoo!!! Wut u gots in teh Englun ennymoar... hejjy hawgs? Mebbe sum adderz (but dat show'z nawt on ennymoar, rite?). No, reely... u gawts enny bad beesteez left? Teh wurst we gawts at owr kamp grownd is teh firey ants, but not dis tiem. Dis tiem wuz Giant Killer Muskeetoez! Dey wuz HYOODJ! We'z too cloas to teh town fur much ub ennyfing elts, tho gaterz ken be in teh weerdest playces. Fanx aggin fur teh collekebulz u sended me. Ai reely presheyates dem!!

By FathomsDown on Oct 27, 2011 at 4:54 AM

Cool, Florida is nice even if they don't always warn you that there are aligators loose in the springs before you go swimming! Hope you had a great time! :-)

By Emerald63 on Oct 25, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Fanx fur teh colleckubbles, FD! It was sorta a vacation, but also a retreat. We're just about to leave Florida and will take a couple days to get back to Kansas. More about it later....

By FathomsDown on Oct 22, 2011 at 1:52 AM

Hi Em. Hope you have had a good trip. Was it a vacation or someting else? Anyway, you're welcome to any spares I have and I'll try and keep them comming :-)

By Emerald63 on Oct 17, 2011 at 2:03 PM

Fang-Q fur teh... me(?). Um, teh colleckubble, FD. Ai'z outta town fur a wile an it reely heps dat mai cheezfrendz r keepin me updayted wif der esstraz. Ai'z only abul 2 b on teh site fur breef time wile ai'z awey. Fanx aggin!

By Emerald63 on Oct 7, 2011 at 3:42 PM

Greetings FD! Fang-Q berry mush fur teh Succes Kid Book collekubble u sended me! Ai not haz ennyfing to gib u in return juss yet. Also, I be leebin next week fur a wile an em bizzy prepayrin. Udderwize ai wud chat a wile. Hope u an urz r doin well!!

By Emerald63 on Aug 5, 2011 at 3:48 PM

U'z welkum, FD. How be teh liddul wun dese deyz? Growin likes a weed? He nawt b a yeer old alreddy, iz he?

By FathomsDown on Aug 5, 2011 at 2:19 PM

Fankoo for yr kynd werds! I'm glad I kood make lotz ov peepl laff wiv my FP! :-)

By Emerald63 on Aug 4, 2011 at 3:38 PM

YaHoo! U gots a FP!! Teh Conga Rats issa dansin fur u FD!!!

By Emerald63 on Jun 3, 2011 at 3:27 PM

I'm slowly filling in my tacocat collectibles. Just today I got my first one on my on, rather than as a gift. I'm sorry to hear your wife is having difficulties just now. I know several bi-polar people, some of whom meds have helped immensely and others who are still struggling to find the right dose and/or combo to help. The brain is such a delicate balancing act it's a wonder any of us ever make sense of anything, eh? Keep at it with the docs - so many are trained to hear *only* horses hoofbeats, and *never* those of zebras, that they seem to think zebras don't even exist. Sure, they're more rare, but that doesn't mean non-existent. Sheesh! So, has London recovered from the Royal Wedding? It was a lovely ceremony and the couple seems a class act, indeed.

By FathomsDown on Jun 3, 2011 at 12:16 AM

You are more than welcome; I'm glad I could help. How are things with you? I've been meaning to write back to you for ages but have been very busy. I completely understand what you mean about people in mental healthcare. My wife has bi-polar disorder and is having a very bad episode at the moment and, six years on, I'm only just getting the doctors to listen to us! Sometimes I wonder who the nutty people really are! ;-) Anyway, I hope you are well and well on the way to completing the tacocat collectibles.

By Emerald63 on May 31, 2011 at 3:07 PM

Fank U fur teh taystee cheez cawlekkebul, FD! It wur a lubblee soopriez. An a happee blayted birfdeh az well. Ai iz sawree ai mist it. :)

By Emerald63 on May 7, 2011 at 3:14 PM

I know about learning more useful things during school than what was taught in the classroom. I have two degrees I don't use, mostly because a breakdown in grad school left me not able to deal with day-to-day stress. Despite 8 years of "remedial therapy" (which was a life saver) I still stress too easily unless left to my own devices for most of my time. After learning what I did about some of the folks in my career field, seems to me *I'm* the mentally healthy one for refusing to put up with their s**t. But that was looong ago and "I got better" to quote a great movie, lol. I'm very lucky that my husband earns a good living for the two of us, so I do what I can to make his home time enjoyable. We weren't able to have kids, but Boy! do we have cats!! Your family luncheon sounds a delight! But... is "leams" a typo? If not, I'm not familiar with the term. What does it mean?