Messages between Fauxpaws and Tempie

By Fauxpaws on Apr 16, 2015 at 2:09 PM

Tempie! How nice to hear from you!! And how bad I feel that I missed YOUR birthday. ACK! I'd sing to ya but you've apparently had enough squawking and screeching for one year. =) And forget the hopping! LOL! Yep, things are much different here and it's really just not as much fun as it used to be. I still come here instead of Facebook tho, and love keeping in touch with friends like you. Hope you've had a wonderful year, staying your usual busy self of course, and the trend continues. And Happy Belated Birthday to ya, my friend! <3 (LOL)

By Tempie on Apr 16, 2015 at 10:06 AM

I haven't been here for a year and it is SO different. Doing <3 doesn't leave a heart like it used to. Have a Happy Birthday anyway. You aren't heartless.

By Tempie on Apr 16, 2015 at 10:02 AM

Happy Birthday Fauxpaws!! I almost missed it!! Iignored mine until daughter called and. She and her family sang Happy Birthday to me and the youngest just squawked and I could hear him hopping while he screeched... He's 3. Hope your day is EXCELLENT!!! <3 U :) Tempie

By Tempie on Apr 23, 2014 at 5:27 PM

I'll be taking a LOT of pictures of my successes. The failures..meh... not so much. I have boxes of pedestal pieces I've made out of clay, mostly porcelain. Every single piece isn't ....isn't..."just right" I enjoy and appreciate those pieces after some time goes by. I hope the Bonsai live waay past me. Each dish I've made for Bonsai is ALSO no "just right" but they are each an effort in progress. The Wilammette Art Club has a particular chairity project that EVERYONE gets involved in. It's called Empty Bowls and we were asked to throw 6-8 bowls a month in order to have lots and lots of bowls come November when we have the grand sale of these bowls. I don't throw. I was GOING to and going to give it my best shot. I was fretting about it to one of the teachers who is also one of the leaders of the W.A.C. and she told me that those pieces I'd donated previously were sold quickly so I was to make bowls MY way and to have fun while I was at it. Yay!! I have quite a stack of doilies and mash them into the clay, peel them out to leave an impression then gently lay the clay, impression down/to the outside, in a plastic bowl to let the clay dry in that form.. I made about 5 bowls yesterday. They provide the clay, I provide the effort. I get lots of practice that way. Glazing will be another adventure. I love it. We'll see how well so many do in November. My donated pieces were rare... 1 or 2. These will be stacked up and plentiful. No Uniqueness. Well, wait. Each piece will be unique but the theme will be the same. Free style, floaty and impressed with a doily. sum fun. Later gater.

By Fauxpaws on Apr 17, 2014 at 4:40 AM

SO nice to hear from ya, Tempie! And yeah, that "mannny MOOOORE" part came thru loud and clear! LOL! We HAVE won, getting another good year under our belts! Next year - no hedge trimming for you, now! If you can ever pull yourself away from Pinterest long enough, you DO need to stop by and make some lols! Let me know how the bonsai-ing goes, too! I want a pic of your little trees when you get them going!! =)

By Tempie on Apr 16, 2014 at 8:34 AM

Greeting and salutations on your birthday. I haven't been to ICHC in too long. I spent my birthday out back cutting branches off the hedge that has to be 30 years old and a certain fire hazard. It's supposed to give me privacy but now that I've trimmed it clean I'm looking into my neighbors carport that has a LOT of junk and dust collected..yikes. The prop. management didn't send the landscape guys to trim the hedge last year and nothing I planted would grow so I took care of it myself this year. Today I am sore. Looking at older messages... I have been reading books and playing in the clay and doing everything but remembering ICHC. Pinterest can suck 5 hours out of my day faster than the the speed of light...REAL time travel into the future! The grandkids are doing great. I'm still monitoring over at the WAC on Saturdays and I've been making Bonsai dishes. Now that I have over a dozen made I need to take a class on HOW TO Bonsai. I bought a couple of little coniferous trees in Dec. of 2012 and they're still in the pots they came in. I believe they're Bonsai-ing already. I might have to make dishes JUST for these poor old babies. I made a stand for my wall pockets to show at the WAC's gallery. I made a hat rack for my 15-20 hats to hang on. I discovered Janet Evanovich's books and have become even MORE of a book worm. That's what I've been doing all year. ICHC looks totally different. I'll have to come visit more often. Make a lol or nine. Enjoy your Happy Birthday!! Congratulations!! Another year!! I feel like we've WON!! Yay!!

