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By Molly_B on Oct 13, 2011 at 9:54 AM

Hi Len, hope you've been keeping well. On the off-chance it's of interest, here's my latest bit of silliness on youtube: Best, Molly

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By cinna-crumbs on Sep 26, 2011 at 2:03 PM

<<What are you sorry about?>> Yeah... OK. I was kind of annoyed with myself, really. That was the *3rd* time around with "'nitiation," see, and by the time I finally decided to redo it, it'd already been faved by a dozen people, see, and I hate to just "disappear" my lolz from people's faves w/o an explanation, see... Wow, OCD enough? ;-) <<Semper cheez-kitteh>> I love that! (My hubcat just said, "From the lolz of Montezuma?")

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By cinna-crumbs on Sep 26, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Ohai, Len! Sorry 'bout this - I did a remake of my "'nitiation" lol, to try one last time for the voting queue; it was just killing me that it hadn't gone in! Anyway, here's the new URL: Thx again, and sorry sorry sorry! =)

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By JeffMurdoch on Sep 26, 2011 at 9:08 AM

Oh thx for the compliment! I like my "catfro" very much :-) ++ Evrything OK at work. SNAFU so to say. ++ Busybusybusy with my band. Just now working on the artwork for the booklet of our new CD. In 1 hour I'll see my brother, he's doing the sound/mix for the CD. Evrything's gotta be finished by the weekend. PHEW!!! But we're gonna make it, evrything looks good. ++ No tour though, we all have day jobs, so that's out of the question. But we play a gig this Caturday and another one on 5 November, where we'll officially release our new CD. ++ Groovy Greets ~ Jeff

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By JeffMurdoch on Sep 26, 2011 at 8:44 AM

U can has :-)

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By horses5 on Sep 21, 2011 at 5:55 PM

sorry i havent been online in a while!!! im still recovering from the evil killer virus :). The evil teacher teaches English. i dont know what's up with her....... :( Sieve of Eratosthenes?????????? nice weather! its been foggy and cold here, and it will only get worse.... (yay snow soon!) i'll check out the prime problems later; i still have a lot of homework!!! stella is chatching a bunch of shrews and leaving them all over the deck, so i can't really walk out there anymore without stepping on shrew skeletons. are ur math kittehs behaving for you? i have another book suggestion! its called Buried by Robin Merrow MacCready. its really good!!!! sry, i have to go now! ttyl!!!!!!!

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By _C_A_T_ on Sep 20, 2011 at 1:48 PM

thanks it's been a while since they used one of my gifs on the main pages i am absolutely thrilled!

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By horses5 on Sep 17, 2011 at 8:16 AM

hey-oh!! im actually sick right now, with a virus that's bee going around the entire state. school's been easy, and i still dont have much homework. all of my teachers are awesome BUT ONE. the one who isnt is evil and expects too much from everyone in the class. YAY MORE KITTEHS!!!!! do you have any problems for me dealing with prime numbers??? im just bored and we didnt really go over them this year, so any problems will be awesome. :) right now its 11:14 AM and 59 outside!!! ttyl!!! :P

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By christellar on Sep 16, 2011 at 11:23 AM

happy friday! thanks for the emails btw, I'll get back to you on the asap buddy! (hugs from kanadaz)

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By Jan123 on Sep 14, 2011 at 7:40 AM

belated Birfday Wishez , Len !

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By christellar on Sep 12, 2011 at 12:09 PM

almost forgot!! happy happy happy happy happy happy happy BIRTHDAY! FINKING OF YEW! EMAIL INBOX!

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By pusskitty on Sep 10, 2011 at 10:40 AM

Your welcome! Glad you liked it and hope you have a great Caturday birthday!!

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By pusskitty on Sep 10, 2011 at 9:10 AM

Happy Birthday!! A case of mistaken identity I believe! ;)

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By christellar on Sep 9, 2011 at 1:56 PM

Happy Friday Rennurd!!! *DANS DANS* Guess what? I opened my mailbox after work and found a package from MA!!! Thank you sooo much (hugs) I especially loved the panda, and the colourful birdies :) Fenway park is much bigger than I thought too! I'd love to see it someday. I wish I had more time but I don't!! I'll be back to message you later I promise! *waves*

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By christellar on Sep 7, 2011 at 8:51 AM

