Messages between Lawah and 2katmom

By 2katmom on Dec 23, 2015 at 6:21 PM

Merry Christmas! May the joy of the season surround you. **hugs** 2katmom

By Lawah on Dec 23, 2013 at 1:27 PM

Awww...tankeess... hopes yew habs a wundermuss Lolidaes tuu!! *huggs adn schmoos* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Dec 21, 2013 at 3:17 PM

Thanks for all the joy and laffter in 2013- and I look forward to laffing with you in 2014! **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Feb 10, 2013 at 1:41 PM

*huggs* awww tankees....yew habs tu laffs adn beh silly suntymes tu keeps teh real wurld out! *passes lemun merangue pie tu noms* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Feb 10, 2013 at 1:15 PM

Ahhh - gud to see u heer! weh bin missin u lots n lots!!! u n apc n NC keepz us laffin soo much wen u chattin???

By Lawah on Feb 10, 2013 at 12:53 PM

Hiayh!!! sawree ai nawt been heer fur a bitteh, haw beh yew? hopes yew beh well. keepin warm adn cozi! Ai tink ai gots awl moobing stuffs fynulee sorted noaw...phew!!! *eerskritches adn huggs* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Dec 20, 2012 at 2:25 PM

Happy Holidays and a wonderful year ahead! **Hugs** kris

By 2katmom on Sep 7, 2012 at 2:24 PM

dis is da silly burd!

By Lawah on Jul 7, 2012 at 12:32 PM saw bout dat awn ICHC blog! luks fun! hopes razuli has fun tuu adn goes well...lawts ob organisin!!! Yeps wus berri chillaxin lolidaes tankees gud chillaxin fur Caturdae noaw!!! noms tyme heer...beh bak inna bitteh! *huggs* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jul 7, 2012 at 12:09 PM

waz hopin waz just gettin homes stuffs!!! deres a ball ( dans ) tunite -- razuli is sorta in-charge -- so - you'll see lots of catillion lols flying around i'm sure. Hope you got chillaxed while ON vacation - even if coming home undid it awl! gud tu see u on da interwebs!! **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Jul 7, 2012 at 12:07 PM

Hiyah! Ai beh bak...phew! Wus berri berri busi week sew ai nawt hads tyme tu get chillaxed adn sai hi....sawree...wus wurks adn lawndrees adn unpaking etc! Ai beh heer naow, haw beh yew? hopes yew well!! *huggs adn schmoos* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jul 6, 2012 at 6:38 PM

OK ms Lawah -- it's after juli 3nd -- weh be missing u!!! hope awl is well an u had wondermus bacation! come plai wit us agin soon! **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Jun 16, 2012 at 12:59 PM

HiayH!!! tahnkees fur teh hada hudj surprised! Phew wurk wus SEW busi...butt(!) awl cars gots dun awn tyme! Ai beh bak awn sofa tunite fur a bitteh! hopes yew beh well and habbing fun! *huggs adn schmoos* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jun 13, 2012 at 6:09 PM

Happy Histy !!!!!! missin u,but hopin cuz wurk keepin u buzzeeee!!!! congrats fur da FP and hopez u habbein fun. See ya on da sofa suun ai hopez! **hugs**kris

By Lawah on Mar 18, 2012 at 12:24 PM

Hiyah!! is gud tu heers yew habs such gud weavurs tuu! weh eben habs berri eerli cherri blossums heer adn leefs growin awn trees! is sew gud tu see! Awww dat sew kute adn funni wit yewr kitteh trin tu gets burdees....mai Stan kitteh wuld du opposite...hims wuld beh outsyde antri tu jumps intu hawse....butt(!) jus cos hims culd see thru window didnts meens hims culd go thru window......hims wuld often bownce off teh glass!!! Poor Stan...hims wasnt teh smartest! Yeps dat whai ai wus awai fur a bitteh, ai had tu wurks berri hard gettin lawts ob cars adb truks adn vans redi fur teh ai wus berri tyured in teh ebeing adn jus slept...butt(!) ai bak agin! =^;^=

By 2katmom on Mar 18, 2012 at 12:04 PM

ohai tu u tooo!!! yupz - wondermus wefer heer tu. daffydilliez n hyacints r bloomin n smwellin - kitteh trin tu jump fru da screenz tu eatz da robins n dobes!!! (i'm gonna have to refinish that window sill before i can ever sell this house - gouges from the back claws as he digs in thinking he can jump down on them ) !!! gud tu see u heer. NC an lilAPC waz wurried - but aifink u were buzy buzee wit da gettin reddy fur st. paddies????

