The latest from JnyBlu

JnyBlu JnyBlu uploaded Video

Happy Valentine's Day

JnyBlu JnyBlu uploaded Video

BABYMETAL is Kawaii Metal. The most badass musical act that you've never heard of.

JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

I got somethin' to say! This should totally be a new meme.

I got somethin' to say! This should totally be a new meme.
Caption This! JnyBlu uploaded a new picture
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JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

I don't know how to use this meme properly.

I don't know how to use this meme properly.
JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol


JnyBlu JnyBlu uploaded Video

If you have yet to experience the awesomeness that is Babymetal. Here's their latest video.

JnyBlu Hooray! JnyBlu's LOL was featured on the homepage of Rage Comics

Windows Update Rage

Windows Update Rage

Go check it out and tell JnyBlu congrats!

JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

Windows Update Rage

Windows Update Rage
JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

We need a meme for when something really is such a brilliant idea or thought, that you wish you had thought of it. Here are my nominees:

We need a meme for when something really is such a brilliant idea or thought, that you wish you had thought of it. Here are my nominees:
Caption This! JnyBlu uploaded a new picture
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JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

I lost 34 lbs. in less than 3 months at the beginning of the year, I hardly ever exercise and now I actually crave healthy foods.

I lost 34 lbs. in less than 3 months at the beginning of the year, I hardly ever exercise and now I actually crave healthy foods.
JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

I'm sure it'll be good...

I'm sure it'll be good...
JnyBlu JnyBlu made a new lol

Three of these things are related.

Three of these things are related.
JnyBlu JnyBlu favorited a lol

Creepy Cleverbot

Creepy Cleverbot


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5 of 5 messages
By tentoes2 on Dec 21, 2013 at 7:14 PM
“Can you repost for a bro?”

By AndysLife on Apr 25, 2013 at 4:28 PM

By tentoes2 on Apr 24, 2013 at 6:39 PM
“I used YOUR picture to make a meme! Im a thief”

By Discord666 on Apr 24, 2013 at 5:53 PM
“I dont know you,but what the worse tha could happen? i accept your friendsh... [more]

By tentoes2 on Apr 24, 2013 at 5:21 PM
“gotchya friend request. I dont know who u r but i still accept :D”