JeffMurdoch's Favorites

Happeh Birfday 2 u


Ohai, for teh Cheezpeeps who don't know - today is Jeffcat's birthday.


Happee Birfdai JeffCat

Happy Birthday, love ya from NCcharmer

Hab fun on your Burfday, JeffCat!

I'z juss kiddin' 'bowts nawt bein' ur Cheezpeep no moar... Dat's juss teh hunger tawkin'...

Happee Birfdaaaay to yooooo!

For Your Birfdaaaa, You Haz 2 Tickets at Teh Millks Bar!!! Happeee Birfdaaa, JeffCat!!!!

For Your Birfdaa, I haz placed these Squiggling Newts In Your Underwear Drawer! Enjoy!

Happy Belated Birthday JeffCat!

Santa Season

To Celebrate Your Being the CheezPeep of the Week, I have placed this litter of Wild African Dog puppies in your bathtub! Enjoy!

Happy Halloween to All Our Cheezpeeps! From Wuxie, Einstein, Wonder, Polar and MaMee

Sllllooowwwleeeh teh dorr creeked opn an a haire hadn peeked fru da gap... Teh Edn.

Spotlight on the Detectives - Dial K for Kittens

PI Murdoch - Look what the Cat dragged in...

Dammit, Mr. Gutenpurrg has been playing with my glasses again :)

May the Lint Brush be with you.

One of my most favorite books - It's a comic book!

FAVORITE BOOK - A Cat's Purrspective...

GAME OF THRONES - Jeff lubz it - Thx to Emerald63

LOTR - One of my most favorite books EVAR!


Though, he prefers Francis

21st Century Rapunzel

And Permanently Misplace Those Knitting Needles

Queen Elizabeth Totally Looks Like John Noble

Pope Jorge Bergoglio Totally Looks Like Corrado Soprano