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By Fluffyissocoollike on Jul 25, 2010 at 12:40 PM

Sorry bout that, our power went of for a sec, and now a big thunder storm. might be able to talk later, depends if storm ends. Anyway, the thing was that owlssayhoot hat replied to me on twitter, and another 3sixty5days tweet he just... tweeted: Mum: "look it has a bell and all" *stares at me & rings bell for a full minute*

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By Fluffyissocoollike on Jul 25, 2010 at 5:52 AM

Humph. Here's what I want from you: Watch ALL the YouTube videos I tell yo to watch when I say it. And if it doesn't load, keep refreshing. You MUST spend at LEAST half an hour on YouTube every time you are on the computer (but you can just listen and be on howrse on the same time or whatever)

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