Messages between FluffyB and palinsc

By FluffyB on Sep 26, 2009 at 12:46 AM

Ohai Pal! :-) Izza pleshur tu meetcha! Ai has tu sneek at wurk tu! Awldough wii habba pc at hoam, wii doan haz teh innertubez yet. Pleez tu nawt wurry aboot teh non-lolspeek, ebrywun kin speek teh wai dey want, jus nawt jurmin pleez! Aniihoo! Habba grate weekweekweekendz! Hugsies & schmoos! :-D

By palinsc on Sep 22, 2009 at 3:19 PM

Hi there FluffyB. i loved your post the other day when you explained why your name was just "B" now. that was hilarious. I am way behind on my e-mails, so just wanted to say thank you for the friend request. I am getting a laptop soon, so I will be able to play on ICHC when I want to and not have to sneak at work. Oh the huge manity(!) if I got caught. Pleh on work! anyway, thank you for being my friend and excuse the non-lolspeak. Best regards, Pal in SC