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By tookat on Sep 14, 2009 at 4:47 PM

Well understood, many of my closest friends are Christians, with some I discuss what I was born to do, aid the Children of Light in their fight against darkness... To shelter and help those taking the next evolutionary step, to do it safely. Eventually all beings will be able to connect to the God consciousness directly, and never have to worry about being mislead by the voices of what we prefer to call "null" since that is the true abscence of love and life... The void where the cold hatred lives. If you are ever directly bothered by any spirit kind... Or know anyone who is... And do not wish to be plagued, just ask for the intersession of The one God, the God of Light, or ascendeds Master Jeshua Christos or mother Mary.... Or of Archangels Mikael or Chamuel. Any who ask will be spared all but the voices of the God consciousess and those of their Guardian Angels. If you wish, we don't have to discuss any of this.. We can just be friends... Enjoy the lols.. Which is what most of us

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By ChloeHazBabyBatz on Sep 14, 2009 at 9:51 AM

Heya. Thanks for the add ^^

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By tookat on Sep 14, 2009 at 5:01 AM

I find it interesting you know so much. Do you work with guides or are you well studied?

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By tookat on Sep 14, 2009 at 5:00 AM

I have had the experience of joining with one that was not light. The "feel" of the vibrations was SO very wrong... I was ill whenever I tried working with that being. It took several Archangel Michael clearings plus a middle pillar ritual to Source to free me. I was lucky to have already taken adept status in MMS and knew the rituals. Still if I had been unable to do it myself, I knew three high level channels of Light who would have been able to free me. I met this being when I thought I was safe... But I neglected to ask "Are You of the Light?" This is the One Question they MAY NOT LIE TO. If you ask Are you from God? even are you from Jesus? They mau say yes... For there are other beings called gods or Jesus. For months afterward, before my Guardians became strong enough to protect me from beings of mal intent.. I would always ask EVERY TIME are you so and so of the Light... Just to stay sure. Einsoff does protect us.

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By Unknown11 on Sep 13, 2009 at 7:54 PM


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By tookat on Sep 12, 2009 at 8:48 PM

dis freactured flim maeks my hausies hed spliff! i is challenging cheezlanders to a fracture throw down! flims teebee..books...songs....all welcum!

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By Olivia77 on Sep 12, 2009 at 8:51 AM

have a gud weekend. i gone fur next few days! gets to travel. bye for now =^..^=

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 9:26 PM

Lol... I SEE typos. Even the archangels aknowledge there is no such thing as perfection! So! You answered a question with honesty... And asked a question with curiousity. This then, is the truth they wish you now to know! And this as well.. A warning! Anger not dealt with properly, whether turned inwards in depression or outwards in aggresive behavior or unknown and unaknowledged leads to disease and dysfunction. Being my friend can be interesting... Rarely boring

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 9:19 PM

Bow do I know Truth now? When it is important enough for them to seek the knowledge.... And ONLY then, my guides and guardians bespeak the Higher and Buddha selves of the being we are dealing with. All beings are multidimensional, existing in at least the etheric plane... And their eternal soul.. with Source. The Buddha Self, the soulheart within Source... Knows all the past lives of it's being... And all the details of the Lifeline contract that each being makes when choosing a new life... When we choose a new life... A new higher self... And a series of future selves are created in the etheric realm.... That is life in a form without body... But if an embodies life is created... It is done so tied to higher and future selves in a way that cannot be broken.

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 9:11 PM

Be was ancient enough to be more powerful than most guardian angels. We all start with two cherubim, those who become Beginning adepts of the Light are given Guardians who are Seraphim. Nahomesh is good.. But raged against the changes he saw in the world after he was able to travel and see and hear through my eyes... If I had been more powerful a channel then... He could have used me to create ill. It was only my truth Sayers instinct that realized he was trying to use what power I had to create a prayer that would start an earthquake. His anger was taking him away from his better self... I "felt" wrongness and begged for help... That was when I became an adept level three of the Light... For I could not, would not let any evil be created from my ability. I was given Guardians then who were Powers... Now my Guardians are Archangels Michael and Gabriel.. And I am in "dumbledore's army so to speak.