By Tempie on Apr 16, 2014 at 8:07 AM

Happy Birthday Fauxpaws!! and mannny MOOOOOre*...Can you hear me singing? yep... Have a happy good fun day.

By Fauxpaws on Apr 15, 2014 at 4:29 AM

Well, it's that time of year again when you and I get to add a few new snaps, crackles and pops to our movements! I hope things are well in Tempie Land and you have a most enjoyable birthday, my friend!

By Fauxpaws on Sep 25, 2013 at 4:40 AM

Tempie! What a nice surprise! I see you survived the summer in tact! It's always good to stop in here now and again, if just for some comic relief. Your gig at the WAC sounds like a dream come true for you. I love pottery and have a houseful of one of a kind pieces that I've picked up at arts & crafts fairs and on eBay. Unfortunately they weren't handing out artistic talent on the day I was born (among other things!) I spend most of my free time gardening, which in the summers we have here means mad dashes out into the heat to move the sprinklers around. Fall has finally arrived here, more or less, so I can get back outside and commune with my flowers.. DO stop in and let me know how the bonsai project goes. Sounds like great fun!

By Tempie on Sep 23, 2013 at 11:26 AM

Hey Fauxpaws.. I don't know what came over me but I remembered I have a site here. I've been sitting at this stoopy computer on FaceBook and Pinterest and carefully driving me to Brain Dead, USA. I collect stuff on Pinterest and it's a good thing it's all in the computer because the Taj Mahal wouldn't be big enough to hold it all. I've been acting as a monitor on Saturdays over at the Willamette Art Center and THAT is thee best thing to come along in QUITE some time. The WAC is a really big pottery studio and I get to play in the clay all I want. yeeHA! I've been swirling three colors of clay together and handbuilding Bonsai pots. When Im all through with the three clays and made all those pots, I'll take a Bonsai class and learn how to really Bonsai stuff. Then I'll go back to porcelain and pinching roses onto wall pockets for a 25lb bag of clay and then see where my heart leads me. I've been doing lots of sketching and on my next trip to So. Cal. I'll share all this with the grandkids that I haven't seen in 5 years. My grandson up here gets taken to art galleries and the WAC all the time and his eyes tend to glaze over when I start with the ART talk... So, how are YOU doing? I noticed the earlier notes, are you doing better now? I'll try to wander back to ICHC more often. You have a joyous holiday season. 'bye

By Fauxpaws on Jul 1, 2013 at 5:01 PM

That might be an improvement in my case! Hah! Have a great summer your own self, Tempie!

By Tempie on Jul 1, 2013 at 3:52 PM

Tch... Once you get started you won't NEED glue. You'll be there permanently My hindsite has taken on the shape of this chair. Have a terriffic summer!

By Fauxpaws on May 28, 2013 at 4:25 AM

Well, the real you makes for a great profile pic! =) My sis keeps telling me I should check out Pinterest but I've been avoiding it. One more on-line addiction and I could permanently glue my fanny to the computer chair.

By Tempie on May 27, 2013 at 5:42 PM

Thanks. I haven't been able to draw a good self protrait in forever so I went with a real me. I got addicted to Pinterest and one of my boards is SELF PORTRAITS and it's full of the artists self portraits, including my own. I'm addicted to pinterest. That's all.

By Fauxpaws on May 25, 2013 at 5:20 PM

Tempie! How great to hear from ya! I could kind of tell you hadn't been here in a while when I sent that last lol, but I figured what the heck, maybe you'd come back - and you did! Yep, they keep fiddling around with the site. You never know what you're going to get from week to week, it seems. Sometimes I wonder if they don't do it just to get everybody PO'd. Don't wait so long to visit next time, K?? BTW, i LUV your profile pic!!!

