Messages between Kirajenlove and Smurftastic

By Kirajenlove on Nov 30, 2011 at 7:04 AM

I also bought a 42" HDTV and a Blu-Ray/DVD player this summer when I came into some money. We are also enjoying ours, and I plan to buy Blu-Ray movies from now on, whenever they are available. No more VHS in my video collection! :)

By Smurftastic on Nov 30, 2011 at 3:26 AM

Haha. Funny you should ask. My other half downloaded the BluRay version just the other day. We'll be watching that very soon. We JUST bought a 42" HDTV and Sony BluRay Home Theater for x-mas this year, and we're already enjoying the hell out of it. Smurfs movie is on the short list of things to watch in coming days. :)

By Kirajenlove on Nov 29, 2011 at 10:29 PM

Will you be buying the Smurfs movie on Dec. 2? I will, I thought the movie was cute! :)

By Smurftastic on Jun 21, 2011 at 9:52 PM

Haha. "Believe it or not...*wink*" I'm already a fan on the William Katt/Hero FB page! For reasons of anonymity I won't tell you my real name, but I do appreciate the invite! But yeah, I've been on that page now for going on two and a half years. Small world! :D

By Kirajenlove on Jun 21, 2011 at 6:37 AM

Hi there! (I used to love smurfs too, BTW!) We are inviting all GAH fans to become members on the Facebook fanpage - You'll meet lots of other GAH fans there, and we're always having cool contests with awesome prizes! Right now we're having an art contest (must be GAH-related), and the winner gets a Skype call from William Katt himself! He loves his fans and is a really awesome guy. I was one of the winners of the previous contest (a costume contest), and I also received an awesome prize from him! See it here -

By Smurftastic on Jun 21, 2011 at 12:07 AM

I was drawn to request you as a friend on here exclusively because of your avatar. Greatest American Hero RULES! I watched the show as a kid, and got back into it in recent years. I bought the box set and it had the "instruction book" and it even came with a cape, kid you not! One of the best shows OF ALL TIME! Oh, and RIP Robert Culp. Truly a legend. He kicked ass on I Spy AND GAH. Ahh memories! You have excellent taste!