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 9:01 PM

For answers a out what was happening to me. Psychic ability is the next step in evolution for the human race... There are many frauds out there... But they will eventually disappear as those who channel the Light come forward... For we may not lie, if we wish to keep the gifts bestowed on us by our guides and guardians. Not all guides are of the Light... They aknowledge no rules except one... They must answer truthfully or not at all when asked "are you of the Light?" Not all are bad or evil... They simply use their channels for their own ends... As do all guides.. But guides of Light must follow the Rules "first! Do no harm " ..."Aid all beings to come to their highest level of knowledge and vibration".."all must acknowledge Source.. That which Lives and Loves us all... That which created All We Know...and do not know... And cannot begin to imagine". My first guide, the Shaman Nahomesh, lived once where my house stands, and waited centuries for someone who could become aware. He w

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 8:41 PM

Kewl, very honest answer. And how do I speak.. Or know to speak the truth? In part, a long and varied experience from 60's and 70's encounter groups... A stint managing a psychiatric halfway house, learning my dad's wisdom as a psychologist.. 25 years of teaching young artists at a college, five times in therapy for my own issues... I am a multi trauma survivor....the way some survivors learn the instincts of who or what is safe.. And who or what is a lie; even when someone is lying not to you, but to themselves. Being well read, well traveled... Meeting and speaking with the wise. And finally, my instincts and training, first as a healer, then as a Shaman... And finally, after much of my own madness, anger, sadness and dysfunction were healed... The "appearance of insanity" when I was at my most sane. Hearing. Seeing. Understanding things that "weren't there... And being sent by my THERAPIST, off all people.... Not to the looney bin... But to a channel of Light... For answers about

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 2:29 PM

well thank you for the birthday wishes. If you liked enis coladas you may like this one or this or this my lols vary from poetry to shamans prayers to high hillarity...if you take the time to wander through them... but make NO mistake! I am a Shaman and a High level Channel...I NEVER OVERTHINK THINGS. i always speak as truthfully as posiible...i do not accept negativism in thinking or in loling, though I do accept irony..because it is a way of looking at hard truths. I don't have time to speak to friends I know and love and do not request friends lightly, just to collect them. my friends have gotten used to hearing hard messages from me from time to time... but that is what friends do. Why my new friend are you so angry? it shouts out from what pics you download...what lols you make and often collect? Does this anger serve you and

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By tookat on Sep 11, 2009 at 12:25 PM

ohai. this the second time u requested frending. May i ask why? U have not faved any of my lols, and tho I may have faved one or two of yours...on the whole I find the tenor rather negative...and rarely go for negative humor.... so I am not sure we have much in common. I only frend those whom my guides and guardians say I can help, or those whose lols I love...those who love my lols...or those to whom I feel a connection, that my guides cannot ignore. Your answer counts as to whether you stay on my list or not.

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By FatSparrow on Sep 11, 2009 at 12:31 AM

Belated congrats on your PK FP!

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By Olivia77 on Sep 10, 2009 at 9:46 PM

yes thx. the luk on that cat's face says it all =^..^=

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By wutupeepshasacatandluvsim on Sep 10, 2009 at 6:34 PM

omg haii!! gez wut, it mah b-day on the 12th!!!!! (2day teh 10th) all ai ask 4 a prezent iz dat u vote & view all my lolz (dun worry i only hav like 10 haha) yayz! not gunna say wut im turnin tho

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By 707gatos on Sep 9, 2009 at 6:56 PM

Calling all movie buffs...Lights, camera, CAPTION! Let's go nuts with movie quote lolz. We has plenty o' time.

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By MeYowzer on Sep 9, 2009 at 4:47 AM

As well you should be ... w00t!

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By furrgetmenot on Sep 8, 2009 at 11:40 PM

Ohhhh gud I getz a sighh of relief each time a frend sez we iz cool :o) Thx so much!!!

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