Messages between KashiMaeve and robinrescues

By robinrescues on Feb 5, 2011 at 7:42 AM

Ohai KashiMaeve! Just stopping by to check in, and say I'm still hoping there is something I could trade you for one of your extra karots. One of my cheezpals is looking for one. kthxbi! MelB

By robinrescues on Jan 31, 2011 at 2:47 PM

Ohai KashiMaeve! I see your Mondaze collection is missing a Filez, and I have an extra. Would you like to trade it for your extra Karot? Like Hubbes, I already have a karot for myself but am trying to help a friend complete their collection. Or I also have an extra Invisible Trophy (which you might be getting from Hubbes), if you or one of your cheezpals were looking for an extra one. Thanks so much! MelB

By robinrescues on Jan 17, 2011 at 2:35 PM

Ohai KashiMaeve! I hope this finds you doing well. Currently I'm searching for a Thermometer - it's the last retired collectible I need, and I would really like to finally complete my Dr. TinyCat collection so I can get back to enjoying the lolz instead of chasing down retired collectibles. If you come across anyone with an extra thermometer, could you please let me know or send them my way? I'd greatly appreciate it! kthaxbi!