By Lawah on Mar 18, 2012 at 11:58 AM

Hiyah! Haw beh yew? hopes yew beh habbin a wundermuss Caturdae II! habs yew gotts lublee Springs yet? weh habs wundermuss weavurs dis weke-edn! sew warms adn sunni. Purrfect weavurs fur Paddies dae, hopes yew hada wundermuss dae yesturdae tuu! *huggs* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Mar 17, 2012 at 12:05 PM

Happi St Paddies dai tu u!!! hopez da wurk wuz profitble but dat u be habbin lutz ub funz tudai tu sillybratez! hopez tu see u on da webz agin soon! **hug** kris

By Lawah on Jan 18, 2012 at 3:23 PM

Tankees fur sendin awn hammur! Berri berri gud idee tu tayke LOL breeks between wurks...increeses produktibitee aifinkso! Duntz wurks tu hard!!! Wus gud fun wit fambilee, ai dunts gets tu see dem oftem enuffs!! is gud yew habs neerli spring tu, nawt long adn weh habs leefs awn trees agin!! *huggs* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jan 18, 2012 at 2:46 PM

Yup, da flowerz beh triin tu balom heah tu! not kwite openz yed! wurk beh buzee buzee - gotta du sum moah tonit - takin a bweak fur lolz fur z lil. gud u had da funnfunn in dubwin! nyce tu bisit fambly!!! hammer sendded to ncc! **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Jan 18, 2012 at 2:36 PM

*wavee wavee* Hiyah!!!! Tankees berri habs sent it awn tu yew tu relay tu NC fur meh! Ai beh berri gud tankees, ai jus bak frum trip tu Dublin tu visit mai sistur adn cuzins, wus gud fun. Weh askulli habs snoedrobs flowurin heer, adn daffodils growin tu! Haw beh yew? Haw beh wurks? ani less nutts? =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jan 18, 2012 at 2:22 PM

wavee wavee == if needed fur relazy - hao beh u in eire??

By Lawah on Jan 9, 2012 at 3:06 PM

*gigglols* yeps knoes wut yew meens, sumtymes kwiet adn dull beh gud...dunts wanna put tu mani ruppuls in teh pond oar jinx tings. Is gud wurk still busi , eben if it mite beh tu busi...mai wurks beh sew kwiet dat a sumwun calling awn phone beh a major event! *huggs adn lubbs* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jan 9, 2012 at 2:11 PM

Thanks for the assist. So far - 2012 has been - ehhh --- weather is weird, work is nuts, same old same old!!! aifinkso! though I'm not sure i wanna jinx myself by asking for something exciting to happen - cuase excitment does NOT always mean good! **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Jan 9, 2012 at 1:57 PM

Wun Rage Clown sent awn tu MiteyMouse! 2012 been berri kwiet sew far dis yeer, nawt mush wurks...butt(!) bin no snoes sew maykes life bitteh eesier tu drive arawnd. Hopes yew beh habin a gudgud 2012 sew far tu.. lubbs yewr profile pik ob teh cardinal! hopes yew eetin lawts ob ichc sillybration cakes yewrselb!!!*Huggs* =^;^=

By 2katmom on Jan 9, 2012 at 1:49 PM

Thank you!!! no worries about where it came from - lol -- just trying to help her finish up some of her sets. One RAGE Clown sent to you to pass on to MiteyMouse. Hope you are having a good 2012 so far. not too many ichc sillybration cakes??? ( or lots of them but the best part is no calories )!!!

By 2katmom on Jan 9, 2012 at 1:37 PM

Hi there - have you sent MiteyMouse anything today? if not, can i send you something to pass on?? **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Dec 23, 2011 at 3:58 PM

Awww kute! Hopes yew habs a wundermuss Lolidaes tu adn a eben mor fantastik 20twelbity!!! *huggs =^;^=

By 2katmom on Dec 23, 2011 at 2:01 PM

Merry Christmas! **hugs** kris

By Lawah on Dec 20, 2011 at 9:08 AM

No wurries, ai habs sent it awn tu sumwun else. Is gud Tookat got teh collektubbul. Is nawt tu cold heer tu wut teh weavurs huld beh, weh still nawt had snoe, adn ice onli dat wun dae, habs bin warm since. Hopes yew doin well, keepin warms tu adn kittehs snugglee. *huggs* =^;^=