Messages between Fauxpaws and RA_BH

By Fauxpaws on Apr 20, 2019 at 4:14 AM

Fanks, Rick! I can't remember the last time I had an awesome bday, but I'm still glad to be having them. =)

By RA_BH on Apr 19, 2019 at 12:35 PM

Belated happy birthday! Hope it was awesome, aifinkso. Rick

By Fauxpaws on Oct 4, 2015 at 4:09 AM

Aw, sorry you didn't feel like celebrating. I can't remember the last time I did. =) Still, it's always nice to get some happy birthday wishes from your buds here!

By RA_BH on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:00 PM

Thanks muchly; 'twas yesterday, and I just didn't feel much like celebrating so I turned off that part of the profile. I should have known that I wouldn't get away with flying under the radar <rolleyes> Rick

By Fauxpaws on Oct 3, 2015 at 6:04 PM

You hazza burfdai! Or hadda burfdai? Either way, I hope it's been a great one!

By Fauxpaws on Jul 31, 2015 at 4:13 AM

Well that's no good! Maybe they 'guessed' wrong and it won't be as bad as they think. Sure wouldn't be the first time! It's been a sauna here for weeks, but that's to be expected. Doesn't mean we don't gripe about it, tho. =)

By RA_BH on Jul 30, 2015 at 8:55 AM

I suspect you've had it hotter, and longer, than we've had, but we just started (yesterday) what's guessed_at, erm, ah, predicted, to be a 7-day heatwave....

By Fauxpaws on Jul 30, 2015 at 8:42 AM

So you have mad Venn diagramming skills, eh? I'll just let you and BD work on that then. I lost those skills years ago, if I ever had them. LOL! Thanks for the hint about restoring messages! If it works it will sure save me from pulling more hair out of my head! Hope you're having a good summer and not frying up there!

By RA_BH on Jul 30, 2015 at 6:24 AM

EDing you and BD (trying to find the elusive Venn diagram -- icanhashelp? <g>), and saw this:"Well, I just wrote a monster message and hit paste instead of copy and lost it all. @#$@! " sometimes, not always, if you do an undo (in Windows, that would be <Ctrl>z) it'll restore the note/message to what it was. be well, Rick

By Fauxpaws on Jul 12, 2015 at 1:41 PM

Yes! Well, sort of. I forgot the Delaware part. Sheesh, I'd take Delaware over Arkansas in the summer ANY time! We've got upper 90's with humidity to match for at least the next week, and probably beyond that. Having grown up in Colorado where you rarely needed A/C, I've just never adapted. I don't understand how anyone ever lived here before A/C. Boring sounds real good to me! =) I'm with ya on the ED'ing thing. Once you get used to it, it really is nice to be able to check up on your friends. Most of the time, anyway!

By RA_BH on Jul 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM

You remembered! ;-) actually, having friends in common is how I see what's going on outside of LOL-making. while it'd be nice to have private messaging, non-private posts can allow for a better sense of community (can, not necessarily a given…). Delaware is boring for most of us grownups with older kids, aifinkso...but I'll take boring over exciting weather--you been okay, severe-weather wise?

By Fauxpaws on Jul 12, 2015 at 12:37 PM

Thanks, Rick! I didn't know anybody had paid any attention to that little trauma! He's back to his same old spoiled self and I'm sure glad. How's everything up in the fat part of NJ? =)

By RA_BH on Jul 12, 2015 at 8:20 AM

glad to hear Elf is doing better! Rick

By Fauxpaws on Feb 23, 2015 at 8:19 AM

Got it - thanks! And yep, I see what ya mean all right. I never thought about the temperature difference as you get further away from the coast. I look at the weather map and all I see is cold everywhere up there! BRRR!

By RA_BH on Feb 23, 2015 at 8:01 AM

this link might take you to make a LOL, not sure. anywho, you'll see what I mean, I think:

By Fauxpaws on Feb 23, 2015 at 7:23 AM

Hmm... the fat part of NJ. I'll have to look that up. LOL Any relief if good relief! Slog is a good word for the mess! We're fine here, ice and sleet off and on but nothing major. Might even get a whole inch of real snow today! It'll all be gone by tomorrow. That's fine with me! Hang in there!

By RA_BH on Feb 23, 2015 at 6:28 AM

even with the fat part of NJ in the way, we're close enough to the Atlantic that we get some temperature help, aifinkso, as it's generally colder farther inland. yesterday was in the low-to-mid 40's, so that helped with the slog (a new weather term: the result of powdery snow get soaked by rain/freezing rain)...hope the cold stuff doesn't hit you too hard!

By Fauxpaws on Feb 23, 2015 at 6:17 AM

Thanks Rick! Hope you're staying warm up there in the northeast!

By RA_BH on Feb 23, 2015 at 6:14 AM

Pug Poem FP congrats! Rick

By Fauxpaws on Dec 22, 2014 at 4:41 AM

Great lol! I love it!! Thanks so much, Rick, and I hope you and your entire family have a most magical holiday!!

By RA_BH on Dec 21, 2014 at 12:37 PM

Thanks for being a friend! Rick

By Fauxpaws on Apr 16, 2014 at 6:20 AM

Thank you so much, Rick! They may not be as much fun as they used to, but I'm still glad to have 'em! =)

By RA_BH on Apr 16, 2014 at 5:13 AM

happy happy! hope it's a great day, an outstanding year, and that you have many more -- Rick

By Fauxpaws on Oct 27, 2013 at 5:04 PM

Thanks, Rick! I thought that was a pretty squee pic!

By RA_BH on Oct 27, 2013 at 8:13 AM

Daily Squee FP congrats!! rick

By Fauxpaws on Sep 30, 2013 at 5:12 PM

Aw, shucks. Your welcome! Have a great one! =)

By RA_BH on Sep 30, 2013 at 5:05 PM

*YOU* are a sweetie!! thanks very much, hope your trip goes well. ;-) rick

By Fauxpaws on Sep 30, 2013 at 4:49 PM

Rick! I'm headed out of town in the morning but wanted to wish you an early "Happy Birthday!" on Wednesday. (I did get the day right, didn't I?) If I didn't, just ignore this, but if I did, I hope you and all those 2 and 4-legged kids of yours have a WONDERFUL day!

By Fauxpaws on May 8, 2013 at 5:35 AM

Thanks, Rick! Existentialism doesn't run too deeply in kittehs. Maybe we could learn something from them. =) I will certainly pass along your condolences. Losses are always so painful for us animal lovers and it's nice to hear from fellow peeps.

By RA_BH on May 8, 2013 at 5:07 AM

congrats on your most recent FP; if you don't mind, please pass on my condolences to Nippy :(