By Tempie on May 25, 2013 at 12:30 PM

Hello!! I haven't been to ICHC is so long!! I missed your birthday after leaving reminders and everything... duh. I hope you had a good day on your day. This whole site is new and different. yikes! I'll be perusing around to see all the new stuff. Have a great ! until I see you again!!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 15, 2013 at 6:51 AM

Yes! I remembered! I'm not completely brain dead yet! Happy Birthday, Tempie!

By Fauxpaws on Dec 22, 2012 at 12:20 PM

Happiest of Holidays to you, Tempie!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 16, 2012 at 4:46 PM

What a great pic and a GREAT lol! And that sounds just like what he'd be saying if he could! hahaha! I feed the wild critters here, too! Got my chipmunk and flying squirrel regulars, and occasional visits from raccoons and turtles and deer. Not to mention all the birds who will be bringing their new babies by soon. We must be kindred spirits! Luv it! And thanks! And hugs!!!

By Tempie on Apr 16, 2012 at 1:48 PM

Just because I can I made you a Happy Birthday lol.. I have no clue as to how to send you the address but it's the last lol I made on My Stuff lols. I took the picture of that raccoon. I feed a lot of wild critters out there.

By Fauxpaws on Apr 16, 2012 at 4:45 AM

Aw geez! I blew it this year, didn't I??!! I guess that sticky note is on the floor behind the pooter along with elebenty gazillion others and a boatload of dust bunnies! I'm glad to see from your messages you had a fine birthday and I sure thank you for the wishes! I'll see if I can't do better next year! Hugs, Pal!!

By Fauxpaws on Dec 30, 2011 at 4:41 AM

FP CONGRATS!!! Luv it!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 24, 2011 at 8:03 AM

Happy Easter, Tempie!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 22, 2011 at 5:01 AM

Well, I'm STILL laffing about that note! I've tried writing B/D's on my calendar and then never look at it, so it seems no matter what ya do, it's hit or miss! We'll just take our chances next year. Who knows? One of us might get lucky! You're a pal, Tempie!!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 17, 2011 at 6:11 AM

LMAO! I can't believe you kept my birthday date right --->there<--- for a whole year! Woo! I'm flattered! lol! I think I've gotten so bad about them because the older I get, the less exciting they are. Well, maybe we'll do it again next year! =)

By Tempie on Apr 16, 2011 at 9:32 PM

Nawt! Last year you remembered mine and I had to write your birthday on a card and kept it ---> right there <--- so I kept seeing it for a year to remind ME to remember YOUR birthday.. I don't as a rule remember ANYONEs B/D except my immediate family.. Both my kids because I was THERE on the day they were born.. Grandkids? nope, even tho it's written in my phone book, I don't remember to look it up just to mark a calender..oh..good idea. Grandma is supposed to send a card with $5.00 in it, right?

By Fauxpaws on Apr 16, 2011 at 5:33 AM

Well, I did it again, didn't I? Second year in a row I've messed up your birthday. I hazza shame. =( I'll blame it on the extra brain cell burnout that occurs every year around this time! Why not? It's probably true! Hope you had a great day, Pal!! Maybe next year I'll do better. (Yeah, right!!) LOL!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 18, 2010 at 5:17 AM

You are SO funny! They pretty much call 'em Interstates around here (the only one you didn't say!) But I still call 'em freeways. I like the speed part, too. When I was a kid I thought about being a race car driver for a while. I remember my Dad going, "Yeah, RIGHT! Snork!" So I moved on to something else. Forgot what that was, too. Aw well.

By Fauxpaws on Apr 17, 2010 at 6:04 PM

Yeah, Saturday's at the grocery store - not my idea of a good time! Sometimes ya just don't have a choice, tho. Good to get it over with and enjoy the rest of your weekend! I spent the day sweeping pollen off the porches, and washing it off the car. It is seriously bad this year, even getting into the house. Bleh. And the worse part is, it'll all be back again tomorrow! Ah well, this too shall pass!

By Fauxpaws on Apr 16, 2010 at 1:26 PM

OMG! That Amish cheesecake bread sounds absolutely HEAVENLY! <drooool> But, of course, anything with cheesecake in the name has GOT to be yummy! Tanks fur all the burfday happies, Bud!