...thanks for clarifying the SATs thing for me. I hear/see it all the time on TV and movies. We have a much different process up here than that! For example: when I applied for college (and considered university) it depends on the type of diploma/degree you're seeking; the staff will see through government records if you a) qualify with high school grades; b) have finished any per-requisites; or c) you have the money to afford it :P Can you take the SAT's as many times as you want? or do you have a certian number of tries? You're right: I would think that Canadian students applying to U.S. colleges would probably have to take them too. I have not gotten anything in the mail recently from you. But I DO THINK i'm overdue to send you something too :) I'll keep you posted on that! If I have time at lunch I'll drop you anudder cheezmessage. Hope you're having a great woof-wednesday! (big brie hugs) your cheez-cohort ~captin stellie

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By christellar on Sep 7, 2011 at 8:45 AM

...I have butterflies :) I had some luck with cleaning this weekend; but after date #1 with a guy, we met up again for date #2 on Sunday: so I didn't accomplish as much either (maybe we've both caught the "lazy" in the air? ha-ha). No sign of Happy Endings yet? I also hope "Missy" (Courtney) is on again [for you]. I have heard that Combat Hospital is good; I haven't seen it on the guide when I've been home. I hear its like a modern "mash" (?) I think I would like it... Thats cool taht a lot of the hospital personal are wearing red Canadian Maple-leafs on their uniforms--I wonder what the story is behind that.... Super cool that you glow on your bike with your new cycling shirt on! Very professional :D ....

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By christellar on Sep 7, 2011 at 8:21 AM

Hiya cheez-amig-OH!! my newest profile pic is my steak i cooked the other weekend! it was awesome. World Track and Field Championships does sound great! I think if I was watching it with you I would also really enjoy the high jump, pole vault, and javelin. And long jump too. Eksullent news that you have gotten a call & an email from 2 (new!!!) different sets of parents about tutoring for their kids!! More networking opportunities will come from that too I'm sure. It's too bad you didn't see DJ this past Thursday. I haven't seen Stinkie since my last visit either. So, BBT starts on the 9th I hear??? And season 4 comes out on DVD/blueray USA+Canada the 13th LOL. Does that sound right? I started watching a new show on Sunday called "Sons of Anarchy" it is pretty good; I fink I'm hooked! Have you ever seen it? It's a crime-biker-gang show. Kinda cool. I'm almost finished the 4th twilight book (haven't been reading much lately) then I'm opening "Dog gone it" :) I'll keep you posted. In other "book" news: one of my favouritest most greatest inspirational canadian women is visiting WINNIPEG TONIGHT!! I have 2 of her books and I'm going to bring them to see if I can get her to sign them for me :) I'm pretty excited. Her name is Elizabeth May. She's the Canadian Green Party leader and I admire her so much...

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By christellar on Sep 2, 2011 at 11:59 AM guys have a long weekend this weekend too, right? Labour day Monday? I was going to go and visit my mom at her cabin, but my ride couldnt make the trip. So I'm staying in the city. Which is fine; because I have a date tonight, and I plan to go for lunch with my friend who recently moved away that is visiting. So, after today; I don't have to be at work until Tuesday. It's a nice break. I'll probably do some cleaning too. Porsche says "HI" btw--we talked about you earlier this week. She's got this recent "foot fetish" where she likes to lick and nibble on toes. She never used to be that way, but has taken a liking to them recently (?) I also saw Stinkie this week. She is so much more calm (as I told you, since being fixed) and was even "smiling" when I pet her. Stinkies daddy was there to make sure she didn't snap but said "she has been a really good girl lately". So I'm happy that she likes me now :) Anyway, finished my lunch now and I have to do some time entry. Hope you enjoy your weekend! Maybe I'll have time to pop in for a cheezmessage :) Thinking of you, take care down in MA!! [[big cheddar hugs]] ~Christellar PS - I finally updated my food journal (I was overdue, hadn't updated since christmas!) but nothing new interesting. Just FYI ahah

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By christellar on Sep 2, 2011 at 11:53 AM

gooday, and HAPPY FRIDAY Captin ren! I'm glad you like da sepia-toned, artsy pic! I lost my camera :( so I used my laptop camera. The hat is a funky one! :D Are you still watching the 2011 World Track and Field Championships in South Korea? I'm just in the middle of training a new designer over here at the office--and my supervisor is fishing. Off the grid too! So, I'm handling it okay, but can be stressful. Hows tutoring? Any new news? I think some of the young ones up here start school very soon (or so I've heard). University is alredy started... did you watch the rerun of BBT last night? I dont know if u had the same one on or not. It was the one where Pria comes back and her and Leonard decide to start dating. AFF says "she's very striking and beautiful" and it really gets to Penny...

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By christellar on Sep 2, 2011 at 7:33 AM

sanx for da kollektabul, cheezbestie! Happy Friday, I'll message yew later, alligaor! ~stellie

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